I don't think I've ever seen this many people playing the same game at once, at least since Destiny launched.
Well played Guerilla. I'm curious to see sales figures when they come out.
I don't think I've ever seen this many people playing the same game at once, at least since Destiny launched.
Well played Guerilla. I'm curious to see sales figures when they come out.
i want to fuck her monkey face
Don't we all
>I don't think I've ever seen this many people playing the same game at once, at least since Destiny launched.
what the fuck are you talking about?
what about big normie games like call of duty?
Her face looks like my girlfriend's little brother
I want to lick her tummy.
I want to kiss it.
Well yeah, PS4 owners don't have anything else to play and I'm sure most of them are done with Bloodborne by now
Nobody's playing this shit
lol wtf are you talking about? a shitload of games just came out
Over 100000 viewers for BotW on twitch, Horizon has less than 20k
like 5 of my friends plus myself are playing HZD. Just got it yesterday and I'm already like level 16. Having a great time with it and, as of yet, it hasn't been shoving sjw shit in my face like Sup Forums said it does.
80% of my 60 something friends are playing for days straight right now on PSN. I want to get it but I bought Zelda BOTW instead and can only afford 1 game right now.
That's because you don't even notice it anymore. The SJW is in your bloodstream already.
Are you telling me that you didn't even go "huh?" when the game showed you a newspaper article talking Nigel Farrage from Britain and how he is likened to a nazi for being mean to immigrants?
Not even making this up.
Oh and I guess there's the whole thing where the main antagonist is the ONLY white man in the game and he just happens to be evil as fuck and gasses minorities.
Oh, and the good counterpart to him? A benevolent black muslim woman scientist in a hijab from Tehran.
No joke.
This. Twitch is generally a good barometer to see game reception and barely anyone is playing this dumpster game on there.
>tales of berseria (also on PC)
>horizon zero dawn
>don't have anything to play
>sony fans are this fucking homo and cucked, to be obsessed with this new female protagonist post apocalyptic game where white males are extinct and brown men and white women manage to not act like complete savages in their absence
Dont lump berserk there
She's so cute
>being this triggered over a video game
horizon was already out 3 days before zelda. Most people just watch whatever their favourite streamers playing
but Berserk is good. If you don't like musuos I guess you probably won't enjoy this one either but it is pretty well done.
Normies don't play games with female protagonists.
>half of those are multiplats
>horizon being worth playing
The only one I might give you is Nioh, but I've only heard mixed things about it. And even then it's just "well Bloodborne is our only game, so we need another one."
im triggered over the existence of so many fat white self depreciating cuckolds who buy garbage video games and think fascism is the answer to people who hurt their feelings
What solution do you propose?
Just looking at this generic brown/orange shit makes me yawn, never mind the fucking robot dinosaurs. How many times do you want to shoot one of those with a bow? Once or twice.
i bought the digital edition can i borrow a disk to skip the download ?
games being multiplat doesn't stop ps4 players from playing them.
I don't know bro. So far the game has only been about killing robos and Aloy's proving which is basically a coming of age thing. Basically right now after that stuff happened at the proving the Nora are hunting down and killing these cultists. The sjw shit is almost nonexistent except for one text message.
I mean that guy said something about all the Nora being woman leaders but that isn't really the case, well it is, but it's not as in your face as I thought it would be.
All it does is show that PS4 players are retarded for playing the gimped versions of their games.
the solution is you all ODing on drugs or mcchickens because you have no control over your lives
Also, his point about the white man is absolutely false right out of the gate. Rost, after all, was a badass, but, sadly, fell into the elderly teacher trope and... yeah... Then there was Bast which, even if a prick, still helped you when needed. then there's Teb...
>mean that guy said something about all the Nora being woman leaders but that isn't really the case, well it is, but it's not as in your face as I thought it would be.
>they literally give a tribe in the game all female leaders
>"but its not as bad as i thought it would be guise i swear"
dude lol what?
you thought it would be even more cucked than that, and you still bought it?
sonyfags are mentally ill
whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm playing multiplats on my ps4 and having a blast
Well at least Horizon Zero Dawn doesn't routinely drop to 20 FPS
>Oh and I guess there's the whole thing where the main antagonist is the ONLY white man in the game and he just happens to be evil as fuck and gasses minorities.
Just killed literally 4 camps of black skinned cultists.
You wanna stop talking out of your ass? General consensus is that it's the worst musou made so far and a slap in the face to Berserk fans
Clearly not because you need to come validate that on Sup Forums. Otherwise you'd be too busy with that many games to even post. But you're not playing them. You're here.
Yeah, that user is making shit up. Not only is the main antagonist NOT the only white man in the game, the antagonistic tribe isn't white-only either.
Sup Forums is just straight up lying about this game. Remember that shit about a white man causing the genocide etc...?
Turns out it was just some rich faggot who thought making self-replicationing combat robots capable of consuming biological matter to do so was a smart idea.
It's literally end of the world due to greed and stupidity.
I thought it would be more in your face about it but it's really only one cutscene and a mission where you leave find your bow and focus. There are really only four women leaders in the tribe and really only 3 if you exclude Sona for a while while that asshole dude is the war chief. It's literally nothing because it's subtle about it and not the way bioware goes about it.
That's very fascist of you.
jesus christ
I'm playing and posting at the same time. It's not hard.
Hell if anything you could view the game as a white power fantasy because the MC is a white girl who goes around killing more black skinned people than robots almost.
Of course you are. You have three monitors set up with PS4s attached to each and separate PSN accounts for each system.
>I'm curious to see sales figures when they come out.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
You didn't even play the game did you?
There are other jabs to both left and right winged ideas in the old world logs. It's just a way to show how bad the extremism got as the old world spiraled out of control.
There are also plenty of white men all throughout the game in various roles. Some are though hunters, there's a guy devoting his life to killing bandit scum, there's a white guy that you save from death as kid Aloy who later gives you free shit and he ends up taking up arms when the shit really hits the fan. And there are colored people fighting for both good and bad all the same. There are black baddie tribals and bandits all around. Also women baddies.
The matriarchy is confined to literally one tribe and they are shown to be backwards, cruel and xenophobic religious nutters.
And finally getting triggered because there is some Muslim lead scientist lady versus some white guy main antagonist isn't getting worth getting your panties in a bunch over. There's a diverse cast and there's no underlying white vs colors themes unless the ones that you made up in your head.
This game has no SJW agenda, you just got fooled by Sup Forumstards taking a few things out of context.
No. Ps4 on tv, Sup Forums on my laptop. Easy.
Carja Silks looks better than Blazon.
Nintendo shills tried their hardest to paint this as the next Tortanic but now people are actually playing Horizon and are enjoying it. So many people who have been shitposting relentessly who haven't even touched the game. Sad!
Literally just found it while playing the game and arguing with Sup Forumstards in the thread about how little sjw pandering there is in the game so far.
yes theres certainly no pandering going on here at all
You forgot the one about the minister curiously named like Farage telling a guy to kill himself.
wow Sup Forums completely btfo. might as well stop coming here now
this is getting too good
>SJW game
Fuck off
Hey guys, let's me cool robots to make life easier!
Hey guys, let's me cool robots to keep the peace in war torn parts of the world
Hey guys, let's make combat robots so we don't have to send our family members to die in some war!
Hey guys, let's make combat robots that self-replicate in order to accomplish their mission objectives
Hey guys, let's make combat robots that can self replicatie to accomplish their mission objectives by consuming biological material
Now post the scene where Link is crossdressing as a whore or that roided up girl.
BoTW is just as bad. Look at the front page. Half of /lgbt/ is in that Link thread jerking off with their AIDS-infested dicks.
When you put stuff like that in your game, it really feels like a bunch of normie numales made the game.
Why can't games just detach us from life like they used to? Stop combining the two. Games are supposed to be a fantasy setting, not your progressive agenda.
Really makes you think. That is, until the game reveals that the All-Mother is a fucking door and a machine voice.
I don't know why I bother coming to Sup Forums
>find out sliding gives you a speed boost
>start playing the game like vanquished and having fun
>go into cauldron
>character keep getting caught on floor ridges
>rocks and shit everywhere in later zones prevent sliding
Shit game
The guy writing that article literally says he didn't play the game.
You anti anons are becoming what you hate so much it's fucking ridiculous
>damage control because everyone is getting wise to the paid reviews
It's nothing like Destiny. It's the new Last of Us if anything.
>being so buttblasted about a fucking videogame that you buy into a paranoid Sup Forums delusion about SJWs coming to destroy the white man
Seek help you turbo autist.
>Fucking (kapok) leafs
>Reaction pics
>People telling newfags to fuck off when asking to be their personal army
I see nothing inaccurate with this representation
>Twitch is generally a good barometer to see game reception
I don't give a shit about Horizon or Sony's other movie games banking on liberal feels, just you're a fucking retard if you think the Tourette community is good for anything.
H-haha yeah... everyone's playing Horizon: Zero Dawn
Pick up your copy today!
The reason why people on Sup Forums hate this game is because it's an everyman game, it isn't filling a niche like Yakuza nor is trying to be a skill based game like Nioh or Souls. It's the type of game where you can sit back, let your hair down, explore a beautiful world for 40+ hours and still have some action robot hunting style gameplay that isn't as simplistic as Zelda but satifies enough for a fun gaming session.
It's really a standard AAA game with some interesting frills but the thing is Sup Forums secretly loves these types of AAA games, PC users have been trying to justify their $600 cards with them for the last 7 years and their favourite game is Witcher 3 which is literally a 100+ hour cinematic fetch and trail quest simulator. Aside from the SJW shit that is obviously in Horizon, Sup Forums has decided to hate this particular AAA game despite liking them simply because it's on console and getting great reviews.
You'll find a lot of insecure poorfags and Sup Forumstards in these threads who think they are sticking to the big SJW overlords by shitting on it. They are also desperate to justify their gaming habits and platforms and seek validation for shitting on this game because it's an easy target. A lot of PC, Xbox, Nintendo and autistic Japanese-game-only Sony fanboys have basically banded together and decided this is the game that they want to fail because it looks fun and they can't stand the idea of enjoying themselves because they are insecure and think this devalues them as a gamer so they try fit in with the 'in-crowd'.
The truth is most of the people in these threads have low standards for games, they will play games that literally contradict every single thing they say in these threads in their private time but simply come on here to be memetastic hypocritical contrarians and spew hate. I for one am not allergic to having fun nor do I feel the need to adhere to social norms or popular opinions, once I beat Nioh I'll be enjoying this game while retards stay assmad...
>I've heard second-hand from those who have
Read the post you dingus. Reception of a game is usually very well reflected in the popularity of the game on twitch, outside of large events like AGDQ where random games will get 300k viewers just because. Popular games = more interest = more viewers. Your thoughts on their community or streams in general has nothing to do with the point being made.
I've had a 24 inch Asus hooked up my PS4. What's the problem?
So was the leak story of the game about 'literally white males are evil and women had to save everything' made up bullshit? I have never seen anyone mention about the game's story or SJW-ness since it came out.
>it isn't filling a niche
What other game can I play where I fight robot animals with a bow?
Because I've been waiting for that shit for a long fucking time.
I did read the post. Community does have a lot to do with it. Not everyone is an autist that streams on that retarded site. If it's not big on Twitch, it just means it's not big among autists, not "it's not popular AT ALL!"
Yeah, it was. Sup Forumstards just latched onto some things, took it way out of context and ran with it. Gullible anons followed suit.
I use my previous monitor to play my PS4 on. all it needs is an HDMI cable, which is what the PS4 uses for everything
>desktop browsing
Phones exist.
The white guy behind HADES didn't gas the scientists, the guy behind the robots did it so noone knew that he was a failure.
The story is way tone down considering what the leaks told us. But stil a bit SJW.
well there is feminist agenda in game no doubt but its not that bad, im feminist hater and im enjoying horizon more they i imagined i woul
The story isn't SJW at all.
Aloy's tribe, the Nora, are only a small part of the world and the other tribes consider them backwards and fucking stupid.
The other tribes are far more advanced and led by men.
The story is that some corporation gets wildly successful with their robots, does stupid shit which leads them to ruin the world and kill tons of people, and when a fix is created the CEO kills everyone because he doesn't want to be held responsible for his dumbshit.
Also, there is no "white genocide" in the game. The evil fags are all sorts of people.
Sup Forums was legitimately making shit up to slag this game.
Wtf i love this game now
So the only criticism for this game is it's "SJW" and that's not even true. Great, looking forward to it after a price drop.
I fucking HATE that you can get 2HKO'd by fucking Watchers.
The fucking basic enemy in the game drops you in two. I don't even know how in the shit people are even fighting shit like Thunderjaws or those crabs.
I have similar views to you. I'm a ring-winger with some trad-con views as well as genuine racist and sexist, but fiction is fiction. If neo-nazis can have their entertainment why can't SJW have theirs? I was surprised to find out Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually a message about feminism (said by the creators themselves) and yet the show doesn't come off as preachy or anything at all.
I'm not a Sup Forums guy though. Guys even if the Holocaust was a lie the Nazi regime was still a dictatorship that would ban a lot of stuff we enjoy today such as porn.
im not even joking. 10 hours in so far and 90% of quest npcs/dialogue characters are black
what the fuck is happening
Hay just got to that part she was just uploading history into a program
It will get explained later on.
>10 cents have been deposited into your account
Nazis also hated mental disorders so Sup Forums would be wiped out if they were in power.