Good opinion, bad opinion, not nessesarily an opinion, just fucking say it
Good opinion, bad opinion, not nessesarily an opinion, just fucking say it
Other urls found in this thread:
Shantae is shit
Metroid Prime wishes it was half as good as Super Metroid.
Ape Escape is too good to be dead and underrated
Hyper light drifter was good.
i like story driven games
the mods need to enforce the console war ban already
video game related
9/10 games that include crafting or weapon degradation are fucking horrible, and at this point both should just be removed from videogames as a whole
I haven't played Torment yet but the cases Sup Forums and some other media outlets have made for it sucking seem nitpicky and/or ingenuine at best.
New multiplayer games do nothing to help form communities and let you meet people
Pseudo RPG mechanics and crafting systems are fucking cancer.
every game people have been lauding as amazing in the last 7 years have all been shit or overblown. Like the Last of Us or Dark Souls
Oblivion's leveling is the worst fucking shit in the world, it made me want to cry.
I just tried playing Oblivion for the first time in years for the last 5 hours, trying to make heads and tails of the leveling system because I heard how shit-awful the enemy scaling is. I read a bunch of guides on UESP, "efficient leveling" this, "major/minor" that. I thought I finally got that shit down, I trained the major skills I wasn't using and I trained the minor which were my main skills and
I got +2 for all the stats, I started screaming into my pillow in frustration.
Fuck that fucking game.
The Wii U and 3DS are massive disappointments coming from someone who genuinely liked their predecessors, I dont get the love since even if I get CFW I feel like I already played everything worth playing.
Doom 2016 isnt bad but like Shadow Warrior 2013 it gets old quick since the level design aint that great and the weapons feel weak unless you upgrade the hell out of them. Great experiments and steps in the right direction at least relative to every other shooter so far.
GTA5 is boring, I had less fun with it than Watch Dogs 2.
Yakuza is the most fun I've had with a game franchise in a long time
I think being an idort is better than being a console warrior.
I'm glad Street Fighter V is on life support, it's a warning to all the other fighting game devs.
The last of us is mediocre.
Bioshock infinite is great and I love games with big anime tits and I'm a jock irl and I can't let people know I own these games. I'll be buying senran peach beach splash on release
I agree Mercy is a shitter pick for Overwatch and it's the stupid generic bimbo dumbslut/healslut character to pick yet I somewhat enjoy filling this stereotype because I'm a submissive faggot even though I know no one realistically thinks of me as being that because it's just an external view and though I genuinely enjoy healing I'll tout to people that I just enjoy traditional healing when in itself I actually secretly, in a part of me, as I said enjoy being applicable to that stereotype.
i wish more people liked rabi ribi because it's amazing
Horizons main char is pretty cute
The first part of BotW is 6/10 the later part is 10/10. Reviewers are giving this game 10/10 based on the late game. Game really deserves an 8/10
Dragonball xenoverse 2 feels like a total rehash of the first
I can see why you would dislike the Wii U, as I am pretty disappointed myself overall. The 3DS though? I had a blast with all the games I've played on it. The only thing I could consider disappointing was when I got an n3DS and all my data corrupted during the transfer causing me to lose all saves and data. Ever since that happened, I haven't used it much.
In fairness some games I've played on 3DS like Ace Attorney, REvelations, SMT, they're great. But its largely been collecting dust for me.
Skyward Sword is a terrible game.
It's really bad in every aspect and has a shitload of flaws. I fail to see how it received 10/10s across the board and how some people had fun playing it.
anime sucks and all anime games are shit
its openly marketed to pedos
I masturbated to Erina a LOT when that game first came out.
Brand loyalty is the single stupidest fucking thing on the planet
Company's are not your friends they just want your shekels
For fuck's sake stop advertising for them and maybe gaming wouldn't be such fucking trash
I fell for the vidya vinyl meme, but I'm in too deep to stop...
the neon demon was everything nocturnal animals wished it could be!
I hate my PS4 and this fucking "Zelda Killer" piece of shit!
Why would Metroid Prime wish to be worse than it is?
True. Same with mine nowadays. I've actually been using my Vita a bit more nowadays, playing Samurai Warriors 4 and Dragon's Crown. Losing all my data really did me in. I still want to get around to playing SMTIV and Legacy of Legends some day.
Leveling Up in Rpgs isn't fun anymore, developers should think of different ways to build your character, just adding +5% damage is boring. Having Level requirements just stops you from exploring the world the game has to offer, you should be able to do everything from the start if you are skilled enough, equipment and special abilities should just help you on your journey.
game reviews do not necessarily judge the quality of the game
all game reviewers are biased and shills
If a game has a season pass or a lot of DLC for sale before it even comes out, I either don't play it or I pirate it.
If a game has a free content patch months after release—like Shovel Knight—I buy copies for friends as bday gifts.
>he doesn't believe super metroid and metroid prime are on the same level
They're both truly incredible games.
I dropped FE4 about halfway through.
>There is nothing wrong with Halo 5's story
>Building a high end Gaming PC is retarded when a console will do the same job adequately I own a £2000 gaming pc
>There will never be a good RTS ever again
>There will never be a good sandbox zombie survival game, the reason for this is unknown as it's a retardly simple concept
>VR is to gaming as 3D was to movies.
Berseria was the best thing that happend to me in past 10 years
I like to go into threads and talk about games I've never actually played before but since I enjoy the concept of the topic, I can't help myself but to join in on the fun.
>the joke
>your head
You must've had quite a shitty decade.
I have brought great shame to myself.
VR just hasnt reached actual VR stages yet. current VR is just a fancy monitor with simple motion control
what about Erina got you going?? i feel like she's kinda boring compared to the rest of the cast
Resident Evil 5 has the best gameplay of the series and is vastly underrated, but not as good as 4.
Also the dodge mechanic in 3 really should have had invulnerability frames or at least should have been a predictable dodge against each of Nemesis' attacks.
>literally who developers who have never made a good game vs. proven industry giants
>appeal solely to SJWs vs. appeal to literally everyone
>middling reviews vs. firm GOTY declarations
>unmemorable, annoying and haphazardly designed cast vs. characters everyone will know by heart and make tumblr fics of for years to come
>ugly, visually cluttered environments and UI vs. immaculate visual design and aesthetics
>edgy tryhard lore vs. a fully realized world
>can't get a single thread on Sup Forums that isn't shitposted to death vs. has generals out the ass filled with lively discussion
>is being released mere days before the game that people are REALLY waiting for and will completely and utterly eclipse in critical and commercial reception
Any more I'm forgetting?
i really liked the nemesis system in shadow of mordor
I haven't played Overwatch and have zero interest in doing so but I have folders full of Overwatch porn and will probably buy one of the figmas.
Completely superficial reasons. Cute girl with a cute body in a cute outfit. I'm a sucker for purple eyes and hair. She's actually a rabbit though or something? The ears are real? I dunno.
A buddy told me the game is great but I don't really have any interest in playing.
Blizzard is one of the only gaming companies I can think of that releases a fully polished game.
can't even tell which side you are talking about
After hyping myself up for the new Nintendo console, I'm kinda disappointed in the results. I still really want one, but I still feel like they missed the mark on so many levels. I want it to succeed, but I want Nintendo to stop with this gimmick shit and make a proper console again.
Pokemon is the most overrated franchise of all time.
Horizon and Zelda, both apparently good games, have made Sup Forums unbearable for weeks and just continue to prove what an absolute shithole of a board this place is.
no game is fun to me anymore, all I do in my spare time is browse this shit hole
People shouldn't support consumer unfriendly companies such as Valve.
Breath of the Wild's world is a lot more filled with stuff than your average open world game, but it's still only interesting the first time you pass through it
Going back through area's you've already completed for the stuff you missed is still as boring as any other open world game
There is nothing good about the Neptunia series there's thousands of better RPG games you could be playing.
i mean..... the story is complicated to say the least.. there's a slime girl (pic related) that transformed Erina (previously a bunny) into a girl in a bunny suit (with real bunny ears).. then there's her master's sister who wants to end the world for some reason, and a whole lot of random other stuff. it's very convoluted, but the game itself is amazzzzzzzing
This, my dick tricked me into buying these games.
Dark Souls ruined vidya for me for years. I stopped buying new games because I just didn't need to.
I like big bare asses on video game girls
I think open world is one of the worst things to happen to gaming in a long time. They're always so shallow. Most of the time you're just running through a flat plane with random rocks and trees everywhere. The game time is padded heavily with walking and boring quests/missions that usually don't change up the gameplay. Despite being HUEG, there's little mechanical variety and it relies heavily on you being awe struck by this tech demo. Go do this shitty mission that's like the last 50, waste 5 minutes walking over there, and get your shitty cutscene reward. I much prefer hand crafted experiences that are dense with content and solid mechanics.
Usually, I can understand why people like things I don't like. I don't like fighting games, but I can understand why people play them. They're usually high skill floor/ceiling games that reward skill and that's very appealing to some people. For open world games, I simply don't understand. Despite being so huge, they're some of the most shallow and content lacking games in existence, which is rather ironic.
alien fanboys overrate the shit out of this game. Nobody with a working brain will think this game is anything more than a 6/10 bargain bin game.
not much of an alien fan as you can tell but Alien Covenant looks like its gonna be great, won't deny that
Doesn't matter if you play on PC or on consoles, games released today are shit either way.
>not an alien fan
>likes the movie that is going to be shit in the franchise
>probably liked Prometheus too
wowwwwww ya dont say
this so fucking much, I stopped playing pretty much anything else because no modern series is as satisfying as Dark Souls
I really want to like Borderlands 2, but god fucking damn every time a character opens their fucking mouth I want to blow my brains out. It's just so fucking unfunny and a game that prides itself on being hilarious failing this much is just far too much of a chore for me to slog through.
"Open world" is 99% of the time, an excuse for, or way of disguising, lack of skill.
2D platformer with combat or something? Not my cup of tea, played tons of that shit back in the day.
I just want to pump that bunny girl full of cum in every hole.
Valve has ruined Steam to the point I now just pirate if it is Steam-exclusive singleplayer game.
Assassin's creed 3 was fun and COMFY
Not every open world game is Skyrim/Witcher 3
it's a 2d metroidvania mixed with bullethell:
(starts at 2 min)
But most of them are similarly shallow and lacking in content.
Name 100.
The first 4 months of 2017 is the best showing of vidya I've seen since late 2007.
Todd is a filthy jew nigger and i hope he dies
Undertale is a good video game.
I like video games. I know that sounds like a shitpost, but I genuinely like almost all games ever. It's gotten to the point where my friends now just disregard my opinion on games because I like everything. I am currently playing through Tales of Graces F, and I feel like I'm living in Bliss. I am happy to live in a world with video games and anime
desu fromsoft games are even shallower
I wish Caesar's Legion was a more flushed out faction in New Vegas because I want Vulpes Inculta to smother with his ass and thighs
I don't care about the frame rate, weapon durability, stamina or whatever the fuck else people are nit picking in BOTW. It's fun and that's all that matters for a video game.
Nioh is better than Dark Souls in every way.
Single player rpgs should never ever have level requirements for equipment. If you find the shit or earn it earlier than intended, why are you arbitrarily barred from using it? Best example I can think of is witcher 3. Why can't I wear the set gear if I can craft it? Especially with leveling as slow as it is in that game
I'll stick to the porn but thanks.
Horizon is an alright game
The story sucks but when was the last time a game had a good story?
My favorite TES game is heavily modded Oblivion because of the waifu mods and Deadly Reflex.
I've yet to touch Skyrim because there is no equivalent and that a lot of quests are the same according to my friends.
I wish I could enjoy video games that much
It's not even that I dislike video games or anything, but i rarely enjoy them to the degree it sounds like you do, and sometimes games become such a chore
Fucking definitely
Ds3 feels like a shit bloodborne rip off
Ds2 feels like a more mechanically in depth ds1 even if that's all it has going for it..
Prometheus is better than Alien 3 and Ressurection, which is half the franchise, and that's not even an accomplishment. It's like saying that Force Awakens is better than the prequels.
And all Covenant has to do is be okay and it will already be the best thing to happen to Alien in 30 years. And this will probably happen considering that Ridley Scott is making it a proper Alien movie.
>inb4 hurrrr b-but Alien 3 is an underrated masterpiece even though everyone who made it fucking hates it
I'm an Alien fan and I agree with you. It did a god tier job capturing the look and feel of the first movie, it runs like a dream on my mid range system. Yet it simply isn't that fun, gets repetitive pretty quickly, and grossly overstays its welcome. I would have loved a more tightly focused experience that was at least half its length.
Majora's Mask is shit. The most boring and tedious game in the series.
MGS2 is a decent game, but every fanboy is a cringy pseudo-intellectual sperg who tries to ascribe depth and hidden meaning where there is none. Kojima is a hack and his writing is anime tier atrocious.
There are a lot of waifu mods but yeah no deadly reflex and the quests are poop.
Much better if you like exploration though.
Lunar 3 when?