

the mods have made it clear - Sup Forums is 100% behind Nintendo and if you post here you are against soniggers and xboners. the wordfilters are Team Sup Forums drawing a line in the sand and if you don't like it you can fuck off back to sonygaf or wherever xbot idiots go

Shut up, you Nintenpig.

It's sonybro you fucking newfag

embarrassing. you should delete your post before anyone sees it lol

It's Son(y)gger and it gets filtered too. The rest never even gets mentioned you stupid Ninturdler.

It's actually Sonegros

>Sup Forums mods finally doing something against the Nintendo vs. Sony shitposting

Thank fucking Christ.

Sonyfags and Xbots are tried and true names, I just hope Nintentoddler picks up.

Sony is winning so Nintendo needs the mod's help. sad!

Should just ban them instead of filtering it, shitposters are just going to slightly alter the insults like sonigger or Nintentoddler.

Hang yourself Nintenretard

Except, you know, delete obvious shit posting, console war threads.

Only cause Nintendiddlers have been spamming /q/ after getting ass blasted by the Switchs launch failure

>net censorship
Fuck off nigger.


pretty sure this is the working of a sonyger.

the only thing that got censored was sony gger.

all the other words nobody gives a fuck about. they only got censored to make it look like it wasnt a sonyger.

Nothing wrong with censorship


If you're using the terms just to troll and shit up the board you need fuck off. You're banned for advertising on Sup Forums as well, is that censorship too you stupid cunt?

All censored
