Apparently they left a cringey hidden message on the pro controller that reads @thx2allgamefans!"
The fuck were they thinking?
I hate how this word describes anyone or anything that seems even remotely sentimental.
Fuck you and kill yourself OP
aww that's cute
kys faggot, easter eggs are the best.
cringey nintenCucks
Fucking this. And people say this place isn't nintendogaf
back to r*ddit nigger
How is being 14 treating you? Do you have a date for homecoming?
LOL it's the 100% true to stereotype american manchild ninten drone
So that's a no? Did you ask the fat mexican girl that eats lunch alone in the hallway?
They really have you fags wrapped around their nip finger, don't they?
[[[[american triggering intensifies]]]
Ok, no joke, if you find a mexican that can cook. Dont let them go.
I'll go with you to the sadie hawkins dance user
I-if you want
There's a difference between being sentimental and being out of touch and cheesy as fuck. But I guess you wouldn't know that difference since you're only paid to shill and damage control
Stop this meme.
If I was being paid for this I would buy you a limo for your homecoming dance. You do have a date right?
Translation: Thanks for spending $70 on this overpriced controller ;)
That clearly says thx2allgambeans
Alright, 'pathetic' is a more apt description for this kind of man child pandering anyway.
great meme
Why is this $70 btw?
Sony can at least argue theirs has gyros in it and shit.
Does this controller do anything special?
You're the one that's out of touch.
Gyros and more rumble
dude! i watch leafy too!!!!
>that reads @thx2allgamefans!
Man, that's pretty sadistic.
Should have been something nintendo related
Thx2allgamefans what Sup Forums?
>obsession grows
>trying this hard to fit in
>shout out to their fanbase for buying the product
>man child pandering
Is any dev thanking their audience man child pandering also?
OP is a fucking retard and really needs to work on getting a date for homecoming
i think it's cute, and i haven't bought anything nintendo since gamecube.
>a couple of letters are ruining my otherwise perfect console
Gyro, hd rumble, and the stupid nfc reader for amiibos. Hori is releasing 25 dollar wired controllers soonish
>Is any dev thanking their audience man child pandering also?
No, just nintenDONT you faggot
>being this much of a cringey nintendo fanboy
loving every laugh
Did Nintendo turn you down for prom user?
Nah kid, they made the Wii
>has to space out and alter his unoriginal nicknames like a fucking idiot
>not a game fan
>actually check
>its legit
Cool I guess
Why are you guys angry?
thx2allgamesfans I think I'm going to tear up, how sentimental
>ha ha guys im so counter culture that I just hate everything as a blanket policy so I can feel morally suprrior
>I'm also extremely alone inside and really need a date for homecoming
just jumped over to reddit
predictable "wow, i love this company so much!" everywhere
it definitely had its intended effect
It's ok when shitendo does it.
i'm just waiting for the wii u pro controllers to get cheap. anyone know when that's gonna happen? im guessing they'll get cheap since they dont work with the switch
>topic somehow turns into Sup Forums shit
Explain why Sup Forums hasn't been removed yet?
>projecting this hard
nintendditors... will they ever learn? *rolls eyes*
>credits roll
>Special thanks to [names]
>... and you!
its cringey because its fucking social media shit
>Switch owners have no games to play so they stare at their controllers
>making a thread to complain about a hardware easter egg that is relatively out of sight.
Call me a shill, but don't you think you are overreacting?
I'm going to post this on Reddit for massive upvotes. Thanks Nintendo ;)
>Hideo Kojima circlejerks himself all over his fans faces by literally including himself in MGS5
>omg what a legend ;_; fuck you konami
>nintendo thanks people with a small bit of text
Why does Sup Forums always feel threatened by anything remotely positively?
Who wants to live like that?
Switch is shit
Nintendo has their heads on their asses
A few words on the control are irrelevant
Name 1 (one) other company that did this and was criticized
>not just sanding it off and instead complain like a baby
It's literally on your face 24/7 you fucking idiot. The Kojima cameo was a small optional side quest.
You mean nintenbros
>Company sends positive message
>Being the edgy jaded cucks that people are, this is labeled as "cringey"
You fuckers will forever be sad and alone
whoa that's some FUCKIN EPIC cringy shit man
gotta use it on my cringe compilation
Why dont mods do public bans anymore?
not forever they'll eventually suicide
Nintendo confirmed for Yakuza money laundering company.
There isn't a @ on the joystick
Fucking gullible shit, retards that try to fit in are the cancer of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
pick one
>when I, a grown man, play my ps4 it's a sophisticated and classy way to consume media
>when you, a grown man, play your switch you're a fucking underdeveloped manchild living in the past
damn..................................................................................... really makes you think
>developer does a subtle nod to its fans.
>somehow this is now a bad thing
Thanks for believing.
I swear, Sup Forums is full of edgy 14 years old lately
They're too preoccupied making sure no one bullies transexuals with mean comments
How fucking dare you use my images
>this thread exists right now
Literally done for marketing
I don't know about cringey, it's just plain weird to me.
Does anyone have a Switch Pro controller by the way? Is it considerably better than the Joycon grip?
The other day I held a door open for this elderly woman and she gave me a polite thank you.
Are you retarded?
Seriously, like, people talking about a detail is marketing?
>Implying that the switch isn't shoved in your face on social media and Sup Forums all the time
>Implying discussion is marketing
Wow, those sonybros putting Easter eggs on the code of rear console, so blatant marketing
Should have filmed and put on YT bro xD
It's on the motherboard
It's just one autistic faggot
thicc latinas are GOAT
>Wow, those sonybros putting Easter eggs on the code of rear console, so blatant marketing
What are you taking about?
Anyway, yeah. Obvious gay easter egg is marketing
everything is literally hitler when nintendo does it
There's a difference between fat and thicc
>We'll use any ammo we can against Nintendo!
>This news item about a hidden message on the controller? Let's make it sound like something terrible!
Companies have been doing this since atari, are you 10 years old?
Sony did the same on the code of Ps3 and 4 but you didn't knew about Sup Forums when you were 8 right?
>OP getting blown the fuck out by 53 people
This. Fuck OP. Men shouldn't bitch bitch bitch all the time.
>It's literally on your face 24/7
How do you play video games holding the controller in front of your face with the right analog stick held down the whole time?
>nintencringer samefagging
>OP trying to fight back
That dude is wearing a wig.
>i am a nintentoddler and i must cringe
trump has an impossible task trying to MAGA when the entire country is fillled with manchildren