Is Fable Anniversary worth $8.74 on steam? Never touched the series

Is Fable Anniversary worth $8.74 on steam? Never touched the series.


It's a shittier version of Fable TLC, and you can get that game for a lot cheaper.

It's objectively worse than the The Lost Chapters release.

I've played TLC but never played Anniversary, what are the areas it downgrades or fucks up?

Not OP, but TLC is not on sale right now unlike anniversary. At least in my region. So it's not cheaper.

Just about the whole game looks like absolute shit compared to the original.


It completely bins the original's artstyle and just throws a layer of HDR and bloom onto everything.

but anniversary looks better

Some of the new art isn't 100% faithful to the original designs, and seeing the jenky awkward animations using newer high quality models is a little odd.

On top of that, you do need to install a mod to disable FXAA. All in all, it's a fine way to play the game, nothing fans of the original will whine about is really enough to label it as any better or worse than the original release.

Anniversary looks better in this pic, except for the lighting in the bottom right just shadowing the NPCs.

Anniversary is fine if you just want to replay Fable on a modern set-up. It's the same game in the end.

If that's what you think, then buy it.

>Fable 2 PC release never ever

OP here. Disregarding the graphics and which version may be better, is the game enjoyable?

A lot of it looks just as or if not better, but the lighting makes everything look fucked up. Not sure why they didn't just stick with the bloom from the original instead of blurring character details with those shadows.

Fable Anniversary has out-of-the-box support for modern resolutions. It's also on sale.

It's alright, pretty middle of the road stuff


They play exactly the same.
If you're using a controller I'd say go with anniversary because the menus are a little more intuitive, and there are more control options.

If you're using a keyboard and mouse just pick whatever version looks better to you. Both are the exact same game, gameplay wise, and if you've never played Fable 1 it's a solidly enjoyable and legitimately funny game with an awesome soundtrack.

Oh! Anniversary also has a hard mode, which I'd recommend because Fable 1 is probably one of the easiest games ever made. And as overused as the term has become, I'd call Fable 1 "comfy".

It's ok. Just some fun fantasy adventure with a bit of humor thrown in from time to time. A bit annoying if you want to roleplay as an "evil" character. And is much simpler than what was promised.

all very tru shit

it's so fucking laggy and the loading times are horrible compared to the TLC/Fable 1
it's not worth it. Massive disappointment tbqhwyf

>Anniversary also has a hard mode
i think ive played my fill of fable 1, but would hard mode be worth a final playthrough? is it anything beyond damage sponges?

The only change is there aren't any Resurrection phials. In the original I would never die once in a play through. On the hard mode I went to dying two or three times.

It's not a huge change, but if you're looking to play the game again it does change it up a little.

>A lot of it looks just as or if not better, but the lighting makes everything look fucked up

Okay, all you're doing here is explaining why it looks bad, not that it doesn't look bad. Obviously if you remove the thing that makes the whole game look fucked, then the game will no longer look fucked.