Did you?
Did you buy it yet?
>he still hasn't done all the endings
> implying I'm a poorfag and don't own a PS4 version already
> he played on low settings only
Nines needs to wash his face.
>prepurchasing games for 60 eurobucks
As much as I wanto to play this - no.
No way, fag.
Isn't it 40 euros?
does it look like i obught it?
Either this or BotW for Wii U
My budget for hobbies is tight on the middle of the month.
No, I don't pre-order games, nor do I buy games upon release.
They are both shit. Just pick whatever makes your weenie tingle the most.
Everything is shit.
Show your OKAY games.
I'll buy it on sale. Still got plenty of other games to play
>he calls denuvo riddled buggy port locked to 1080 with overblown HW requirements - high setting
Us eurofags always have the same price as dollars due to higher taxation
I'll pirate it.
It will probably have denuvo but I can wait.
>Life is SJW
>Nu Male's Sky
A guy I know just brings this up game whenever I show up and tells me to buy it. He's actually trying to be annoying about it, and it's almost making me not want to buy the game.
I'm gonna get it probably, though.
>No Man's Buy
user.... reevaluate your life.
Waiting the release on torrent sites.
CHRIST you have the worst taste known to man..
Yeah I thought the PS4 and Steam versions
Why is there no PC demo?
This is the reason I refuse to take screenshots of my Steam account. All those extra Humble Bundle games are nice, but once they add up, it looks really bad.
there's a 2 hour demo
This. The full game will be the demo for me if those fags don't give me a demo.
buying it on PS4, which is the only proper method of purchase, can you steamshitters please leave the board?
Because I don't support pre-order bonuses. I'll buy it the minute it launches, but I don't want ANY chance that some dillhole at Squeenix mistakenly thinks that the pre-order bonuses were a factor in the sell.
Buying it on PS4 because I don't want to wait and also fuck those requirements, I could run it but it seems like it will be a bad port. Which is a huge shame. I might still buy it on PC eventually, after I know port quality, price has decreased and so on. Already beat the nip version and loved it, so I know it's worth having around.
gonna wait for gameplay footage to see if there's anything particularly wrong with it, I'm sitting on 150 on my account right now so I'm ready to buy if it's a good port
nah I'll wait for it to be on sale in a few years at a low price
Nice bait
Is there any Denuvo?
I actually bought it on PS4 and PC. It's the least I can do to show my support to one of the few companies and directors who actually cares about video games and customers.
>Paying for PC games
not buying it until they remove the framelock - or someone works of a fix
60fps is the new 30fps
Not confirmed yet but there will be most likely.
>Senran Kagura
Good taste
can i buy a physical copy with a DVD somewhere?
Please tell me this is a guy
Fuck framerate. Pirate day one just because it's another platinum meme game for 5 hours
Afraid of being straight, homo?
Haruka is all right but Ryona is the best
You can buy a physical copy for PS4, but I'm not sure if PC has one.
>60 FPS is bad
Fuck off.
NieR Remaster is semi-confirmed, look at the ":)", please buy as many as you can, we can do this Sup Forums, we will make them make NieR remaster!
On the square enix europe website they sell physical copy for PC
That's his standard response to all praise from English speakers, look at his other responses
why isn't there a pc demo?
That's just further proof.
Greatest love story ever told.
>5 hours
Yeah good luck with that.
>buy game
>play for 2 hours
>refund if you dont like it
there's your demo numbnuts
the PS4 demo is only half an hour
No I hate weeb shit.
yes, on PS4
It's out not yet so would i have bought it?
>muh 10 endings
Yeah, like i said, 5 hours
>60 FPS is good
Kill yourself.
You won't even get 1 ending from just 5 hours.
You apparently like shit, though, judging by that screenshot
>No PC demo
So its confirmed to be a broken mess then?
Nope, because my pc is literally the minimum required and everyone knows that it will run on 10fps.
Most games don't have PC demos
i hope it will have a reversible Cover Art
I got ending W in 10 seconds
Neir has a demo on PS4, idiot.
I don't buy shitty fapbait games.
Not for $60. I'll wait for a sale
western shit is better than weeb shit at least it doesnt turn you into human trash.
Did I say anything about the PS4 in my post?
>Most games don't have PC demos
Im not sure you read what he said so here it is again.
How about this one, you smelly faggot
>taro pulling the same shit he did in 3
Good thing this isn't a shitty fapbait game. Or a fapbait game at all for that matter.
I just really hope there will be a preload
it has 26 endings though
If the ps4 has a demo, and the game is on both systems, they could also put the demo over onto PC.
This is now a screenshots thread
Of course not, you're already human trash by liking New Vegas
That one's alright, not really western though
>the first and last game to star regis
fuck dude i never thought a character could grow on me so fast
How so?
will pirate
Withcer 3 was made by polish people, not western.
Seems like a waste of dev time to me
I really hope Automata's length isn't from playing again and again for multiple endings.
How long is just one playthrough?
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Where's the cheapest place to buy it from?
kill yourself weeb apologist
80 fucking canadollars fuck me
9 platinum hours
>hat one's alright, not really western though
Holy shit, you are actually that dumb. Do they give you shoes with no laces so you don't hang yourself by accident?
>release game on PC
>PCfags proving to be cheap minimum wage earning monkeys
this is exactly why companies are reluctant to port to pc and yet people cry like howler monkeys when they don't.
who else is a leaf here ?
>>Life is SJW
>iv never actually played the game: the post
KYS. The entire game is about how shitty events in life turn people into shitty people.
>preordering a digital release with no limit on copies