JonTron hates Zelda

>JonTron hates Zelda
>PewDiePie hates both the Switch and Zelda
So, I guess that does it. The Nintendo Switch is officially dead.
Now that the YouTube Normie Overlord has spoken no one is gonna want to buy the thing.
E-Celebs have saved videogames by killing the tumor straight from the source.
I love living in this timeline.

lol worthless cucks

>One e-celeb isn't satisfied
>The entire console is dead
Nigga, you high

>just ambient music
He hasnt even gotten to a dungeon or boss, nit even a town

This is why we can't have legit criticism for a game

>Pewdiepie LPs The Last Guardian
>10 years of hype
>Industry darling
>Miraculous release that no one saw coming
>Doesn't even break a million

I'm sure Nintendo will be fine without the amazing branding power of Pewdiepie.

>e-celebs who depend on people paying attention to them make a big deal out of a controversial opinion

stop playing into their hands

Reading comprehension you retard. He is saying that normies don't like it. Praising the e-celebs for calling it shit so normie cancer will stay away. He bever said the console is shit.

>Another E-celeb thread

Fuck off faggot.

Yes, I think we can all agree that it's shit by now.

>author doesn't understand a game lauded only for its gameplay

Gee I wonder how that happened?

>Trump voter doesn't like the new Zelda

Really made me think

sad thing that pewdpiefans don't get the joke and think the switch is good

also notch hate it too

>his latest tweet
>all the people now calling OoT shit because he dissed their ubisoft garbage

redpill me on Zelda.
Is it actually 10/10?
Or is it Skyrim + Zelda brand name again?
Skyrim has 94 on Metacritic and Zelda SS is at 93 i think. Both games dont deserve these scores.
So is the new Zelda actually the greatest game of the decade or is it just dumb reviewers?

it's nothing like Skyrim.
it's more like MGSV or Far Cry + Portal/Half-life 2 puzzles

It's a flat horizontal plane with copy pasted content sparsely dotted around. It's a 5/10 at best. It's exactly what we thought it would be.

I never got the hype for zelda games personally.

Lots of open world boring bullshit to me.

You don't get my point. I'm not saying that Zelda is like Skyrim. I'm just asking if reviewers are just blinded by an open world with no substance again.

>he lets e-celebs form his opinions for him

who is this jizz wiz?

Please take your online celebrities elsewhere, user.

>not worshiping based C3PO

It's too early to say

Probably it's a pretty good game like the rest of the series, nothing more, nothing less

Anyone listening to gaming media or metacritic is a complete retard

Get the fuck out of here, Sup Forums. Go scream at the Russians for existing.

Who cares about e celebs opinions? No one. Holy shit.

He thinks he's smarter than jontron and pewdiepie

>triggered nintenbro

>Nintendo game doesn't have WAHOO BING BING music
>OST is considered shit by fans


But it has 98 - NINETYEIGHT - on metacritic.
Now you say it's 5/10 at best.
I just want to understand what the fuck is going on.

Explain it to me Sup Forums

E-celebs are allowed now?

People dont kniw music depends on what you are trying to convey.
Slso many people expect zelda to be a dungeonrush everytime.

People are starving for a new Zelda game and are willing to overlook all of the flaws.

10/10 lips. holy shit

It's called The Phantom Pain effect

Give it 6 months for REAL fans to realize it's shit.

>everything political belongs on the politics board

Really flogs my noggin

>jontron repeats same opinions he sees elsewhere
Welcome to Jontron. He doesn't even like games. They were just the easy thing to make videos about. He's a movie guy, sort of like James but at least James likes old games.

Oh yeah, Jontron is a genius, I forgot. Jumping off the gamegrumps money train and onto the 5 videos a year train combined with unthinkingly spouting Sup Forums posts should have tipped me off.

So i should wait half a year now to know whether this game is good or shit?
what the fuck
Phantom Pain threads were getting shitposted some days after release saying its shit

I dont get it bros, the switch and zelda has been the most fun i had in gaming for a long while.
Why does it get so much hate? the console has its shortcomings buts its sexiest piece of hardware i ever seen and its just a blast to play the thing and zelda is what games should be, none of that corridor story driven shit but a grand adventure.

>bad game
>gets a bad reaction
>nintendo shills flooding Sup Forums like its 85 again(it's a song reference nvm)
One day,one day in the future we will be free of this console garbage once and for all.I hope i am alive to see this day.


All garbage.There is no reason for consoles to exist other than to sell you their underperforming shitty hardware.Console manufacturers should all die and get send to the deepest pits of hell.

t. nintendog who didnt get to play a good game in the last 10 years

>Constantly running against cliffs
What is this idiot doing?
>Weapons breaking every two seconds
I like this because it forces you to try and learn how to use different weapons instead of just sticking with what you like the entire game.
>Dungeons look like something out of a Half Life 2 mod
How is this a bad thing? Half Life 2 was the last game to do physics puzzles right.
>Ambient music
Yeah, that's up to taste, bro.

The weapon durability straight up kills the game for me. Weapons becoming unusable and needing to be repaired is one thing, but completely disappearing after so many uses is fucking disgusting.

Welcome to Modern Gaming, ENJOY YOUR STAY!!!

This is happening too with new Zelda.
But this board has always been Nintendo's fansite, so there are more plebs praising it to justify their shitty console.

What do you expect from zelda game inspired by skyrim.

if it was a pc release there would already be people modding that shit out and adding better dungeons

This is similar to how I feel about the game.

I forced myself through 2 major dungeons but now I don't want to continue anymore.

Yeah just like now. The game is great. Some people are just salty because they don't like the game and it doesn't deserve the praise. Sad really. I'm having a good fucking time.

No i liked doom on the pc that was fun, legion was fun for a while too there were some other games on the pc i enjoyed but cant think of right now.
I dont own a ps4 but i loved my ps3 so no i would say i played alot of fun games in the last 10 years.
I should have said zelda is the most fun ive had in 5 months?

Reviewers are retards and just score hype.
Look at Dark Souls 2 on MC.
It has a higher score than Dark Souls 1

>forces you to learn other weapons

Or maybe make a system that requires or rewards the use of different weapon types without making your weapons explode. Plenty of games have systems in place to force you to mix it up that arent as offensively bad as "welp your sword is gone forever now, switch to ypur other sword until it breaks too."

I don't know what to say


But it's not.
Nintendo CEOs are a bunch of old senile fossils from an age long forgotten, that can't adapt to the now.

>idiots run around like retards killing trash mobs
>waa nothing to do

There's so much stuff to do it's not even funny. The world is filled with little secrets and all kinds of neat stuff. Weapon durability is great because it gets you out of your comfort zone: if it weren't there you'd just get a strong sword and use it throughout the whole game, but I found myself using clubs, spears and even mops to fight. You have to save your strong weapons for tough situations and that kind of management is pretty fun.

I do feel that despite being worst than dark souls 1 it gets treated very harshly like if it was as bad as big rigs.


>Waa I suck at inventory management

Go play dark souls 3 where you pick up a longsword and it carries the whole game, no need to try anything else, more up your alley.

Oh come on what problems you had with doom? And WoW expansions are mostly fun at launch.
What games have you enjoyed lately user?

Can't wait for the 5 hours long video.
I'll watch it and enjoy it :3

Make sure you drop cash every year for a new video card or two... you know, for that minor performance increase you're so inclined to believe is actually worth it.

It ties into the game's survival theme ..

It will be the dark souls 2 critique of Zelda

most music is shit and there's very little of it
your weapon breaks from 3 hits and you need to equip a new one and that breaks and then you need to equip that one and then it's a thunderstorm and you need to unequip metallic gear and then you need to let your unbreakable master sword charge up again before you can really use it and then you equip a mop and it breaks immediately and then you slide down a hill on your shield and your shield breaks and then you are out of arrows again and then your weapon breaks and..

>this board has always been a Nintendo fan site
Neck yourself. This board has always been a cesspool of Sony shills.

>alt-right nazi hates a game that isn't about killing minorities


But is it fun to have to deal with the weapon durability?

>Joseph will make a negative video
>Matthew will make a positive video in 2049

ayyy yo wudup f@m
hows dat ps4 game wit da dinosaurs tho??? s.m.h

jontron is an alt-right nazi who associates with alt right figures such as sargon of akkad and donald trump

he can't be trusted

No Zelda game has been even remotely 'open world' before BotW.

In fact SS is like the exact opposite.


>>Matthew will make a video

>tfw you buy a new CPU

I've never seen a single "sony shill" on this board. Horizon is universally hated. TLOU is universally hated. Stop this stupid fucking persecution complex

>Their opinions don't matter!
>But look at what IGN said, the game is a 10/10

>JonTron and Pewdiepie
So nazis hate videogames? Oh no, time to trade in my switch!

Actually I'm a spear fag. What's wrong with having actual permanent upgrades to your weaponry? Hell like I said I'd be fine if the weapons broke temporarily and could be taken to a mender to fix them, that would still force you to switch your weapons and manage what you want to bring with you without feeling like everything you find is some flimsy piece of trash that you have to save for very specific encounters or it'll be a waste.

The durability is so low it hardly matters, you just use it until it breaks. I've been playing awhile and never ran out of weapons. I ran out of weapon slots far before then.

You left out the best one

t. your unfriendly local nintendogaffer

uhh.. i clicked and it just took me back here so I'm not sure what you're implying here

Jon has and always will be a contrarian. Is it possible he actually dislikes it? Of course. But he has been known to change his opinions on things just because it goes against the popular opinion.

I dont think its a shill problem but more of a hate on nintendo for free thing.
Its a bully mentality, i dont doubt most people on /v were bullied at one point in their school life.

>hey guys I'm working on a commentated 107 hours long playthrough of BoTW, I won't be tweeting or posting on Patreon because I don't want Persona 7 spoilers
when did everything go so fucking wrong

>pewdiepie did something right by killing the big jew
>pewdiepie is redpilled
I really used to hate this guy but the more I hear about him the more I think he is fucking based

Who wants to bet they both praised Horizon?


Literally who?


>pewdiepie hates zelda
>fat pewdiepie hates zelda

like pottery

Did he not listen to the old man at the beginning who tells you how to teleport?

waits dont you means poetry

stop bullying jon, he is right about this

kikejew ethan is desperate for views right now so if he doesn't have a zelda related video up yet he will have one up soon

Fucking where?
When was the last time you saw a genuine Sony fan on Sup Forums?

You know why PC games will never be good, right?

You realize that it's suicide for developers to make a game that only runs on high end systems, right? Just look at Star Citizen and how much of a flop that is going to be.

The most successful PC games are the ones that can run on Toasters, just take a look at WoW, LoL, CS:GO, not high graphic requirements at all.