I Thought Pat would also be fair but he's just another Nintendo Shill.
I Thought Pat would also be fair but he's just another Nintendo Shill
You unfollowed him after that right?
>I like video game
>Can't believe he's a shill
Sup Forums.txt
Honestly, yes.
>liking a game makes you a shill
has any game given Sup Forums this much total anal devastation before
not even bloodbourne was this bad
If you like video games you are a shill. It's proven. Shills get out!!!!!
Nothing has made Sup Forums this salty
Sonybros are dumb
Probably wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't the first game for the Switch.
Overwatch, Undertale, Bayo 2
Mmmaaaybbbe dark souls 2?
I wonder what the next game will be, zelda getting so much hate just makes my dick harder when i play it.
Ugh, what a cringy mess that tweet was. I was just on the bus when I read that and that cringe was sincerely too strong. I couldn't handle it and just... ugh
Slay it, gurl.
>killing with a plank of wood.
>implying you only did that because every other weapon broke while fighting it.
>The sheer state of Matt's twitter account right now
I've never seen such autism.
>Enjoying a game
Same thing am right?
Enjoying it so much he has to stop playing to tweet
What if his switch died while on the toilet?
I wonder how they will damage control all the shortcomings of the switch on monday
I thought Pat didn't like 3D Zelda. How can he like BotW?
>Works fine for me
SPoonfeed me please
Right, because it takes so much time out of your day to make two tweets.
He's RTing ALL posts about how good zelda and switch is
Damn I was hoping for something more pitiful
Seems like Jontron and Pewds are the only based Youtubers right now. Anyone who thinks BoTW is good deserves to be bashed in the fucking skull.
Cause it's Far Cry?
Well, usually he RTs ALL posts about how cool Matt is and how people think he's the best friend
People that didnt like the old zelda formula loves the new zelda aproach. See Pat and arin. People that loved the old formula will find themselves hating it or alianated by it like what it happens to johntron
>enjoying a game is autism
John like ss tough
>no one is allowed to like things
Every major release as of late is invariably shit upon by Sup Forums. Doesn't matter what it is. It's true what they say; Sup Forums doesn't actually like video games.
Truly the hero that we deserve.
>Anyone who thinks BoTW is good deserves to be bashed in the fucking skull
whats the problem
you are the most typical Sup Forums poster I have ever seen. no one is allowed to like things
Truly one of the biggest babies on the internet. I hope he quits soon or the Channel just falls apart
>Pat is terrible at every game he plays
>Beating guardians with planks
Much less effort than shit posting on Sup Forums.
so they wanted another OOT rehash?
>hating a game so much he has to stop not playing anything to shit post on Sup Forums
>People that loved the old formula
I like the old Zelda formula and also like BotW. The DS games are shit though.
I like the old and new one. Only disappointments are no hookshots or diving, direct downgrades and the hookshot really could have been awesome this time, just a grappling hook that works on any surface you can climb.
When it was just Woolie and Pat the podcasts were comfycore
>Arin likes it
Probably because no chest opening animation because he's a petty retard like that.
those are bad games being bad though, this is a good game that Sup Forums wanted to be shit
fair = saying it's bad
nintendo shill = liking the game
Pat is better than you at Bloodborne.
I'd guess he figured out you can parry their shots back at them, and used a plank shield to do it.
>Woolie goes on a tangent on Sandnig-ninjas on his Naruto videos.
>The Journey Pachi shit.
After that Jojo video, I didn't have that much high hopes, but goddamn. He can work solo. His speech style is still clearly suited towards 2 man LPs, since he keeps asking questions and making statements that are clearly meant to riff of another, only to answer it himself, but there is potential here.
He wouldn't bring it in there because it would light up the darkness.
I can't imagine how much Pat would shit on Nintendo if his switch broke before monday
>pat is in love with botw according to his stream yesterday
>said that it was deserving of its scores
>said that it was better than horizon
what the fuck is going on?
Is more an isuues with expectations. A lot of people were tired of the dungeonrush formula but for other that became the core design of what makes a zelda game
Arin in sequelitis brings that point. Ignoring his retardness about OoT he mentions how every game after it tries to be OoT 2.0. Nintendo drpped that line of thinking with botw so it comes as a refreshing change for many that didnt like the formula anymore.BUt may have left some players lost regarding what a zelda game should be like
You know, it is possible to disagree with someones opinion but still like them. I still like Jon.
Instead people seem to be scouring twitter to see the opinions of their favorite e-celeb, praying to god that they agree with the viewers opinion and using the tweet as shitpost fuel. Basically saying, "this e-celeb doesn't like it, so you shouldn't like it either!" Or if the opinions differ, "I can't believe e-celeb likes zelda. Unsubbed." It's honestly quite pathetic.
I barely watch any of their content and even I know Pat just latches on to trends.
The only thing wrong is actually liking Horizon.
The real question is, will sonybros ever recover from this?
>Last podcast
>Woolie is worried that his hands may be too big to use the joycons
>Matt gets passive-aggressive
Why does this happen every fucking time
>"hey this game is pretty cool"
How is it possible to be this buttblasted about video games?
He couldn't even fucking beat Persona 3
whoa... he defeated a boss.. with an equippable weapon
E-Celeb bullshit banned when?
He's been using the Pro controller, so I doubt he'll run into problems.
Seriously, I don't get people losing their shit over Horizon.
I got it and played 5 hours of it, but it feels a lot like Far cry. Like, really close to it. I really thought Sup Forums hates that kind of game.
Not even coming from a nintendofag or pcfag or whatever either, Yakuza was my favourite game this year before BOTW took over it, and it will probably be taken over by Nier shortly after too.
totally bro there definitely weren't a gorillion threads of people furiously jerking off over 2b.
So everyone who has played botw deserves to be violently murdered?
Can you guys.. no wait.. can you guys even BELIEVE that someone is upset over.. lmao wait for it..... VIDEO GAMES.
Who knows, the thing could brick or something
Did you miss the whole >7 hour fiasco during the JP release? The PS2 graphics, the watered down platinum combat, the console war shitposting, and not to mention nu-Sup Forums crying over WEEBSHIT WEEBSHIT REEEE.
It's just as bad. Now, Zelda just took the spotlight from it.
Snail of the Wild incoming?
Wait did the Sony shills really get so butt blasted that they put a filte on that?
These images creep me out please stop posting them and please delete this.
>he doesn't know
mods put filters on every consolewar slur
>It's just as bad.
Not really, there were way more positive automato threads than negative. The reason Zelda gets more is because it's a huge release and huge releases are generally agreed to have paid or extremely biased reviews from big reviewers.
I appreciate the notion, but goddamn, I can't believe they're that fucking naive.
You know, I totally get Jon not feeling it, especially if he's a fan if the past games. But I never really though of him as anyone that would actively look down on people and call them sheep for thinking otherwise.
Not even bayo 2?
It was fucking vicious when the dud PC trailer popped out, but it has cooled down yeah.
He's been going for that edgy crowd since he got the backlash for the trump comments. He's even been in podcasts with some Sup Forums sweethearts apparently.
I guess it's kind of his way of letting some steam off.
Every one of those threads is filled with some autists saying shit like "Shit game! A combat android would never look like her. This is unrealistic."
I dont remember bayo 2 making Sup Forums incredibly salty, what was up with it? Other than the nintendo exclusive thing
Most of those were jokes m80, at least on Sup Forums.
Honestly no every major release has been this bad.
People were trying SO hard to hate DOOM on release. My friends basically laughed in my face when I was like "I'm playing it right the fuck now and it's great" and started talking about how nothing new will compare to classic DOOM
I think he's just annoyed that people are shitting on him for not liking what they like
Pretty much the nintendo exclusive thing
Caused a lot of salt, but died down pretty quickly
Bloodborne, on the other hand, still generates gallons of tears
There nothing naive about it console warriors like you are fucking cancer.
He's not wrong, fanboy hype is drowning out any criticism. It's the same thing as when the new Star Wars movie came out and people said shit like it was a perfect movie and it saved the franchise. But if you ask people about it now that the fanboy shit cooled off they're much more critical of it and a lot of people who got caught up in that shit don't like it very much now.
Nioh also did for a bit, although not as much as BB