What's the scariest horror game ever made, you dumb sluts

what's the scariest horror game ever made, you dumb sluts

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not this one

then why haven't you finished it

wouldn't be western because nothing is scary as fuck as those.

Silent hill only has the atmosphere going for it

Fatal Frame/siren and other like asian games be spooky a fuck

Resident Evil, shotguns, rocket launchers, and whole bunch of shit says nothing is scary

7th guest

silent hill 1 desu

im just at the school and keep getting killed by midget monsters

first Silent Hill
>dumb sluts
you wish you fag

Obviously it's Amnesia.

playing SH1 as a 7-year old wasn't the best decision

>walking sim

Dead Space is cool, but it relies too much on body horror.
I'd say Silent Hill 1/2/3 have the scariest atmosphere out of any game I played.

pretty much all horror games are walking sims, shitbrain with some guns added on occasion

>tfw when you're a child even kids games can be scary as fuck for retarded reasons like a weird intro / odd music

>playing silent goddamn hill as a little shit

Yeah, that WAS fucking stupid

Although your parents are based for letting you do so, mine let me do that too. Not a good choice

>what are puzzles

I was playing Dino crisis, re1 and 2 and clock tower.

Fucking nightmares still haunt me

>puzzles in horror games

Definitely not Dead Space.

Dad let me play Doom when I was 4, the way your face gets fucked up when you die scared me too tears.

no more doom for me 'till I got to high school

So you never played a Resident Evil or Silent Hill game in your life?

i'm implying puzzles in horror games aren't worth mentioning, 1st graders can solve this shit without even thinking

So what makes a game horror are puzzles? Your logic's all retarded

someone didn't play sh2

the only puzzle i remember from sh2 was the guilty or innocent man puzzle.

Really makes you think!?

There's some pretty damn challenging puzzles in Silent Hill, especially at higher difficulties, I'm guessing you never played those games.

I never claimed that, however they're a big part of survival horror.

My dad had used to let me watch him play tomb raider, I think it was the second one?

Everything was fine until FUCKING TIGER OUTTA NOWHERE.

Also the swimming parts made me anxious as fuck.

Out of this world for the same reasons, but I actually played that one.

Diablo 1

Then you don't have a great memory, friend.

was it rape?

Is the evil within worth playing? I recently finished dead space and it got me wanting to play another third person horror game.

Better go for any of the first 3 silent hills.

Gonna have to agree with this. The music, the slow descent into Hell, the demon moans in the caves, being outnumbered and overwhelmed, the feeling of hopelessness and the near emptiness of Tristram, it was freaky all around.

Penumbra and Cry of Fear weren't very scary but they were extremely depressing in a good way.

Silent Hills gave me heart palpitations, I had to stop it like 10 minutes in.

You should probably ease off those kind of games, grandpa.

I'm 34 years young.

I remember when I was 34. The women were pleasant and dumbasses huddled together, but stayed out of sight. We're living the realest horror game these days

silent hill 2


the original avp

I'm a pussy when it comes to scary games and this didn't feel scary at all. It's a dark action game.

yea its really scary how monsters in amnesia despawn if you hide for 5 seconds
its also scary how dying has absolutely no consequence
i really enjoy the thrill i get knowing that the solution to every encounter is hide
I like that the water monster part, the only decent part of the game, was a 30 second long set piece never seen again

>About 5-8 years old and had SH1
>Too scared to continue playing after it becomes night time after going through the house
>hype myself up to my big sis that I'll be man enough to complete it, she really wanted to see the rest of the game from that point on
>She watches me and encourages me and finally I make it to the school.
>Scared shitless but try to brace through it but it becomes too much. Lose it and just turn the game off
>She gives me a look of disappointment, calls me a scaredy cat and leaves the room
>Repeat this for SH2 where I'd pussy out at the apartments instead 1st time seeing pyramid head
>Repeat this for SH3 once Mall goes all otherworld
>Repeat this for SH4 yadda yadda

Only beat em years later with her. Horror games ain't a problem for me anymore but my older brother is a complete wimp at them, couldn't even play the RE7 demo without freaking out.

Are there any horror games that are a slow burn?

Dead Space is closer to Bioshock Infinite than Amnesia tbqh

i didnt know people though deadspace was good

Sadly, a lot of people do.

It's weird because I saw it praised up and down universally since it was released and was completely underwhelmed by it when I played it a few months ago. It wasn't bad but I was definitely forcing myself to finish.

And now it seems like the game has a mixed opinion only after I played it.

I have to assume the game was impressive for its time. That must be it. I thought Resident Evil 4 was overrated too but I still understood why it was heralded as I played it near release.

Dead Space is to horror and tps what Call of Duty is to fps.

You definitely didn't play SH1 with the piano puzzle. Get out now.

Call of Duty was actually really good though and I am including the campaigns and single player in that. The hate for it came from the lack of innovation.

Disclaimer: I've only played MW1/2 and WaW.


Well then you should give call of duty 1 and 2 a shot.

Amnesia was really extremely scary. You're pointing out ways in which it's not great from a difficulty perspective, but it still instills a very powerful sense of dread and helplessness.

If somebody who'd never played a horror game asked for one to play, I'd recommend Amnesia.

might as well have said DISREGARD MY OPINION


yume nikki

Fatal Frame 3

1, 2, and 4 are the only good ones

Turok 2.

alien isolation. mainly owing to the damn good AI it has.

For me its SH3. It has the best graphics, atmosphere and sound design. SH1 is still good but nothing compared to 3.
2 is good but the lack of monster variety hurt the game a lot. It has the best plot out of the first 3 games tho.
SH4 is a disgrace and should be grouped with origins, shattered memories and the rest.

Part of the reason a horror game is scary is because you're put into situations where you need to think fast but you're unsure of how to deal with the situation. This element is completely absent from amnesia because there is one solution to every problem: hide. With your problems pre-solved and with no risk to anything the player never feels uncomfortable and ultimately the game fails at what it's supposed to do and has to rely on scripted jump scares and spooky music

Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut

>3rd person Doom 3
It's (You) who needs to play more games.

This is a great choice too.
SH1 is still my absolute favorite out of the whole series after 17 years.

Doom 3 is scarier than Dead Space but at least in Doom the jumpscares aren't as obviously timed

Hide is an oversimplification, because it's extremely environment dependent. You can hide in a lot of different ways. If you bump into a monster in the dark, you aren't sure how you're going to hide, where you'll run, possibly even wear you are. It's far, far less frightening if you have a gun.

You still have to decide where to hide.

>hating on glorious walter sullivan
>hating on the 15spoopy37me world haunts

>tfw SH4 hidden gen

I will never understand you "SH3 da best" shitters

I bought this game last night and it scares the shit out of me. There's this awful sense of unwieldiness that makes you extremely afraid of having something behind you, and every vent is suspicious. The sound direction is what really does it, though. Walking over bodies is disgusting, you wonder if the steps you're hearing are your own, the psychotic buzzing adds some auditory fry that makes you eternally suspect something creeping up on you, it's really effective.

Agreed, that game was top tier horror. Last third of the game got a little tedious but it's still 9/10 game for me.

But SH3 is the best and that guy's a flaming faggot SH4 is good

Having a gun presents the problem of resource management, do I use it now and risk a nastier situation in the future, or run? There is no resource in Amnesia except for oil which doesn't do anything other than make your screen shake less and character shut up. Sure, you have to find a spot to hide, but same with every other horror game in addition to the other things you have to consider in those games. It's very easy to be looking out for spots to hide when that's all you're thinking about. You're always very confident in how you can handle a situation because it's the only thing on your mind.


Thief Gold.

I def wanna play the series some time, but it's ridiculous that they still cost as much as they do, even on sale.

MW and WaW have good reputations, and MW2 was super popular in the first few months before people turned on it.

MW2 > 4

I played MW2 first and 4 was a definite downgrade. Didn't play nearly as much multiplayer though. Only multiplayer I got to play a lot of was MW2. I don't care for multiplayer much though but I got hooked on that one for about a month.

This guys gets it.

>mfw cradle

>good reputations
Nearly all of them do.

>MW2 > 4
ya dun goofed

>same with every other horror game
Most older horror games are easier to escape enemies in, partly because areas are divided by loading screens, partly because of AI.

I really think you're generally wrong, too. Having a ton of options doesn't necessarily make something more scary. Helplessness is a huge part of it, rather than just decision making. Thinking long term doesn't make individual encounters scary, the immediate struggle makes an encounter scary. You really aren't as immersed if you're doing math, or putting encounters into a hierarchy of more or less dangerous so you can decide when to use the shotgun.

Amnesia is scary to a lot of people. Saying otherwise is wrong.

>I've only played MW1/2 and WaW.
man, the culture shock of going back to playing the BEST GAMES in the series must be crazy huge for you.

SS13 when you're hiding, and the changeling has killed the rest of the players on the server.

How do i get used to those sh1 controls, jesus

But cradle isn't even from thief gold?

By not being retarded

Well is it or isn't it?

>Doom 3 is scarier than Dead Space
Completely wrong.

>How do i get used to those sh1 controls, jesus
...by not being a lil' bitch and playing it?
Seriously, my wife played it for the very first time just a few years ago, her first horror game as well, and it took some mere minutes for her to get hang of things on her own. Stormed through the OG trilogy in a single month.

Many of us played these games when we were literally 10. There's no excuse for you to suck with one of the smoothest and most advanced variants of tank controls, that side of RE4.

It's not only scarier, it's all-around better.

Pretty spooky with the atmosphere and aesthetic desu

Marine campaigns in AvP and AvP2 were always 2spooky 4 me

I'm sad I couldn't get the first one to run properly on my PC because the second one was fucking great.

Dead Space 1

But regardless of the past, VR will objectively create the scariest horror game within the next year, if it hasn't already (haven't played RE7 VR).
If Dead Space had a first person VR mod, it would be literally unsafe. People would die.


Isn't it on steam?

protip: use D-pad, if you already aren't.
Make sure the Auto Aim is ENABLED in the Options menu's Extra Options (press L/R).

Use the SEARCH VIEW (L2?) to turn the camera behind your character or to check the surroundings before proceeding. Can also be used to TRACK enemies when aiming at them.
Don't try to kill everything, especially if it's dark & you can just turn OFF the flashlight.

Not that it makes a difference but yes.

>finished it
Are you referring to that single jump scare at the end?

Wow. So scary.

I don't think I've ever played a really scary game. Dead Space 1 was great but was mostly jump scares. I miss silent Isaac

Hell no they don't. CoD franchise is one of the most hated all time, even if they're top sellers.

And even now the last 2 entries were turned on by even the fans.

4 wasn't really memorable to me. What was better, campaign or multiplayer?

Lets see what SH4 has to offer!

>Shit """"puzzles""""
>Shit inventory system
>Scort missions
>Huge downgrade in graphics compared to SH3
>Shit sound design compared to SH3
>Dull and uninteresting level design

Wow, what a good game.

>CoD franchise is one of the most hated all time, even if they're top sellers.

The original tomb raider games still make me nervous. Somehow they capture the feeling of exploring mysterious caverns and tombs so much better than any other game I have played. You feel lost the second the level starts, and it only gets worse as the game goes on.