>Nintendo: "Small numbers of stuck or dead pixels are a characteristic of LCD screens. These are normal and should not be considered a defect."
Defend this.
>Nintendo: "Small numbers of stuck or dead pixels are a characteristic of LCD screens. These are normal and should not be considered a defect."
Defend this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nintenbros will defend this.
who will buy out nintendo when they inevitably go bankrupt after this fails?
>Defend this
Dead pixels are normal on LCD screens. There is usually an amount until it's considered defectively, like more than 5. You can get heavy discounts on monitors this way. Order b-stock, and you will get either a few dead pixels or incorrect or sub par backlight bleed or something, and pay significantly less.
At any rate, a single dead pixel has never been enough reason even to return 1000 dollar plus monitors.
Every panel manufacturer will allow up to a certain number of dead or stuck pixels. AUO does it. LG does it. Samsung does it.
I'm pretty sure the only panels you're never going to find them in are professional broadcast monitors such as the ones made by Sony.
Any monitor reseller worth a damn will have warranties in place for dead pixels
I'm gonna take a stab and predict that the heat generated from dock mode, or even sustained handheld mode, will be detrimental to the panel's life
I returned a nVidia shield tablet back to nVidia on warrenty because it had 1 dead pixel
Stop talking bollocks, any dead pixel is a defect
Switch is fucking deader than WiiU, screencap this post.
All the normies I know returned it today because it's shit and doesn't have netflix etc.
All lcd manufacturers have this policy. Fuck off sonybro.
blah blah graphics don't matter we already are satsified with 720p 20fps 2hr gameplay anyways
>for UltraSharp
You do realize these monitors have generally cost $700 right? You also realize these are not for consumers generally, and it's not a policy for general consumer monitors, right?
Kill yourself.
You can't even spell warranty. Fuck off.
>enthusiast piece of proprietary hardware vs and LCD screen
>defending corporations shitting on their users
what a nice little cuck you are
>there are people here RIGHT NOW who use something with dead pixels
How embarrassing.
Actually, I think my old original DS had a stuck pixel in one of the corners.
>These are normal
>Shitting on their users
It's economics retard. Either we get cheap LCD's that might have defects within a margin of error, or we pay a lot more for general LCD's. Your magical commie world doesn't exist.
Doesn't change that it happened
The shield tablet was in a similar price range to the Switch at the time, stop making excuses for shitty business practices
>i-it's a feature!!!
keep slurping on that big fat jap corporate cock
meanwhile Apple will happily change your product if you have one dead pixel
I can buy a $99 LCD TV right now that has 0 dead pixels
It's normal and should not be considered a defect.
I'm more amazed he could take the cock out of his mouth long enough to post that.
You also are getting a much worse LCD than something that goes into a computer monitor. Your comparison really just shows you know nothing about the technologies being discussed.
>Meanwhile Apple will gladly blablaba
Apple products also cost 800 dollars. Apple also picks first at the factories that make the LCD's. Samsung is another example of such company. They all have extremely expensive products.
The switch is 300 dollars. Not 800 dollars. Kill yourselves.
But Lenovo is far less expensive and even they have a 2 px policy
Now if Nintendo means 2 or less dead pixels by a "small number" then it's fine, but what if it's 3 or even 5 or 6?
>They all have extremely expensive products.
And the Switch is more expensive than a PS4.
Sorry, what was your point?
because SOMETIMES YOU WANNA GO, everybody knows your naaame.
>These are normal and should not be considered a defect.
It's more than 2 adjacent.
And "but what if it's 3, or 5, or 6" is all besides the point. People ITT are pretending like it's normal to replace things with a small number of dead pixels, which it isn't, unless you pay a high price for a product.
If you are implying that it is normal, but t he amount Nintendo picks is what matters, then I would agree with you, so I have no reason to argue against you, but people ITT are literally pretending others are implying "It's okay when Nintendo does it," when in this case, it's okay when everybody in the industry does it.
>without dead pixels the product isn't genuine
God damn Nintenbros buy every shit with a nintendo seal.
No real defense, it sucks. BUT nearly everyone else that makes a product with an LCD has the same policy.
Just do like you would do with anything else if you have something like a dead pixel, return it until you get one you like. Faster than sending to Nintendo anyway.
Soo big that they had to resort to cheapo LCDs?
Yeah, Nintendo is done hardware wise, they're going to be a decent smartphone dev though.
>You do realize these monitors have generally cost $700 right?
It extends to the $200 displays as well. Hell, the warranty terms even include having a brand new replacement shipped to you the next business day and the defective unit picked up from your location, no mailing or shipping required.
>And the switch is more expensive than the PS4
The PS4 doesn't have a LCD Screen on it retard.
>"This defect isn't a defect because we say so"
It's no use talking sense into these people, they will be given a shitty product and they will way "thank you masters."
>"Small numbers of stuck or dead pixels are a characteristic of LCD screens. These are normal and should not be considered a defect.
One of the companies I was contracted for received nine 4K monitors for their studio and I had to RMA four of them (two of them twice) because they had a SINGLE dead pixel. That is definitely not normal and most companies have warranties that cover such an eventuality with their monitors. Sure, you can buy some 4K monitors for cheap because of a few dead pixels, but those are considered ABNORMALITIES and are cheaper for that reason.
I never said it did.
>Guys, you can get a SWEET DEAL ON MONITORS
>All you gotta deal with is a few dead pixels
im sorry but fucking what are you smoking
fuck off with your filters
Well, this is Nintendo we're talking about here.
Maybe they plan to sell Nintendo Pixels at like, 10 Nintenbucks a pixel?
Every LCD screen I've ever bought was returnable if there was even 1 dead pixel (I ask before I buy).
Nintendo has reached a new Super-SaiyaJew level
It's not just dead pixels, they have other various "not to spec" problems that usually don't actually matter at all. Keep paying tons for no reason.
He isn't wrong, Dell will often sell Ultrasharp monitors that have a few dead pixels for 60-80% less than retail price on their outlet sites.
just play on real TV.
Then you literally have no point.
People always say that when I'm winning the argument.
I can't believe you're defending Nintendo's use of a cheaper screen, and the fact they aren't covering dead pixels.
$300 or $700, it's 2017 nobody wants to see a dead fucking pixel on their screen.
I do.
>first argument
>"grafix d-dont matter!"
>"p-pixel density..w-who needs it?"
>"dead p-pixels...f-feature!"
Can't you just return it anyways?
I mean, unless the dead pixel appears after like two weeks or so.
Are people seriously going through the support articles now to find things to shitpost about?
>save money and ruin your eye sight
Yes, yes. Very good /vr/...
HOWEVER, Nintendo is effectively gimping the Switch by making it portable, making it more expensive and less powerful in order to include portability. So with that in mind, the portable screen better fucking work properly.
but that's exactly how it works you fucking idiot
the monitors with defects are cheaper. think of it like CPU binning
thank you for informing me, my jewish friends
I aspire to become the jew
A dead pixel is the most fucking distracting thing in the world and should be grounds for replacement.
Map looks fine to me.
>and should be grounds for replacement.
It is. Even for the cheapest monitors.
Nintendo is out jewing the jews.
>spend $300 on a product with a broken screen
>"but it's okay because this happens a lot"
no. It's not okay. It's defective and should get a free replacement.
this dude gets it
>just buy it bro haha who cares if it's cheaply made if it breaks just buy another one bro XD
Graphics DON'T matter though.
Dead Pixels, however, are inexcusable.
Never buy a monitor that doesn't have zero dead pixel warranty.
>tfw Nintendo sells replacement lcd screens for $150, half of the system cost.
You know it's coming.
>You do realize these monitors have generally cost $700 right?
Uhh, no? Ultrasharp range has cheaper monitors in it too.
>plastic panel sold separately
>Any monitor reseller worth a damn will have warranties in place for dead pixels
>proceeds to link dell
This is some funny shit.
Dell won't replace your monitor for a single dead pixel. They'll do so for a single bright pixel, but not for a single dead (dark) one.
> The Premium Panel Guarantee does not cover monitors with dark/ black type of dead pixels.
Another link with a table of what they'll replace.
Good luck buying a monitor then.
Are dead pixels the newest art-style?
It's too bad the Nintendium mine collapsed in 2006, sealing all of its workers in a dark, premature tomb.
Might as well buy some Chinese shit now.
I think you meant 719p
graphical improvement has played a major role in vidya since forever. it was, in fact, a huge selling point for Nintendo up until the GC.
I've literally never heard anyone say 'graphics don't matter' until the Wii became a thing. maybe from Sega fanboys back with the Genesis.
>this delusion
>Defend this.
i don't agree with it, but it's easy to defend
it's an international standard
>colors all fucked
to this day the Genesis palette makes me sick.
What are cities?
Places full of faggots and niggers
>bumfuck nowhere
>places where people live
I know people love excuses to shitpost but the sad fact is, a certain number of dead pixels are considered an acceptable error tolerance in monitor manufacture. I don't think it's an idea state of affairs but it's just how shit works. Monitors with dead pixels cannot be returned under warrantly unless a certain percentage of the pixels are dead, it's a thing people know about.
US democracy is decided 1 vote per person, not 1 vote per square meter so I'm not sure what this image is trying to show.
It's ok CTR, I'm sure you'll get me next time. ;)
It's part of the many reasons why I regret getting a PSP. The rest is the craptastic library and poor design choices.
>Taiwanese manufacturer
>Korean manufacturers
What about good companies though?
Such as?
Jap manufacturers do it too. If you're that much of a faggot about it return it to your retailer. You expect them to throw out perfectly saleable product due to your autism?
I've always believed graphics don't matter. In fact, I would be just as happy with any of my favorite games even if they looked like a gotdamn ps1 game nowadays.
It's all about how the game plays, m8y.
why people are even arguing about the definition of Defect? ISO-13406-2 is the definition. Not what retards say on Sup Forums or what Nintendo says.
Any manufacturer offering a better warranty policy = great! But no one can offer less, at least not in EU.
as long as you acknowledge that's your own, personal opinion and far from an actual fact in hte industry, it's all good.
>These are normal and should not be considered a defect
What the fuck
While Nintendo is flat out fucking wrong here I fail to see a problem. You linked to a Nintendo support page not a report saying all Switches are getting dead pixels.
Are sonyponies this easy to trigger?
Not surprised. It's been obvious since the patent leaks way back that this system was built on a foundation of compromises and corner cutting.
Zelda looks amazing, but the system itself is a fucking joke. An underpowered mess that literally can't even play its flagship game at a constant framerate.
Anyone who bought this console got duped hard.
>Being a socialist cuck
What color is missing?