>hold C to crouch
Hold C to crouch
>game doesn't have toogle crouch function
>middle click to scope
>hold RMB to aim down sights
>no option to toggle instead
>untoggleable mouse acceleration
>left 4 dead
it's fine tho
>Button 5 to reload
Nothing wrong with C to crouch if it's toggle.
not when you have a shitty mouse with a broken mmb thanks krieg
>not using x
crouch should be on alt
so you use thumb both for crouch and stand up
>no dedicated jump button
>press Doug to Doug
My old keyboard config:
right shift = aim
right click = jump
Accepted wasd after many years of having to change game key shortcuts. What the hell was I thinking..
Official crouch button position tier list
L. Alt
L. Ctrl
Literally anything else
>Press R Stick to use Camera
I think it depends more on how each persons hand is and the size of the keyboard but whatever fits in your head to rage more.
>hold rmb to run forward
This is how I play Thief.
How do you even justify this? If you rest your fingers on wasd then why would you want to move your index finger off d to press c?
>game has quick save and quick reload but quick saving is done by ui and quick reloading is done by regular loading from menu
>you can't bind keys for it either
Try hitting C with your thumb dipshit.
Really though, C is an absolutely great binding if the game requires crouch jumping.
>new game starts with a cutscene
>no subtitles
>press esc to pause and put subtitles on
>esc skips the cutscene
No it's not you stupid nigger. How the fuck is it easier to press c and jump to crouch jump than ctrl and jump?
Thumb rests on spacebar for jumping you cocksmoker.
flat of your hand????
Just move your thumb a little higher and hit both space and C at the same time?
I hit L.ctrl with the side of my hand, neither require any finger movement but being able to hit both buttons in one action with one finger is objectively better than using two parts of your hand to do the action.
So move it up a little bit?
Do you have baby hands?
>flat of your hand
You can't be serious. You have fingers for a reason, for pressing shit.
>side of your hand
I'm trying to do this but I can't see how it's practical unless you are crippled or a toddler.
I understand how it works I just don't have baby hands where that is practical.
Take a pic of your hand on the keyboard like that.
>middle click
That's called mouse 3
Actually, I already did this a few years ago
I've since lost a bunch of weight, my hands aren't this fat anymore and I don't use an edgemaster keyboard but you should be able to see how it works.
get a load of this nerd
Yeah I physically cannot do that, my fingers are too long. How small are your hands user?
Not that small, definitely not big either but just a fraction over 7" from the indicated points
I use it as a handy (heh) way to guesstimate inches
>L. Shift
Unless it's already occupied by some other important function like sprinting, it's the best.
I didn't even mention Lshift because what game doesn't already occupy it with sprint?
>Press Ctrl to prone
are you a fucking toddler or something?
the l.ctrl bit of my hand is off the fucking keyboard unless i make a fist and place it over the wasd keys
Game 1
>Press G to open inventory
Game 2
>Press G to open inventory
Game 3
>Press G to throw grenade
It's impossible to do it if you hit keys with the purple part of your finger, but should be easy if you use the red tip
Why does no one use middle click to reload?
>hold down left analog stick to knife
>hold down right analog stick to run
>press Ctrl + down to crouch even lower
But that doesn't even make sense it should be up to jump and down to crouch
Why would use your the same hand you use to aim with to reload with? The minor movement you need to make to bring your finger over the middle mouse button is enough to bring you out of sync for a short enough time to get roasted.
I've been using mousewheel down to jump from my Neotokyo days, but when I started to play 1.6 I added crouch to mousewheel up for russian walking. I would never stick crouch to something like that in any other game, but in games that have strafe jumping I will always bind jump to mwheel down.
You use left click for shooting and right for aiming, right? You're not going to be doing either when you reload, so middle works just fine (plus you free up a key for your left hand).
If it doesn't make sense, then you're not on his level.
It's backwards, I wasn't complaining about illogical it is until this post.
How do you crouch jump? Do you constantly spin down to crouch, or is it toggle? How do you toggle it?
You crouch down to jump, you lean forward to crouch.
In the case I use it in, you have have 2 settings for any particular input, so I also use left control for any real crouching.
>V to melee
>Print Screen to prone
>E+Q to lean
>F to interact
where else do you want me to put it
Do you even play FPS?
mouse 4 (the one your thumb naturally rests on)
if that's not available then MMB
>still cant decide on a layout for rainbow six
>have over 15 days of playtime
Most people don't have 4 mouse buttons, setting that as the default will cause some problems
anything but LCTRL and C
> mouse 3
It's mouse 2, you faggot. 0 for left and 1 for right.
Was it that in Far Cry 2 you threw grenades from F and switched between it and molotov from G?
I remember having panic situations when hopping from game where F is for 'use' then went to Far Cry 2, walked near door and pressed F only to see grenade being thrown.
>Q and E lean
>V is melee
>C is crouch
>Ctrl is prone
>Alt is walk
>F for interact
>Middle mouse is Primary gadget
>G is secondary
>B is firing mode
>Space is vault
>X is scan
>Z is location ping
How to fix, I can't think of a way
>Game launches at Maximum Available Resolution rather than Screen Resolution
>Q/E Lean
>MB4/3 key melee
>Ctrl crouch
>C Walk Toggle
>Alt Push to talk
>F Interaact
>MB5/4 key primary gadget
>G Secondary
>X Firing mode
>Z Prone
>X scan
>V Ping
>offline game
>doesn't pause anyway
>Lctrl is to crouch
>c is to lay down
>mouse 3 is grenade
>mouse 4 is knife
>mouse 5 is voice chat
>f is use/interact
that feel when you cant ever use this key because your finger bends the wrong way because you were born with 2 many fingers and they chopped off the wrong one :(
use this part of your hand
i do, but it's not ideal
>run key doesn't cancel crouch
Fucking Killing Floor 2
>V to melee with gun equipped
>Caps lock for push-to-talk
>Hold Z for awkward dialogue wheel that's too easy to accidentally emote with
>Primary guns are all bound to 1, so you have to keep pressing it to cycle through them
>Only acceptable option
Mouse button
>Retard tier
>click down on your joystick to crouch
which of these is correct?
right hand side
this is literally the only acceptable layout
Who the FUCK uses alt for crouch
How stupid do you have to be? Your thumb is ALWAYS on space for jump, while your little finger is on shift to sprint, and you move it to control to crouch
I have no problem fitting my hand like this, and I wear a size 10 glove, I don't know what it is in ameritard sizes, probably 7 half-matchstones or something
plus its easier to perform a crouch jump, or even a running crouch jump
>I wear a size 10 glove
>L. Alt is god tier
>crouch jumping
>not using a foot mouse so you can use both hands on the keyboard
>while your little finger is on shift to sprint, and you move it to control to crouch
what kind of manlet fingers do you have? My pinky rests on caps lock and it requires a great deal of strain to stretch it all the way down to l.ctrl.
You hit l.ctrl with the side of your hand, you hit l. alt with the tip of your thumb.
You can easily hit both by curving your thumb
>arrow keys
How am I supposed to use alt-look then?
>performing unnecessary hand acrobatics
>breaking your pinky to hit l.ctrl
stop, your pinky does not naturally go below the palm of your hand while the other fingers are outstretched
your thumb bends perfectly and is already positioned to hit both l.alt and space in one press
putting my pinky on l. ctrl has literally never hurt me
I think you might just have a short pinky user
do you realize how tedious it is to do a crouch jump with only one finger
>not using arrow keys
TFW i can keep all my fingers on W,A,D and use my pinky on C for crouch.
>making one hand movement and hitting two buttons
>more tedious than making two hand movements and hitting two buttons
really activated my almonds
how is it not more comfortable to just just a different part of your hand? Why are you bending and stretching it in a way it's not supposed to go?
Why not just press it with your thumb naturally resting a quarter inch below
alien pls go
hit l.ctrl with your palm, problem solved. good for typing too