Advance Wars thread!
which ones are the best in the franchise?
any cool comfy games like this one?
Advance Wars thread!
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it's S H I T
Dual Strike
There is literally nothing similar that's as good. Fire Emblem comes kind of close sometimes.
Nobody on this board wants to actually talk about video games anymore.
what is this game?
>kanbais error
whats whoisthisgit gender?
2 is the best overall. It greatly improves over 1, isn't as broken as DS, and is more charming/less edgy than DoR. It's somewhat imbalanced though with the big 6 and some useless mooks like Flak
no idea, I dont even know who it is
are there any emualtors to play GBA on phone and sync the saves (or savestates) with a PC emulator?
gba emulators on phone sure but I dont know about synching your saves
DoR is the best one. It has the best unit balance and the new CO system results in actual varied strategies for different COs.
The story in DoR is so bad that I prefer the earlier games where they don't even attempt to have an engaging story, but that's a minor factor overall.
The first one was the best. Everything was just perfect and if you had a gba as a kid 4 people could play off one gba by passing it around.
the people that made FTL are making a game that looks like advance wars, check it out
2 is literally better in every way except battle animation faces
>go into days of ruin expecting edge
>get fire emblem tier banter
Can't decide between AW and DoR
2 > DoR > DS
I haven't played the original in ages so I don't feel it's fair to rank it. But I'd put it below DoR.
you can hear his stupid ass voice in some videos making them virtually unwatchable
God, I hated Grimm for his bad defense. If anyone, and I mean it, would attack any of his units first, it's freaking gone.
all the visuals take a hit in 2 desu
I cant wait for this.
You can do that in all of the games, can't you?
DS looks even worse with its pseudo-3D bullshit fucking up all the sharp clear sprites.
red pill me
You can sync saves with separate cloud apps but you have to move them manually to their respective folders each time.
Wut gaem?
something seems off about the artstyle
might be the outlines
First one had the best campaign.
>Nigger will never finish his AW run
Was going to post this. Really eager to see how it turns out since its actually just AW with medieval fantasy skins.
I thought it looks really accurate to the AW spritework, not counting the awful leader art of course.
Wargroove. Saw a youtube video the other day with all of the Switches Indie titles. Saw this one. I assumed it was made by the advance wars creators but I just found out its ChuckleFish making it.
Game shown at the 9 min mark
it's a bit amatuerish imo
very modern pixel-art style taking advantage of modern displays and lacking the careful contrasts that made retro games easy to play
whats wrong with Risk of Rain starbound and stardew valley?
that one
I miss the franchise, but after seeing what's happened to Fire Emblem, it's probably better to leave it be.
It looks great.
Can only hope it ends up being a good game but >Chucklefish
>they named the asian faction the "yellow" comet
how did i never notice this before lmfao
>african faction is "black hole"
what did they mean by this?
Dual Strike is horribly imbalanced
Days of Ruin is the masterpiece
To Dual Strike's credit, it's got the same appeal of Marvel vs Capcom 2, where half the fun is figuring out the most broken tag power combinations. Definitely agree with you about Days of Ruin.
>villain pulls out 'if you kill me, you're just like me' line
>kills him anyway
Best CO in the series?
>Dual Strike is horribly imbalanced
But it'sfun
>"Yeah, I guess you're right."
>nails him right between the eyes
Why does this series have so many great waifus? Get fucked FE.
>so many great waifus
>posts the most generic one
you're not making yourself a good case here
>not loving pairing up Eagle and Sami for essentially 3 turns of fun
>more generic than REVENGE
And they're both hot so don't even try that.
>How do I play?
1.- Download and extract
2.- Double click mednafen.bat
or just drag and drop "aw2.gba" into "mednafen.exe"
3.- Press Alt + Shift + 1 to setup your controls. (At every unique button prompt, press the key you want to assign it to TWICE so it moves on towards the next button).
4.- To connect to an active server, press T to type /server IP PORT or /connect IP PORT
5.- So we can tell you apart, press T to type /nick YOURNICKNAME
6.- Play the fucking game.
If you join a session with people on it, ask if there's any available open spots. If so, type:
/dupe 1
to share the control. I know this is Sup Forums, but don't be a dick and take control or move other people's units when it's not your turn.
>Mednafen Server (USA):
Port: 4046
>Mednafen Server (Netherlands):
Port: 4046
>Some user's dedicated server (Paris, France):
Port: 8092
>pair up Drake and Olaf
>4 points of damage from CO powers
>enemy fuel halved by typhoon
>plus increased fuel cost from winter fury
>olaf gets firepower bonus from snow
A very situational pair, but very fun when it works.
Days of Ruin is decent multiplayer, but shit single player. Single player, which the series was mostly focused on before, is actually quite imbalanced. Hell I didn't even have the enemy power music unlocked until I had to play as one of them in the side missions long after I completed the game.
DS is the best game if you want content.
Ruin is best for multiplayer.
2 is best for new players to introduce them to the series.
1 is best for an extremely difficult challenge.
altwfc is compatible with desmume now m8
We DoR now
Holy shit.
What do I do?
>can't see shit because rain automatically causes fog
Hawke-Olaf is typically better desu
Download the thing, install the plugin, run the game and take it online. The instructions really aren't that long.
Dual Strike's normal/hard campaign is phenomenally well-balanced no matter which CO you're using. Dual Strike is only imbalanced in multiplayer, and only then when one player picks an OP CO and the other player picks garbage. There are multiple viable CO options at the top-tier.
Dual Strike's war room content is also much more fleshed out and enjoyable than Days of Ruin.
Dual Strike>1>DoR>2, and that's objective reality.
Does it come with its own Desmume? Because mine doesn't have a "Wifi Options" tab in its config.
>There will never be an Advance Wars game on PC that isn't emulated
I have no clue, honestly; I use a flashcart.
I use Windows 10 on a laptop. Which WinPCap should I download?
does it matter?
So are we going to do anything mentioned by or , or are we just gonna shitpost about nothing until the thread dies?
>[Win8 or Win10] Win10Pcap-v10.2-5002.msi
My first guess.
Shitpost, obviously. What, are you new here?
Would be nice to have an AW game on Steam with updated graphics and online multiplayer.
No, but I would sure like it if one of these threads amounted to something. It gets really boring when the only hobby you have is watching the same old Youtube videos over and over again.
In to the breach seems like an interesting game that's kinda like AW in terms of not having any RNG elements and being turn-based strategy.
shows promise
Instead of playing advanced shit, you can play actual good turn based strategy on PC though.
>not having any RNG elements
>from the creators of FTL
Giding's me
>getaddrinfo() failed: 11001 No such host is known.
So omachi is kill?
So why did IS stop making these? I picked up Fire Emblem Awakening knowing nothing about the franchise, assuming it was AW: Fantasy Edition, but it's JRPG bullshit with none of the strategy of AW. What the fuck happened?
What did you type?
Days of Ruin / Dark Conflict sold poorly and Fire Emblem wasn't doing very hot, so they dropped the other.
Awakening then happened and boosted FE's popularity, so they're not basically focusing their efforts on that. Hopefully it means they can get the go-ahead from Nintendo to make a new AW.
Low sales
I'm about to finish AW2 and start up AWDS. What should I expect?
Why did the characters in FE:Awakening had no feet?
it looked retarded
like how hard is it to model feet
>/connect 8092
It hangs for a couple seconds before returning an error. Seems I can get onto the EP servers easily enough, though.
Eagle is still based
It's "/server", not "/connect".
They're the same command.
they had feet but were always clipping under the floor iirc
Potentially broken but fun gameplay.
Most of the new characters are pretty uninteresting.
A lot of content.
The easiest campaign of the series, Advance Campaign isn't difficult too.
...Well, fuck.
At any rate, the mednafen US server works.
There's somebody in the mednafen US server for some unknown reason.
It looks so ugly it makes Wesnoth look good.
>Sup Forums doesn't play advance wars again
Whats wrong with fire emblem? Awakening was good and birthright and conquest are ok
They really fucked with the artstyle after the first game.
>first game
I hope you just mean the first Advance Wars, because Advance Wars isn't the first game in the franchise.
>guys i know about obscure shitty games look how cool i am
AW is like the opposite to FE, where all the good games got international releases and everything before them was trash.
If you're a fan of *series* you should do your research.
There's no excuse.
He's talking about Nintendo wars before AW was a thing, user.
Only in a gameplay sense.
So am I, you morons. You're not going to get any upvotes here for your epic weeb trivia. If you actually played any of the pre-GBA titles you'd understand how irrelevant they are.
Hetler is my waifu though
Are you done trying to act cool now?
I'd pick Z over this any day.
Go away, Chad.