What are the best games with playable Monks...

What are the best games with playable Monks, Sup Forums I want to be a crusty old man dispensing justice with my fists and dropping some wisdom on my foes

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Baldur's Gate is a pretty obvious one, Monks and plenty of opportunities to RP a high-wis character (although I'd definitely argue that playing an old man messes with the story's timeline, narrative favours younger players by far).

Skyrim can be modded to fit pretty much any playstyle in terms of gameplay, including martial artist focusing on unarmed strikes, and has a great character customisation system for playing an old man. RP options are naturally pretty limited.

There are mods for Dragon Age: Origins that let you play an unarmed combatant too, with plenty of options to come across as wise and character customisation to look old.

Probably quite a few I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.

Pillars of Eternity has very strong Monk class.

This is the only correct answer.

My nigger I was going to play this later

Gene isn't a monk. He's more of a drifter



But he fights almost purely with his fists
He can also heal through prayer

Neverwinter Nights, yo.

Go download the top 50 all-time modules from somewhere like the Vault if it still exists.

New Vegas, in fact my first play through was a monk playthrough

Diablo 3 has a monk class, right?
Saw it's getting pretty cheap now and thinking of geting it.

Or maybe just give path of excile a try.


Wow eat shit, he means monks, not Diablo/POE endless waves of shitty things attack your tiny character while you left click them all to death.

Something engaging.

You might even want to check out Jade Empire; it's not "Monk" strictly speaking, but it's got very monk-vibes throughout.

final fantasy xiv. pick the old man face for whatever race and go ham with your 1-2-3 rotations

daggerfall. playing unarmed is totally viable and having high speed makes the game ora-core. other elderscrolls games could work.

god hand, although gene is young and stupid.

does he actually die?

>if it still exists.
it doesn't
not really

>eat shit for asking about an actual monk

>but play this thing where you are not a monk

are your retarded or what

Way to ruin my day, user.

I just reinstalled NWN to play through A Dance with Rogues again after all these years and I was going to grab Hex CoDa, war of the roses, and all the other majorly successful and amazing modules.

Is my dream a fool's errand in 2017? Should i just go install Call of duty and For Honor and PWN SOME N0oBZ?

Garou is a chuuni that tries his hardest

but of course he can't win

not touching that shit again until they remove the maximum of rooms per day

Popular modules like ADWR can probably still be found somewhere. There is a neverwinter vault, but it is such a mess and so much was lost when the original site disappeared that the new one barely matters anymore. The good times are over and there's nothing to replace it.

I think your definition of Monk is a little bit "Blizzard"ed. You're thinking because it's got the word Monk slapped on it, it's monk. Right?

Ah, to be a millennial so susceptible to branding.

OP asked for dispensing justice with fists and dropping wisdom; this implies some amount of actual Monk-like qualities in the gameplay, themes, design, etc.


There's nothing remotely flavorful or monk-like about any of it.

Dwarf Fortress is the best one hands down.

You will spend your time travelling the land, honing your skills and becoming a master monk. You'll be able to swat arrows out of the air, even grabbing them and throwing them back at the shooter Kenshiro style.

Enjoy palm striking enemies so hard they explode into giblets.

In Neverwinter Night series monks are OP as fuck. They start slow but at middle-high level they wreck everything.

In Baldur's Gate 2 monks are also rapemachines.

Oblivion has a Monk class, but you don't need to choose that to use the Hand-to-Hand skill. It's good fun punching the shit out of all your enemies.

Neverwinter Nights lets you play as a Monk, and as most people know, Monks in D&D are horrendously powerful, to the point where they actually become demi-gods at high levels.

making galuf a monk is the best way to play FFV
It helps that monks really don't have much of a falloff, but unfortunately they don't really have much synergy with other classes outside of dropping haste on them and mastering ranger for !rapidfire

Here, friend.


Too bad so many good modules are forever dust. Guess i'll go sudoku now.


Autism speaks.

>Not an argument
Go back to grinding Path of Exile, sorry I triggered your delicate pubescent sensibilities. Safespace, ahoy!

Stamina is only a problen for brand new players. They literally toss tons of stamina restores at you for every event, and you unlock other game modes that don't need stamina. By endgame it can take 2 hours to burn through full stamina bar, and then you can start a different class to play with full stamina.

I can burn 6 hours a day playing the game and I dont fucking want to be tossed out of my character to play a different one, even less if the reason is "but you can buy this e-shop item to keep playing", even if they give you SOME for free

why the webcomic is so good and the paper is so shit?

Why they changed the story?

because ONE is a great webcomic artist with a particular style that the other guy doing the more detailed version doesn't quite match up with, it's why the manga and anime kinda lose some of the original's humor

Fucking spoiler ass motherfucker