Why does Nintendo pander to children when literally no child cares about them anymore?

Why does Nintendo pander to children when literally no child cares about them anymore?

>so fat it has begun to build up on your back
>visible through even baggy shirts

How do these people not kill themselves out of embarrassment.

what the fuck is happening over here

How was this allowed?

why does best buy have such high ceilings?

Why is that man wearing a skirt?

Americans continue to look worse and worse every year

holy shit

their ancestors are looking down in utter shame

it's a man in a skirt.

got a fucking problem with that, shirtlord?

Don't ask, don't even make eye contact.

Check your privilege, CIS scum.


fuck you cis scum

Those are the tranny posters you see in the Link threads.

We need more bombings tbqh
Cleansing bombings

Best Buy was still selling PS2s for hundreds of bucks a few years ago while most gamestops were already phasing out last gen shit.
I seriously hope that people don't actually shop there.

Silly OP, they just buying a Switch for their wive's son


First for number in OP filename
Completely meaningless considering the image =(

Man-child, maybe.
Are you Him?

Holy shit, what are those whales wearing? No reason to dress like that just because you are fat and ugly.
I would honestly vomit if I was near those "people".

top wew

but OP you posted a picture with a bunch of children in it.

Tippy top kek.