Best GTA story.
Best GTA story
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and also worst gta game
really makes you think huh?
best gta ever
>best story
>best physics
>best location
I dunno about that.
It doesn't have your character grow from some joe nobody to a major crime lord with fingers in every pie in the city or at the very least being the right hand man of one, so no, not the best story by any stretch.
>serious story
>small as fuck city and nothing else
It does that for notoriety in 4, which is similar.
>I come to America to not be a criminal any more
>Oh god stop forcing me to be a criminal
>Okay I guess being a criminal is what I do
>Oh no being a criminal has led to being mercilessly gunned down, oh woe
All the while I'm casually running down pedestrians getting from A to B and shooting cops for fun. But god forbid Niko has to do something illegal in the cutscenes
The story is only good up until you get the second apartment. At which point it goes off the rails with the same mafia shit as every other GTA.
Don't forget
>You're obviously evil but I'm going to work for you to make things better
>3 missions with thinly veiled "I'm going to kill you" dialogue later
>I killed you
Most GTAs do this but they aren't the ones considered to have amazing stories either
But Algonquin was the part where you really get high up in the game. You start rolling with the big guns then.
>Best physics engine usage, lot more responsive than V
>Vehicles are dynamically malleable
>Best city, immersive environment for a nine year old game. Very comfy except for Alderney
>Can jump and hang onto ledges, balconies and sheit
>Cops don't act like Assaultrons and attack you for the smallest shit
>Faction system is good and there are lots of gangs, even though they hardly ever are used in the story
>Swing glitch
>Decent story, still funny but a lot darker
>flee from 3rd world country and the crime
>immediately start crime carreer
Not to mention hottest girl.
Symbol of America.
>not comfy
broker and some of dukes were the comfiest boroughs but come on now
itt: IV was my first gta
Pick one
LCS was my first GTA.
Realistic NYC, yeah, it is comfy
>star junction
You bet your ass, you ever been in here?
South and midtown Algonquin are the comfiest zones, especially when it's raining.
rain in this game is comfy as hell
the air probably feels and smells super greasy and disgusting in there
vc or gta sa is the best story. most realistic is gta 4
>those graphics
Not as good as I remember.
>the air probably feels and smells super greasy and disgusting in there
Fuck just got terrible flashbacks from eating at KFC as a kid. Truly the Cluckn Bell of our lives
What ruined GTAIV is there was literally fuck nothing to do besides the main missions
like it was boring as fuck.
You just go in there to kill fatasses, the air gets more fresh as civilians run out the door, letting cool air in.
I'd like them to do a 10 year anniversary version with the 2 DLC packs, and optimised for current gen consoles - shame there's fuck all chance of that happening.
Wow is this really how American fried chicken places are? KFCs here are super clean and even near the kitchen they have a bunch of ACs that take all the oil smell
Not possible when V exists bub.
Best GTA
My cousin.
Part of the fun in going to these places are experiencing how shit some people have it to consider KFC a 5 star restaurant. Its a fun experience to slum ti every once and a while
Fast food chains in the rest of the world are just not as terrible as they are in America.
Would rather fine dine in Liberty City.
Why the fuck does 4 run so badly on PC? Do I need to tweak some files or something? I don't think the game should be horribly stuttering on a machine that has a i7 7700k, 64GB of RAM and two GTX 1080s.
I heard they released a patch for it. I wouldn't know for sure, I play it on 360.
Shit optimisation, simple as - especially for modern hardware. I don't think it even recognises more than 2GB of V Ram.
It's just a really shitty port.
>nobody remembers the early patch that removed most of the trash to improve performance
>there was no way to add trash back into the game
Best GTA package by far. Base game was good enough as is but the expansions were on another level. The multiplayer was plain and simple fun. Not a soulless grindfest like GTAO. Hopefully they keep their cancerous microtransactions with that community and leave RDR2 the fuck alone.
Same, one of the few games from last gen I'd like to see ported over with its original multiplayer.
It's a shame Rockstar is probably going to go the GTA Online route with all of its future games, this industry is dying a slow death.
GTAIV isn't even as good as based Ballad of Gay Tony aka GOAT GTA campaign.
ballad of gay tony is pretty good but it isnt as /comfy/ as the base game
>not realizing that was the whole point of the fucking story
Go back to Vice City pleb
Hopefully they make Undead Nightmare 2 instead, along with multiplayer DLC packs. I don't get how microtransactions would work anyway, you can't buy jets in the West.
Vice City was my first and IV is still my favorite
My nigga
>tfw playing LCS and Star Wars Battlefront on my PSP
SA > TBoGT > IV = VCS > VC = TLaD > LCS > III >>>>>>> V
III is fun for nostalgia (it was my first), speedrunning, and/or just listening to Chatterbox/pedestrians, but III hasn't aged as well as VC, SA, LCS, or VCS. If I never played V for the rest of my life, I'd be fine. It's not a bad game, necessarily, it's just a subpar GTA game.
Where there's a will there's a way
Ballad of Gay Tony would of been better if you played as someone else instead of that whinny bitch Luis.
European fast food places are A+++. I went to a two story McDonalds at the Norway-Sweden border that was clean as an Apple store.
III was my first GTA game, Vice City was the first one that I beat, both around the time they were released. IV is my favorite GTA game in terms of atmosphere/location/music, but V is my favorite when it comes to gameplay. I usually hate the autistic comfy meme, but if any game hits that spot for me, it's GTA IV. Then again, I always preferred New York crime movies to ones set in LA, so a lot of probably comes down to personal preference. Still, there was something about V that made it feel lifeless/soulless. As for the other three main games, they're all amazing, god-tier games, but there's been a clear linear progression of quality in the GTA series.
All games set in Los Angeles feel soulless because it's a soulless, hot, materialistic wasteland.
Was Luis really that whiny? I feel like Gay Tony bitched about problems more often than Luis.
Yeah, as much as I enjoyed playing V, the city always felt dead as fuck to me.
It's probably because the pedestrian AI spawned in limited quantities and never interacted with the main characters in a positive light.
I wish they had brought in something similar to those campfire travelers in Red Dead Redemption (you could join a couple of guys by a campfire at night and they would share stories with you and you could actually interact with them), would've been neat to actually partake in conversations outside of random character encounters.
Doesn't help that they made 60% of the map a lifeless desert with nothing to fucking do.
I absolutely loved all the crack, diamonds, and all that other shit melded together to form all of 4's plot.
It was pretty fucking neat
This makes me pissed off that V didn't have DLC stories like IV, Franklin and Trevor really should have been DLC characters to play as with actual fleshed out stories while having V focus on Michael.
Dan Houser promised before V's release that there would be single-player DLC. And it's heavily implied that Franklin would have gang-related missions.
Guess Houser realized Online was where the shekels were to be made.
>it was bad ON PURPOSE!
>Best GTA story
Easily worst gta game, awful story and characters
Niko actively didn't want to become a crime lord, all he wanted was money with minimal strings attached.
>if it doesn't follow the same cookie-cutter structure story of every GTA game then it's bad
Go back to playing as Trevor faggot
>Guess Houser realized Online was where the shekels were to be made
More likely Take2 told him to focus on Online, which is why it took so long for heists to arrive - they hadn't even started on them. Houser is more interested in writing gangster movie plots, he didn't even want GTAO at first.
Niko's character doesn't grow or change in any way at any point in the story. This is universally considered bad story telling.
He bitches non stop when you do those drug raids with his 2 spic friends, also throughout the game he'd always bitch about having to be in prison for just 2 years. Tommy Vercetti was in prison for 15 fucking years but he never said shit about it until the last mission when he was confronting Sonny which he actually had a reason to.
i love how everyone that thinks this is the best gta doesnt have a clue about what the gta series is about
None of the numbered games are about becoming a crime lord and taking over areas/businesses.
>tfw never got that Casino DLC they already had dialogue for because it would hurt the shark card business
>tfw they patched the Pacific Standard repeat glitch because of this too
Neither does any GTA protagonist, they all stay as crooked scumbags you fucking idiot.
Also he clearly rises class-wise during the latter half of the story, might help if your attention deficit mind actually paid a little.
>best location
>not Vice City
Please, follow the instructions in pic related. You can thank me later.
>Tommy Vercetti was in prison for 15 fucking years but he never said shit about it
He would elude to it on occasion for the sake of humor. Umberto Robina tells Tommy that "[Tommy] has big cajones!" and Tommy replies, "Thanks...nobodies told me that since prison." But I get what you're saying.
easily the worst GTA story by far, and I like the game itself
Probably because Tommy became numb to the experience after 15 fucking years
Another thing I liked about him was that he knew that the only life for him is a life of crime so why not climb up to the top and be the boss? Luis was always saying how he didn't want to live a life of crime but he kept doing all the illegal shit he did and didn't even try to life an honest life.
That's one of the over-arching themes with IV and its DLC, all of the main characters (and certain side characters) always say they want a better crime-free life for themselves but throughout the game it's made clear that they have no intention of bettering themselves.
Johnny's thing comes full circle in V when it's shown he's still doing the motorcycle club shit and went back to doing meth with Ashley.
I wish we got to see Luis in V as well considering he and Tony were pretty fucked at the end of the game (not to mention there are full interiors made for Bahama Mama's in V but never used).
>start out as some poor fuck illegal immigrant on a boat
>end the game as owning 1 (possibly 2 if you kill playboy) nice ass apartments prime location in the city
>also owning a lazarus
Yeah you may not end up as a crime lord but you still have the assests of someone pretty wealthy. I like that success story
What the fuck is a lazarus?
>I come to America to not be a criminal any more
Did he ever say that? After all he came over for the express purpose of hunting someone down and killing them
GTA4 has fucking best nothing. What in the fuck are you all even going on about?
SA is greatest of all time.
Oops I meant Infernus
>apartment owned by cousin
>apartment owned by dead guy, you just squat in it
>car that is not linked to you via any paperwork
>dirty money from a bank job
Niko had literally no assets.
Did you even see the mission where Niko confronts Darko? If you kill him, Niko just feels completely empty inside. I would say that is a pretty significant revelation.
No assets, but over a million dollars in liquid capital.
Pretty sure Dwayne said he had the deed to Playboy's apartment, and that he gives it to you.
Also, Bernie gives you the car. He says it's frm Bryce, but the implication was that Bryce gave it to Bernie, so it was Bernie's to give.
>get Bryce Dawkin's Infernus
>drive it around the apartment in Bohan
>an endless sea of parked Infernus spawn in
>grab one and rinse and repeat the process to park as many as I can at all the safehouses
I don't have the patience I had in high school doing that, but there was something satisfying about that.
What I like about this game's story is that it was about the smaller moments. Each mission had its own intimate moments. Like talking to a drugged out Derrrick in an Alderny park. In some ways it reminds me of the Witcher 3, where each quest feels very intimate and personal.
You have to be a real fucking moron to not recognize how many lightyears ahead of the other games the story in IV is, regardless of how you feel about any other aspect of the game. One of the best narratives in any game I can think of when it comes to discussing american values. The only real negative in my eyes is the branching off of who dies at the wedding. Should have just been roman.
GTA IV and RDR really had some amazing random character encounters, it's a shame they were pretty much ruined in V because the game never took anything seriously.
Except that there were things to do:
>vigilante missions
>street races
>strangers missions
>drug runs
>taxi missions
There's enough side content to give you at least 70 hours of play time.
My favorite was helping the drug addict girl. The conversations between Niko and her are really sweet
This is a fear I have for the new Red Dead game. Rockstar San Diego did great things with RDR, I can only hope Rockstar North isn't doing the new game.
They really tried to hammer home the point that the diamonds were "cursed". Literally everyone who came into contact with them met a horrible fate.
>that homeless dude who ends up with them at the end of TBoGT
I bet he got hit by a truck.
>tfw they made her some weird bitchy cult member in 5 instead of having her fix her life
I don't know why but this makes me unreasonably upset.
GTAIV is one of my favorite games, but I actually agree with the person you're replying to. The problem is that most of these side-missions all feel very samey, and do nothing to really flesh out the world. The repossesions are basically just "find this car and bring it to the garage". Repeat 30 times. The vigilante missions are "go to this location and kill this guy". Repeat 50 or so times. The drug runs are similarly tedious.
These missions may be different in premise, but in design they all feel the same. I agree that the dating is a pretty incredible side mission.
But I wish there were more strangers missions, dating, and perhaps interacting with different buildings or locations. Instead its a bunch of "go there, get this car or kill these people". And the taxi thing pissed me off because there were only 10 and you could only do them until Roman's house burns down. Out of all the GTAs, IV has the best city for taxi missions, and yet you can't do real taxi missions at all.
I remember seeing him in the teaser trailer for GTA V but they never made any reference to him outside of that:
I can't believe this trailer is already 5 years old
A lot of them are samey, but the shooting and driving mechanics are good enough to justify it.
jesus, I remember being in school with my lads waiting for the trailer to come out, and everybody thought that guy was CJ, fun times. Also timestap what you meant about the homeless guy.
Can anyone give a quick rundown of the Benzies, Howser's situation?
Which side was responsible for the shekel mongering that was GTAO?
Basically, which side is the good guy/s?
Dicking around in a sandbox is what GTA is about.
IV gives you enough tools to do that with it's interiors, physics and slightly more simulationist approach.