ITT: games with godteir lighting

ITT: games with godteir lighting


get lost, todd

STALKER is the undisputed champion of dynamic lighting

Crysis (2007)



>Fallout 4 with darker nights and headlamp mod

Fallout 4 may have failed as an RPG but I'll be damned if I said I didn't have fun with it


>autistic faggots whine about the yellow color grading for years
>directors cut removes it
>makes it look way worse
kill yourself

fuck you

Maybe they should have made some actual lighting instead of cheap shortcuts

You're retarded

Lol this looks terrible

>mfw the color filter never bothered me
>actually aided the atmosphere compared to directors cut

why do you say that

No it looks great.

wew ye got me m8

literally perfect lighting

>Institute blows up
>Railroad gets Synths that escape
>Brotherhood gets scientists that escape
>Minutemen rebuild the Commonwealth into the East Coast's NCR
>Nate goes home with his synth grandson

DICE will ban you for supporting right.

STALKER was pretty effay for 2007, and CS looks even better, yet CoP somehow looks like it took a dive in terms of lighting, although that may be because more of the focus was vast outside locations and better performance

>god-tier anything on a technical level

Both Metro games are fucking amazingly lighted.
The outdoor portion of Last Light looks really nice.

You have never made anything have you.

I played the DC last year, and it's still yellow, and the de-yellowing mod still makes it look like a de-yellowed HR. I'm pretty sure that most of the lighting and textures have a golden hue to begin with anyway, so you can't just turn a couple shaders off, since Gibbed already tried that around the era of his first tool

Metro 2033
The Original not the half assed redux

STALKER vanilla does not look like that

it does

vanilla stalker does have fully dynamic lighting and shadows

something that most games still dont have 10 years later

Fallout 4 lighting can be good but modding out the ambient light sources is absolutely necessary.

>Playing SoC with AA2


These motherfuckers know what's up

>very clearly using mods
Are you being retarded on purpose?

That screenshot just shows how much the yellow filter supported the game's art style,

Parallax mods/textures and float32 existed by 2008, no one talks about vanilla experiences when talking about STALKER

railroad and bos cannot both have their way

Rage has it's moments

>high grass density and draw distance
>turn grass shadows on

this kills the PC

Do mods count? (Fallout 4 mods here).

Hitman is one of the best-looking games this gen.

Even though it's baked, it looks great.

Doom 3 was pretty based at launch, and new shaders still keep it going even today

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and Thief: Deadly Shadows are the undisputed kings of lighting. No games have even come close to having better lighting, even to this day.

nice try faggots

godtier coming up

Pic unrelated?


Rage was fun once I got shotgun rockets.





id tech 5 has nice lighting

This. Honestly started replaying it. The story is shit locations are shit perks and weapons are mostly shit. But it's fun as hell

Alien Isolation

Honestly the lighting and particle effects made the game.

Looks okay
But Metro 2033 is still superior in every way

>People playing Fallout 4

Alien Isolation


>being mad because people enjoy a game you dont

Came here to say I came here to say this

STALKER with true darkness mod

>tfw bought Riddick on GOG sale recently
My fucking nigga. That shit looks great. Have yet to play Deadly Shadows though, but it seems to use pretty much the same engine as DX:IW, which had pretty good lighting already that still looks decent.

Sure helped they contracted the darkest technowizards to make that shit run like pure fucking magic, shit's fucking stupid smooth

theHunter: Call of the Wild

Didn't some of the original devs with source code access sliiiiiide completely fucking revamped lighting code n' shit over to a Thief community, who were all rightly fucking floored by this apparent fucking magic until someone pointed out it -had- to have been done by one or more of the original programmers with source code access?

I always thought that was so sweet of them.

Fuck off

came to post this

My personal opinion is that Witcher 2, 3, and Metro all have better lighting effects than The Division, and also run better.

The Division looks good, but not that good, chief.

>witcher games
>better lightning


Came in here to post this. No matter what faults there may be with the actual game design, the Division is honestly the most gorgeous game I've ever played. One time I just stopped and watched some tarps whipping in the wind for a minute or so. Then the sun started setting behind a building and it just looked fantastic. The weather effects are also primo top notch. All the rest of Massive can get fucked for all I care, but I hope the lighting and weather guys get jobs somewhere better because they're the only ones who know or care about what the fuck they're doing.

I played through every story mission in The Division. You can't fool me.

theres literally nothing wrong with being mad at people supporting garbage insults to a once quality series

or at morons playing shitty games in general, after all that is why most popular video games are shit now.

Severance Blade of Darkness has ungodly good lightning and gore effects for a game of its age that still stand up today.
I'm serious. Chop someone limb or head near a wall and see as the squirting blood paints the fucking wall.

Yeah, it had really impressive lighting, the way I remember.

Really good game, too.


it almost does tho'.
The DX9 Full dynamic lighting mode was goddamn space magic back in 2007, and still looks neat today.

how do you go from farming potato to making graphix like this

Pic unrelated.

I love Dying Light so much. The night truly feels like night.

This. Fuck knows how it works so well. It runs like a dream on my shitty GTX 660.


Little bit of time and dedication + openly embracing new tech when they come available.

SoC wasn't maybe the first DX9.0c game, but one of the more impressive users of it, and CS & CoP were pretty much flagships for DX10 and 11 stuff.

Fox Engine lighting is so good

Dynamic lighting =/= good lighting

The lighting ain't nothing special. A bit too much wide lensflares IMO, but at least it fits the style.
The use of environment-map probes that generate the fake-PB rendering appearance, together with some of the actual screen-space reflections in PC version, however, do make it stand out. The texture and modeling work are superb too.

>you will never see another Fox Engine game after SurVival ships

FEAR has great dynamic lighting,

Yes it does.
The best baked lighting falls apart if properly interacted with.

EDF in caves


No the lighting makes everything look like shit, look at HL2 and the lighting makes everything look more natural and realistic

That was Thief 1&2 (Dark Engine), and the missing source code probably came from the scrapped Dreamcast port. But yeah it was almost certainly one of the original Looking Glass devs.

Opinion =/= Fact
Light sources can't be interacted with, interior settings have virtually no shadows.
You're conflating artstyle preference with technical merit.

>leave stalker on main menu
>no fps cap
>pc ignites

slav game is goodest game of playings

>No the lighting makes everything look like shit
It doesn't tho'. It's still an amazing looking game with distinct, high contrast look of its own.

>look at HL2 and the lighting makes everything look more natural and realistic
I love HL2 to bits as well, and dig its style, but you're comparing apples to oranges. There's a place and use for both pre-baked and dynamic lighting / stencil shadowing, and they can be mixed with clever use too.

>not using Rivatuner for manual fps caps


Shit game but Ass Greed Unity had great lighting and graphics in general really.

Not at my desktop right now, so I can't post any of my screenshots.

Here's a loading screen, I guess.

Lighting = lighting that looks real and natural, not how shit lighting moves

You can have ps1 game tier lighting that moves but its still shit

Here's a better one though.

First Splinter Cell blew my mind

Lighting has nothing to do with movement or not.
If the game scenery is lit in any way, be it via static or dynamic lighting, it has lighting.

You can have superb results with both, but well done all dynamic lighting will almost always tower over pre-baked.

I swear I've seen that door in so many different games.