Torment: Tides of Numenera

>66 viewers on Twitch
>"Mostly positive" on Steam
>gone from Steam top sellers
>no generals on /vg/
Is this the end of the modern CRPG renaissance? What went wrong?

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It's a CRPG with "Progressive" gender rolls and a very left-wing slant on your options.

SJWs don't actually play games, so, it's not really sure who the intended market was, but, it turns out they're not playing it.

Normies don't like top down crpgs, what were you expecting?

It's shit past a few hours.

It isn't the 90s anymore?
That is the last time a game like this was acceptable.

It's a piece of shit.

Pillars of Eternity came out way sooner with less money and is 10x the game (especially expansions and years of patches adding quests and interaction to the Stronghold/removing trash mobs)

What the fuck happened? Where did the money go?

i bought pillars of eternity and got the long loading bug.

It takes 2-3 minutes to load the next screen. They never fucking fixed it, so im never buying their games.

It touted itself as a spiritual sequel to Planescape Torment, without any of the things that made PST great (good characters, engrossing plotline, interesting dialogue, emotionally evocative themes).

Nobody played Planescape for the combat, we played it for the writing. Since Tides of Numenera doesn't even come close to reaching that level of quality, why bother?

I tried to play it a couple days ago but the character portraits are the most disgusting I've ever seen and the method to replace them is flimsy, adds like 50 gb to the installation, and locks up my computer for hours every time I reattempt it.

Its not worth it.

I don't think politics have that much impact on success of games.

Get the GoG version it's free.
If it passes muster you can buy it.

Is "Resourceful" a good perk for Nanos?

I fell for the "crowd-funded computer role playing game on a console" meme when I bought into Wastelands 2. Never again, and especially not for $39.99 (during a console Renaissance)

Fuck you, Planescape's late game spells are top fun.

I agree (I loved the one that fired the giant fuck off laser) but flashy and impressive spells don't make up for all the flaws that plagued combat encounters.

It wasn't unplayable by any means, it was just obviously not where the devs focused their attentions.

As if today's gamers would be able to understand/appreciate a game like that even if it was as good as Planescape
And of course that would never be the case for the purists, you just don't make a sequel to that game.
Even in it's time Planescape Torment wasn't an immediate succes though.

Numanuma needs a big Enhanced Edition.

think again.

>Numanuma needs a big Enhanced Edition.
And a completely new story and a cast of characters.

>4.1 million
haha suckers.

It's an alright game.

Erritis doesn't fucking move on his own, he always stays in the same spot. Anyone else having this problem?

Numenera was a letdown that unceremoniously dropped stretch goal promises and released a half-baked game

hopefully Deadfire can restore people's confidence in the new wave of cRPGs

if they get funded why do they have to sell the games also ? why not just throw them on their website for free ?

how the fuck do you even find such obscure videos with fucking 70 views

fuck that's a blast from the past

>gone from Steam top sellers

It's not like it's doing much better on GOG, their top seller list means shit. Copypasta from yesterday:

Now here comes the interesting bit, GOG numbers. It is of course not possible to exactly determine GOG sales, but we can look at their place on the bestseller list.

There are currently 3 editions ($90 Immortal, $65 Legacy, $45 regular) and 2 upgrades ($45 Immortal, $20 Legacy) on sale.

Strangely the game is not listed as an RPG, but as an adventure game, so comparing it with the sales of other RPGs is a bit more tedious.

But out of the 400 adventure games sold on GOG, Torment takes places
317 for Immortal
343 for regular
363 for Legacy
382 for Immortal upgrade
384 for Legacy upgrade

The last ten or so games are free games, and not actually "sold".

On the global bestseller list, out of the 1904 games sold on GOG, Torment takes
1612 for Immortal
1703 for regular
1769 for Legacy
1833 for Immortal upgrade
1841 for Legacy upgrade

For reference, Dungeon Rats, the niche dungeon crawler spin-off of Age of Decadence sold around 15000 copies on Steam and GOG combined. of which according to Steamspy about 12,785 ± 3,227 came from Steam.

So the remaining few thousand sales came from GOG.

Dungeon Rats on GOG is currently the 1349th bestselling game on the global list.

>in combat
>open menu to remind myself what gear/skills my characters are using
>go back into the fight
>items and skills hotbars have closed and their buttons aren't working
Great job, guys.

considering I thought PoE was boring trash I cannot even imagine what this game is like

Just curious, how many characters in this game use the "I'm the last of my race/tribe" shtick?

>It's a CRPG with "Progressive" gender rolls

Are any of the companions in this game as good as the best in PoE?

How come they can use one of PS:T characters in this? This was a pretty neat surprise.

>viewers on Twitch
The most absurd metric of game quality.

Because the lead writer of Numanuma was the creator of O in PST.

RPGs have always been a niche genre. I don't know what you're expecting. If the games were mass-compatible, chances are they'd be the same shit that Bethesda and BioWare have been releasing in the recent decade.

>Twitch viewers
>Steam reviews
>/vg/ generals

So, is someone going to novelize this?

>we played it for the writing
The writing in Torment is overrated. What made Torment good is that it had plenty of dialogue choice with interesting role playing opportunity and some nice stats/skill checks at a time when this really wasn't common (and it still isn't).

not to mention the god-tier atmosphere and weirdness that few RPGs compare to

It was accurately rated.

That might be true for RPGs, but Torment is just a guy moving between human-shaped ebook readers. The masses seem to love interactive movies and other kinds of non-games, it was a reasonable assumption that this would do well.


is this autism

>much later
Those two things happen like five steps away from each other.

what is chris avellone doing now, he wrote the most enjoyable characters in PoE and I heard that he isn't writing for the sequel so I want to see what he's doing now


every one of those games seem to push sjws crap in someway or another these days so it´s no surprise that people stopped caring

He's writing for Original Sin 2 and I think Prey.

Lead writer on Prey. Apparently even working with Zenimax is better than Obsidian.

Wiki says he's working as a writer for Prey and Divinity original sin 2?

Not the most exciting shit for him to be doing honestly

It has no combat and its story is predetermined and has zero player agency. Its a VN at most and thats not saying much considering there are VN's out there with more game play.

> Is this the end of the modern CRPG renaissance?
No, DoS2 and PoE2 are gonna be good. Maybe Wasteland 3 too, but unlikely.
> What went wrong?
They've tried too much to recreate the original Torment and they succeeded in it. The problem is, the original Torment was a shitty RPG with boring combat and weird setting worth playing only because of the writing. People only love it because of MUH NOSTALGIA or because they've read somewhere it's a masterpiece and they have to love it.
It's time to go back to /r/kotakuinaction, pal.

I have it, enjoyed the demo they put out, only gonna really sit down and get to it when I finish some other stuff first.

Also that System Shock reboot.

It's a real shame, because the whole aesthetic could have looked absolutely wonderful if they hadn't half-assed the fuck out of it. Some of the areas look like utter shit and really do a disservice to the feel of the game, and making the combat horribly boring won't cut it either in this day and age.

Maybe they'll own up and give it a good extended/whatever edition with everything fixed in a couple years time, but for now it falls short on so many levels (at least compared to Pillars, which isn't even a great game by any stretch) it should put the studio on the verge of going under if they don't get their shit together asap.

>female is the first option


T:ToN would look like a piece of garbage 20 years ago even if PS:T never existed. Pretty much everything about the game is crap, from the characters, to the story, to the setting, to the interface, to the combat, to the needlessly verbose time-wasting fluff descriptions, to almost anything else you can think of.

Probably the only positive things I have to say about it is that it managed to make a tiny improvement to the conversation system by allowing you to see items right away as you gain them through dialogue and letting you use abilities while in-conversation. That was nice. And the bloom was kind of a cool idea.

And I could see someone argue that it had slightly above-average writing. Too bad that writing was in service of an entirely sub-par product in every other respect.

That's it. Again, if someone had told you that this game was 20 years old, you would not be surprised. Fuck, PS:T even LOOKS better with a couple of minor mods.

They did fix it. It was caused by the bards chants creating fuck huge save bloat.

Is that lunatic the only PST character to make a return?

Should I just delete it? Baldur's Gate II is my favorite game. Pillars of Eternity was the worst experience I've had in isometric shit.


>66 viewers on Twitch
What a fucking surprise. I would rather watch paint dry.

You should delete it and since you're taking advice from here don't forget to kill yourself.

fucking play it and make your own opinions retard

I bought console version and pirated and played PC version just because I want to see more of these games on consoles.


Well I don't want a fat social justice warrior's feminine dick rammed down my gullet. Could have saved me the trauma of that, my dued.

>not pirating the gog version

And you couldn't play it yourself until you encountered such triggering events at which point you would drop it, you fuck? Nah, surely listening to Sup Forums is a better idea.

Probably, considering how he's among the very few who have justification for it, being TRANS-dimensional entity of some sort.

I just realised that picture's not even in the game. What a shit show.


At this very moment about 1000 people are downloading the game off of TPB. Looks like everyone wizened up and is testing out the lump of shit before throwing money at it.

>their games.
Different companies nigger.

looks like inside of the Bloom

>they had 5 million budget to make a game
>create what is essentially a book with a slight dash of hallway simulator
They didn't even try in the gameplay department.

The quality of writing is also questionable in a lot of parts.

pillars of monotony killed it because everybody thinks these games are boring now, and nobody wants to waste another $60 on a dull game

>slight dash of hallway simulator
Actually, this game could have used some hallways. It would have allowed for some minor combat encounters and made the world seem far less compact.

>What went wrong?
They are bad games written by failed authors.

I don't get this. I completed the game yesterday, it was rushed as fuck towards the end, and was a bit of a mess - but I never saw anything to do with the sjw shit you guys are always freaking out about. You realise game companies say this shit just to be more inclusive right? They don't really add anything to the game, it's been this way since GG

>What went wrong?
It's a shitty game that was trying to bank on nostalgia of a game that it is actually nothing like.

Kind of, bloom was pink as buggery instead of being twinkly as all hell.

why the fuck would anyone watch torment on twitch

so do the tides actually matter later in the game?

my dominant tides keep changing but thus far it hasn't really mattered storywise but for flavor

>mfw it's not even a Planescape game


It's supposed to make people react differently to you, but it's pretty ham fisted. It works like karma in fo3

>Is this the end of the modern CRPG renaissance?
No, the game is just dogshit. There are shitloads of hype for PoE2 and DOS2.

>They don't really add anything to the game
Then why do all of recent Bioware's games include intentionally average to ugly women?

Why does almost every game these days need a token gay character that can't shut up about how gay they are without you even asking them anything of the sort?

For the epic plays of course.

What renaissance? Quick cashins that don't even begin to scratch the surface of what a crpg is even supposed to be does not make a renaissance. It does make for a quite morbid spectacle however. Necrophilia is a crime for a reason.

m8 pillars of monotony 2 has like 4.5 mil funding.

I thought the game was a mess with for the most part boring companions and a terrible main story and villain, but most people clearly liked it. I guess they are starving for cRPGs even if they are average at best.

Because crap design and shit writers user. There doesn't have to be some sort of mega agenda, it's just talentless wankers.

>Quick cashins that don't even begin to scratch the surface of what a crpg is
Name me 3 best RPGs ever made.

>I guess they are starving for cRPGs even if they are average at best.
Or maybe, just maybe, your taste is dogshit and you have no clue what makes an actually good RPG?

That's the thing though, it's not the politics. It's that in trying so damned hard to force politics into the game (read: "only the side I like is right, nobody else is even allowed to express an opinion!"), the game suffers in almost all regards (writing takes a plunge, that's for one. Choices and thus gameplay must, as well. In this case, diversity in the sense of world building (i.e. actual interesting races with genuine thought behind them) also, etc.).

Fallout 4
Mass Effect Andromeda
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Pillars of eternity was boring as shit and it's barely any better after 2 expansions. They need to really improve the gameplay and main story for the second one.

Then go ahead and tell me what makes PoE a good RPG.

>Pillars of eternity was boring as shit
Again, name me 3 RPGs that you think are good. I didn't ask for your worthless opinion on anything else.

Thank fuck, wrpgs are shit with no gameplay.

daggerfall, pst, iwd

PoE is boring as fuck. It's a competently made game that does nothing new or exciting.