What is the state of gaming on Linux?

What is the state of gaming on Linux?

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Go away pedophile.

what font is that
also its non existent

Why are Linuxfags allowed to exist?

You can run a few games like Civ, dota, minecraft, xcom, etc.
For the other ones there's WINE but you'll lose about 20 fps and won't have dx11

Oh I don't know, maybe because it's the most reliable and powerful OS along with FreeBSD for real work? Why are winbabbys allowed to exist?

these riced desktops always look like their owners never do any work

With GPU-passtrough?
Pretty damn good.

>Being a code monkey
>"Real work"

post wallpaper

>scientific work
>film making (50-50 with Macs but macOS is based on Unix anyway)
>medical research
>actuarial science
>console OSs
>IoT OSs

etc etc etc etc

Try doing a live post production session on Windows working on 8k footage (or even 4k) in real time lmao
Try doing any work on protein folding
Or risk analysis for an insurance company
Or... yeah, windows sucks

Reminder that the Linux spokesman is a hippy crack head who eats his own toe fungus

Since Steam is available on linux there are a lot of native games. GOG has games for linux too. Some some games perform better, some not. I think gamig on linux has made a great progress in the last 5 jears

Stalememe is the GNU spokesman don't get it wrong

>posts windows


Because we didn't fall for the botnet meme.

>can't run a single good looking current game

are those different linux versions

you're using chrome

Hell, even if I wanted to go back to PC gaming, I wouldn't even consider Linux as a viable alterative. Sorry, but I don't want to play like 5 good games all the time.

Why are Linuxfags defending dead systems?

still shit, like always

People that use linux for work are not the people that brags about using linux instead of windows. The latter are people that thinks using Windows means the government know they masturbate to anime.

It's getting better. Full DX11 for wine soon.

It's getting there. Hopefully if Vulkan takes off developers can target Windows and Linux much more easily. Unity is getting Vulkan soon, so hopefully many future Linux games will just get it for free.


What music player?


>Linux support on Unity have been around for ages
>still no games
Really makes you think.

>getting shit performance

Might as well get a PS4 you'll get more for your money.

This. And you also get a system that is not totally dead for gaming

muh nigga
>getting shit performance
lel no, just disabling a few originally needed services for the windows session, you can easily get a better performance than you would on windows by itself

>you can get better performance by using less of your system resources because they're stuck running linux
lel no. I already did this, it was garbage.

I miss Sup Forums desktop threads

Sure you did lad


I did it too and my computer released methane gas

Good and getting better, as long as you don't fall for the AMD meme

Would use Linux full time if I could use visual studio on it.

this is the only thing i realy miss my debian

Fuck, I thought this was some sort of huge stat block in a game.

Got my hopes up.


There isn't one

same, I thought it was gonna be a princess maker esque thing for raising a daughteru

does any fellow linuxfag know how to go back to whatever was being used before i attempted installing nvidia drivers? ever since i switched to using nvidia drivers, signing in takes 20 seconds of freeze frame and resets my background to distorted shit

ps i'm on elementary and yes, babbys first linux

Is Linux that great for non-programmers?
I just got a thinkpad x220 for school but at the moment its mostly for papers and such. Should I install linux on it? In my last job I met an older well-off retired air force guy living in the rich part of town. He loves openSUSE and he's the kind of guy that wired his whole house up.
Chem major btw.

I have a thinkpad t410 and win7 runs like shit on it (partly my fault, should git gud at computers), but Ubuntu runs very smooth. I got into Ubuntu a few months ago and now I only use Windows when I want to play one of my cheap indie games on Steam. It's so much easier to do my schoolwork now.
Physics major btw.

>shit performance
>near native gpu performance
>cpu performance within 97% of bare metal performance
>faster disk i/o
any losses are negligible

>he actually believe this

That's not linux. It's Windows 7 with bblean and foobar.

If you're not absolutely dedicated to the idea of using Linux, don't bother.

Fine have this riced Arch linux desktop

>he believes in facts

I had fun tinkering with arch on my 4 years in college, played mabinogi better than windows in some mysterious spooky way too so that was an incredibly high bonus.