This is a dragon in Japan

This is a dragon in Japan.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's also my waifu

This is a dragon in the US.



she was hot then

considering how many Japanese loli dragons there are I'm not surprised.


Harle is not a loli



Friendly reminder that Harle was the best character in Chrono Cross.

No need to state the obvious

friendly reminder she randomly poofs out of your party for no reason or warning and the game doesnt even let you know about it until you look through your roster

Friendly reminder that CC had too many characters to give a shit about that.

This is mlp tier

>implying you wouldn't

>for no reason


That was half the fun. You have several characters to choose from.

Not for sexual

shes 18 user

shut the fuck up

I'm sorry, I don't understand

This is my favorite japanese dragon.

This is a dragon in America


FE has the best dragons.

>no reason
As convoluted as the plot is, at least that part is understandable.


Can't argue against that.



Step aside, bitch.

What is she for then?



Is this game good?

No it's shit

its so good that uttering its name in any chrono trigger community will instantly split that community into intense camps of love/hate and bring out all the turbo autists that want to discuss what the hell the game even means


>tfw that pussy got more pussy than u

I want to fuck a jester


Got it on PSN sale.
5/10 at best, gameplay is mediocre to the point you'll be running away from pretty much every non-boss battle, plot starts decent, then at the end of the game you can see how developers hit the deadline as all the plot twists are thrown in less than 10 minutes and some mentioned characters never show up.
Music is breddy good, except for battle themes ironically and I hope you like FMV, because this game being from 99-00, they crank that shit to 11.
Although it gets into a usual love/hate situation like and , give a shot if you want, but it isn't really a big deal.

I want to fuck this jester

describe the motivations of lynx in one sentence.


>I hope you like FMV, because this game being from 99-00, they crank that shit to 11
No they don't


This is a dragon in Canada.

Clowns do nothing for me.
Clown make up just turns me right the fuck off.

Hope he rests in peace.

>best dragons
>don't even look like dragons

That's not a clown, user

It's a jester


Tell that to my dick.

Kill jester

>there are people who wouldn't
Gay detected

This is Taro. He is a Japanese cow (male)

>tfw barely any good pictures of her

That was Disgaea 2, right?
I was really liking that game

RIP cute cowboy.

What does your dick say?

Chromie is a Dragon(male)




Any jester feet pics?

I'm surprised Kidfags haven't come shit on the thread yet



Got locked out of his house, and need the MC to open it.

Why is she so perfect?

only faggots don't like feet actually


because you can never, ever have her

of course

Starky best alien in any game


why is it always starky here
what did they mean by this

But that means all vidya girls are perfect

Which they're not

It's chrono cross, I ain't gotta explain shit.


Why is Harle so much better than Kid?


Dragon thread?

just curious who it defaults to if you dont have starky

oh my

If you don't have him she just talks to herself in that scene

yay Harley thread

starky be after some dragon poon

Fuck you Miguel


miguel is like the only story boss i ever died to in this game


I would fuck the damn cat before I fucked that confused 12 year old boy pretending to be a petite woman.

Here's your (You)

fucking furries don't deserve yous

