What went wrong?
Nu-Male City Underground
the original was already shit to begin with
>Shit Quests
>Team's first attempt at vidya
Honestly, they should have released it at Early Access first, at least then they'll have an excuse to why it has bugs. Just say that the profits they get from there will go on to fund some of the latter tiers they didn't get on Kickstarter.
also as someone who waited for a long while for this, you can't imagine my disappointment. I'll probably still enjoy it given that I've already resigned to myself that I will enjoy it (and I just love Kunio games in general, even the shit ones)
>What went wrong?
It's not so much that they went wrong, but some things in the game are just really irritating.
1. Adding an XP system on top of gathering money, resulting in extra unnecessary grinding where the first game didn't have it
2. That fucking Milk Run (and chase missions to a lesser extent).
3. Real big issue to the general fighting as you progress to Act 3 - Enemies read inputs and react instantly like a max level fighting game CPU opponent, meaning 95% of your moves are basically useless and you're just going to be doing the same shit to all of them. Worst part of their behavior is that they are heavily defensive turtles who will jump and backup and block all but your fastest attacks, so the ideal way to open them up is by turtling yourself, blocking their hit and countering.
If they were to add a bit of a varying delayed reaction time to their otherwise perfect evasion of all attacks, as well as make them not such campy turtling bitches (make them more aggressive, just stop having them backpedal all the way to the end of the fucking screen and perfectly evading every attack), it would make the fighting much much better.
Remove the grinding and you'd have the GOAT beat em up
I'm a Flip you fucking idiot.
RCR had grinding too to be fair, but it didn't had retarded chase missions.
Fucking FLIP BASTARDS!!!! You brought the nutsack upon us ALL DAMMIT! FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FLIP ASSHOLE!
>RCR had grinding
Not nearly as much
bump of disappointment. Don't die on me yet thread
>RCR had grinding too to be fair,
There was a very very small amount of grind in RCR.
In RCR, you got 0.50 or $1.00 from a single guy in the first screen (and they went down in three punches), food was cheap and buffed you up quickly, moves were much cheaper (and they augmented what you already had).
The amount of grind is one hundredfold in Underground.
In RCRU, you get around 0.10 to 0.40 from enemies in most of Act 1 (and even the Nerd takes a lot more hits than that), a single food item heals you for less and offers fewer stat boosts, and you needed a LOT of kills to get XP just to buy critical core moves to make your character not suck.
No 640x480 fix
Also lets be honest no one was really waiting for this game to be disappointed
point taken, I haven't played RCR in a while so I'm just gonna accept you're right. I also do find the grind to be one of the worst part of RCRU. I just hope they address and fix that.
Is there something sjw about this game or are you memeing me?
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would play it on TV, rather than play it on their PC.
i was lucky to buy a new sony pvm md just recently, didnt want to risk it with anything with ours monitor or tv. umihara kawase works great; im just being spoiled
Provie is a black woman and there's a fat guy who grapples people. I haven't been deep enough in the game though so maybe there's a tranny?
No, nothing. It thankfully sticks to just being a game.
A flip? Well then you already talk too damn much with your loose flapping lips and flattened negro nose
You haven't even played it yet?
It's actually good.
i kinda agree.
so for now, before i continue with the game, im gonna do a little cheating on the game and get money with Lotto tickets.
>Buy some tickets ($5.00, only at the wemart store)
>Return to a hide out
>Save your game
>Use your tickets
>Restart if you dont get nothing.
for now i haven't got to the profit part, but theres proof already that its possible.
around 123 dls per win.
Adding to that list.
If you want to try a new character, then either level them up equally or your level 1 character will be fighting whatever your highest level character is going up against. Imagine my surprise when I decided to give boxer a try and was immediately fucked by the insane clone/agent enemies.
>all enemies have a hit and run playstyle
it's annoying as fuck, slow characters are boring as fuck to play
The stupid fucking hit and run enemies is by far the biggest problem I have with the game.
Second to that is the fact that the milk run is a main mission and not a side mission.