>Zelda BoTW has NPC's that try and talk you out of doing suicide
>Zelda BoTW has NPC's that try and talk you out of doing suicide
>You won't change the world by jumping carelessly to your doom
That's heavy.
>You won't play your favorite game by jumping carelessly to your doom
Vidya always saving nerd lives
What happens if you attack a NPC?
Same as every other zelda game
Wow, really makes you think.
They die and give you rupees?
Fucking saved
Seems more like he's talking you out of going out of the boundaries of the game
suicide is badass
>no damage taken
T-thanks useless npc
>death is beyond the boundaries of the game
So deep
Bioshock Infinite.jpg
>No Shia NPC telling you to do it.
It might be subtle refernce to that tranny Gamecube/Wii emu developer jumping off a bridge.
couldn't stop him
at least he tried
An hero of time
why are spear users always bros
I can change the world, though. By killing myself, other people won't have to suffer by trying to help me. I put everyone through so much, and I don't want to hurt them anymore. They will be hurt at first but eventually they will move on to a better life without me
>pokes you from behind while you are looking away
>try to react but your sword doesn't reach him
>he runs off
Because spears represnet humility. They are less costly than swords and easier to train to use effectively, indicating that fighting is not a major thing on their mind
Shut the fuck up stupid faggot talk about video games not pussy ass shit
Shit back in 2007 the wait to play Super Mario Galaxy saved my life, I was depressed and wanted to kill myself. I cried when I first played that game.
You make it sound like it's been ten years or something.
>don't ya know!
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes