Why don't you have a weird social outcast gf to play video games with?

Why don't you have a weird social outcast gf to play video games with?

except for COD, i prefer playing games alone

They're rarely outside, so they tend to be hard to get a hold of.

girls can't be social outcasts you fucking idiot

>Social outcast
>Implying heavily anti-social
You're a special kind of stupid, OP.

She doesn't like them.
Though maybe we could play TellTale The Walking Dead, since it is a movie.

Me in the middle background

The ones that are attractive are 100% guaranteed to have a boyfriend already. They are the most sought after girls.

1) It's hard to meet those people unless you come in contact with them often, which is unlikely
2) Even among loser nerds there's a hierarchy of male desirability, ie. this

There you go.

Looks like she's cosplaying death note

I have a friend kinda like that, but I'd never date her
>Blonde hair and blue eyes
>Plays vidya
>I feel nothing romantically

>social outcast gf
>its time for sexy time
>she pulls out the razor blades for bloodplay
>she cries when penetrated

you don't want that type of baggage

never met a cute social outcast girl

>social outcast

pick one

Love is built, slowly, with effort

that thunderstruck, love-at-first-sight shit literally only happens in movies

Because I attend Radford University and every girl here is a roastie whore.


They make for horrible company.

>social outcast
Pick one. She'd had to be a 100+ kg landwhale or worse.

I AM the weird social outcast

But I do. Met her in a steam thread here a few years ago. We were long distance for a year then she moved in with me and found a job in my area.

The best part is she's a girl (male)

>he has female friends
fucking HOW?

I have no idea where to get friends

Sounds hot can we swap?

>she pulls out the razor blades for bloodplay

I've known her since I was in 4th grade though. If it was gonna happen, it probably would have.

because they tend to have mountains of baggage and being with them can easily become a stressful mess that isn't fun for either of you


If she is a social outcast, how the fuck can she have friends yet alone a bf you dumbfuck ?

I do have a weird social outcast gf, we both stay in the house every day unless were going to get food. Don't really know why you think its any special we just play video games, watch tv shows and fuck all day, nothing really special about it.

Talk with them.

Because I married mine

She's the daughter of one of my mom's co-workers. I met her some 10 years ago at a pool party at their house.

That's completely different you dumb faggot

You take me for some kinda normie?

Holy shit, that sounds like fucking heaven.

>clean hair
>clean face
>reasonably well kept nails
>no visible stains on clothing
"""""""""""""""""""""""""Social outcast"""""""""""""""""""""""""

because they don't like the same games I like.

You're right, it's even better. Trannies are actually good at video games unlike real women.

hey user, we're cute social outcast girls who want a cute boyfriend to play video games with us.

wanna be our boyfriend?

But I have one

What the fuck

Ayyy another Radford man. I just graduated, what is your major I will point you to pussy.

This. There can be only one

I did but she didn't put out amongst other psychotic behaviors so I dumped her ass back in the Victorian Era.

No relationship is better than a shitty relationship.

i have this jp girl on steam who is constantly trying to play games with me/talk to me/add me on social media.. it has been going on for like a year.. she'll tell me about anime that she's watching/2hu that she has been playing without me saying anything..
she actually looks pretty but i'm autistic so it's just annoying


"Nerdy" and "geeky girls" are more often that not the worst girls you could ever date, they are entitled as fuck (even compared to other women).

It´s better to get a normie gf that tolerates your hobbies.

You will never meet a weird, social outcast girl because they spend little to no time outside just like weird, social outcast guys.
Fags have more mental problems than women.

Left in nearly passable. She just need to lose a bit of weight.

Where do I find one if I'm a dog of the military?

All military girls are Stacy's or womyn, and the men are all sluts who are only interested in finding other sluts.

>tfw I have plenty of female friends
>tfw they see me as the "nice guy" fun to being around
>tfw none of them would date me in a million years
>"Oh user, don't despair, such a nice guy can't be allone for long ! you deserve to find love !"
>25 and still a virgin

End me

Uh..okay.. Computer Science, the biggest meme degree of all time.

Did you manage to get anything with your Radford degree? I'm trying to transfer out of here, only got here because I fucked my life up hard.

you rape a civilian obviously

>>she pulls out the razor blades for bloodplay
>being this edgy
Holy shit what a cringey bitch

They look like they play nintendo games. No thanks.

because Elizabeth Gillies isn't a weird social outcast

I do. We met a few years back on /vg/ in ffxiv and have been pretty inseparable since.

holy fuck, you idiot virgins

Don't know why you do it seems pretty standard, we just don't go out that's all.

I'm air force, not infantard

>TFW I know a girl like that

>she's autistic as fuck and never had a boyfriend before

>I once sat next to her and later was told my some classmates why I didn't talk to her

>asked why

>"she's just like you dude, why didn't you talk to her"


Marry a middle eastern woman while oversea. You can't go more Social Outcast than a Muslim woman.




She's not interested in a romantic relationship, so we're just regular friends.

I don't even have a hamburger, man.

I can count the number of female friends I've had in my life on one hand, either I just have extreme anxiety talking to girls or I just haven't found any with remotely the same interests, if they do like any "nerdy" stuff it's usually shit anime or DC comics

I hope people don't think I'm gay because I only ever hang out with guys

I'm sick of seeing this page. Can't even check the archive to see how many times one autist has spammed it.

Probably because I have zero friends. I mean actually zero, so any amount of social interaction sounds like a godsend compared to having to spend yet another year in isolation.

>Just want a shy asian girl
>No asians in the AF, just fat white girls and blacks/latinas

can confirm, most of them are daddy issues attw

because im always fucking alone


I did, it was worse then being alone. There were 4 types of days.
Ones where we both played games and ignored each other.
Ones where I wanted to do something but she wanted to play a game and yelled at me to stop being so clingy.
Ones where she wanted to do something but I wanted to play a game and she yelled at me to pay more attention to her.
Ones were neither of us played games, we just fucking fought about everything.

I don't recommend it.

>tfw no gf (male) to speedrun vidya with

Social outcast girls are the worst. I knew one and it was very uncomfortable to be around her. She'd just be sitting there and would randomly liughtbher pants of fire then pat it out. She'd also steal thongs from the laundromat and would store them in Tupperware. Last but not least when we'd go rent movies she'd want to rent xxx videos and watch them while drinking milk out of a bowl like a cat.

Last time I heard she was arrested because she was taking photographs of boys at swim meets and then selling them online.

what the fuck

how can you be this autistic?


i'll love you user

haha what the fuck

>implying we have gfs
>implying we could ever get gfs

i do though.
i love them both

I'm so alone anons, give me (you)s so I know I'm not the only one who has no friends

Because you guys literally dont do shit

cause nobody wants me

which episode?

fuck off, no (You) for you.

shit tier speedgame waifu (male) desu

Fuck you man. I also have no friends but I ain't an attention whore like you. Just do an hero for all our sake.

here (you) go
why are we still here

Because they keep thinking that all I want is a puppy that follows me around.


He hangs out in Sup Forumsirgin austists central,how are you so surprised by this?

haha i know everyone shits on the place but i fucking love xivg, its such a weird shithole.

have literally had sex

don't tell me he's trans too nowadays



1) They dont exist

2) If they do they are landwhales

3) Or fake as fuck and just attentionwhores/'Gamergurls'

Just go find a normal woman.

Regardless of gender, I hope you've both seen pics of each other. As much as we all like to think we're not shallow cunts, physical attraction is required to make it work if you plan to get serious.