Poor girls Joycons cracks during unboxing just from sliding on the Joycon grips just like you're supposed to

Poor girls Joycons cracks during unboxing just from sliding on the Joycon grips just like you're supposed to


What is going on with the Switch's design?

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>stupid women break things

>she doesn't realize there's a lock release button
Dumb thot

>minus and plus signs to help retards not to break their shit
>they ignore the hints and break their shit

Switch is the autism filter

Nintentards will genuinely and unironically defend this.

t. sonybro


I think sony ger is filtered.


holy fuck how she uses that knife...

Women are so fucking dumb

Yes they are. Not dumb enough for me to tricked them into having sex with me tho.

The lock release button is used for detaching from the tablet and from the Joy-Con grip, but not for removing the straps.

>girl doesnt have enough strength to press a button and keep it held to slide it off

what else is new

Almost as dumb as her but still I was able to pull it off........in a matter of seconds without cracking anything!

How can she be that dumb to the point of using a fucking knife?

Nintentards will defend this

Shoddy design

Switch is meant to be used by children and the shit doesn't work


Wii-U tier failure incoming

>Just like you're supossed to
>upside down

Meanwhile this woman uses her brain to easily solve the same problem


>implying the girl in the OP isn't just another dumb bitch girl "gamer" who is cashing in on the new hotness for clicks, and is too stupid to know what she is doing

Regardless of the OP chick being dumb

its 2017 why did they even make it possible to be put upside down?

Little kids are suppose to play with this shit. Its their target audience.

Nintendo doing this to force people to buy more controllers for not paying attention.

I dont want to bring Sup Forums here, but just from starting with the big ass knifes i know that she isnt the sharpest tool in the shed. Wont blame nintendo about the actions of a niggress.

The screens screaming and dying however are a problem

Yes, it's absolutely Nintendo's fault that people don't read the instructions first.

>defending shit consoles.

in America it is

It really is bad design though, it doesn't add anything positive and is ultimately detrimental.

>sliding on the Joycon grips just like you're supposed
Someone didn't watch the video, she put it on backwards.

It's a game mechanic, git gud

why would it allow you to just slip them on backwards and then stay stuck until it breaks if you do? nintendo specifically boasts about how great their parental features and other stuff are for kids. this is made for kids.

>not having an argument

here's your (you)

>nigger breaks something

Meh, nothing new

No you nigger

Its bad design

You are a massive company you are suppose to think about this shit

You stupid faggot

>everyone bitching about how dumb women are
>no one noticed it's a literal 65 IQ subhuman nigger


>Fucko Pop

>What is going on with the Switch's design?

That's what happens, when you go full Jew and buy crappy hardware from a 'murican company.

>Poor girls Joycons cracks during unboxing
>it's a nigger doesn't know how to do anything episode

>"I think I broke it"

I had a sort of launch party with my Switch and of of my friends accidentally put the joycon strap the other way around on the joycon and I had to use A FUCKING LOT of force to get it off.

Anyway, the thing took every hit it could get. I wonder what this girl did wrong. Can anyone tell me, I cant be bothered to watch a 15 min video.

Does it actually come with an AC adapter?

>That fucking background music
God I hate that song.


Does she not see the lock at the bottom? 0

No need to worry. You can always buy a replacement Joy-Con™ for your Nintendo Switch™ at the low price $49.99.

That knife isn't even the sharpest tool in the shed.
Did you see how much effort she had to use to cut that tape?
A decent knife should cut it just from sliding the blade across it.

>someone breaks switch
>woman breaks switch
>fucking retarded stupid bitch woman are shit

This is absolutely false. It's used for detaching both from the Switch AND the controller grips.

you forgot to mention race, reddit

>thumbnail with emoji, clickbait text, and the focus on her instead of the fucking subject of the video

the women who do this and the """"""""""""men""""""""""" who enable them make me fucking sick

She broke it herself. However those fucking things should never be able to fit onto the wrong controller. Also if a grown ass woman is too fucking retarded to get those things off I don't want to see what actual children will do to them.

Nintendo should have known that americans can't match shapes

It's meant for chilren and manchildren, not women.

There's instructions in the box you dumb fucking faggot.

>not plastic or cheap or whateva

Instructions =/= bad design


Exactly, that's what he said

>she thinks to sharpen and maintain it after running it through a bunch of adhesives for her unboxing videos

a blade is only as sharp as it's master, user

>zelda taste test

Kind of wish she had done this live, so someone could have suggested reading the owner's manual. Devices typically come with those, right?

to stupid to open a box
fucking woman

why do girls pretend to like video games?

That's some Yakuza shit.

No he defended bad design with muh instructions

>nine years old
>knew how to tie a hangmans noose

I'll take a shot in the dark here.. Virgin?
thought so

I'm sure a quick google search could find me a comprehensive list of women who have done more in a day than you have in your entire life. Enjoy your Nintendo console though dude.


Ever heard of the boy scouts you ignorant mother fucker?

Is that a thing in Bongland?

>day one of owning the Nintendo Switch
>the kickstand has broken off the tablet, and the left JoyCon is de-syncing regularly while trying to play the system's single title, Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>despite these setsback, I am still optimistic

>day two of owning the Switch
>the plastic screen was scratched when I mistakenly brushed against it with the sleeve of my jacket
>I can no longer see anything on the handheld tablet due to this, but fortunately the dock has not broken yet

>day three
>the right JoyCon has disintegrated into a fine grey powder and is no longer usable
>I have ordered a Pro Controller and will have to wait it out

>day seven
>the controller arrived, and I wad able to continue my Zelda adventure on my television
>though the game's performance is poor, and the graphics leave much to be desired, I enjoy the weapon breaking mechanic because it reminds me of the Switch

>day eight, the dock has melted the SD card slot on the device, I now only have access to the internal storage, a paltry 32GB, and I must play on the tablet again
>unfortunately due to the kickstand and the JoyCon breaking, I must lean it against a stack of books and play with the Pro controller

>day nine, I still cannot see anything and I am unable to charge the tablet while it is in use
>I will persevere

>day 10, I have completed Breath of the Wild, my final review score for the Switch is 9/10, Nintendo have knocked it out of the park yet again

I did the same thing but I didn't break it. The joucon grips are hard enough to get off if ypu put them on normally but if you slide them on wrong, oh boy I had to use a tooth pick to push down one of the "safety" latchs on the grip(not the joycons) and it slid right off


>I enjoy the weapon breaking mechanic because it reminds me of the Switch

>hanged at home by his mother

Holy shit. Why didn't they arrest her?


so what is the point of those things she slides on the joycons? are they just supposed to be a strap or do you need to put them on to connect them to the screen or controller?

Female """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humans""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


Just a strap. I suppose also to make hitting the L and R nicer and more ergonomic.


She put the wrong strapthingy on the controler. They are controller specific and if you fuck up they get jammed really badly.

>Poor girl

Not that poor if she bought a Switch.

>Oh honey, let me guess..
>Sorry, sweetie..

Thanks for making me laugh but read that again. She just found him, nothing more.

I thought I was in this thread for a second

Is that chimpanzee in the OP video female?

A strap, makes then slightly larger, and makes the inner "shoulder" buttons easier to press.

>They are controller specific
Incorrect, they are identical.

If you watch for awhile she shows herself putting it on the actual unit and remarks that the plus sign is used to disengage the lock but it doesn't seem to work with the other joycon that ends up being broken.

She's a dumb bitch but it's pretty clear something was wrong with the lock mechanism.

Fuck nintendo, and fuck dumb faggots that defend stupid shit.

ha I saw this happen earlier this week. Some game journalist guys did an unboxing stream and it happened to them too.

Nope, they are mirror images of each other.

Except they are not

why do blacks love gimmicks?

>fun console for kids of all ages
>Well that's just fucking GREAT $300 down the drain. FUCK YOU KIDS. I don't care if you're 7. You're never getting another game system ever!

>Not sonybrony

I don't like Nintendo but here is the deal

If you watch girl streamer, gamer girl or whatever "gamer girl xD" youtube channel you should go back to neogaf and stay there

These dumb prostitutes should be working in a real job or raising kids not making stupid videos on youtube.


Smart girl, one of the only outlets to get everything early in the UK

that is the most ridiculous design flaw ive ever seen in a product

How is using the product incorrectly a design flaw?

>She put it on the wrong way round

Stupid woman


it's for kids it's supposed to be fool/Amerifat-proof

>the only way you can tell if youre "using it incorrectly" is by looking for a little plus sign to match it with
>it literally slips right on and looks identical from all sides until you try to get it off one time and it fucking cracks

that is absolutely insane.

I don't want this thing until something more than Zeldaport comes out, but I'm also not getting it for my kids either. They're idiots and it seems like there's so many ways to break the fucking thing and so many parts to lose.

Because it can be designed in a way that prevents the problem. Every sliding clip I have ever used can only go on one way.