What do you guys want from it?

What do you guys want from it?

to end

Either modern warfare or futuristic warfare.

No Niggers

Would love a futuristic battlefield game...
Not battlefront of course, but an actual battlefield game

Quick and small mechs/battlesuits
Helis with optical camo that are almost silent
Futuristic ace combat tier aircraft
Creative classes
Or just end the series since it's easier to rehash just like cod

just please this

more diversity
lgbt character creation
hug mechanic
the ability for players to ban those who shoot each other
wolf-kin DLC

With the direction dice decided to take the series i would rather just stick to BF4

"""""trench""''''' hipfire bs was a mistake



>future combat
>not as much vehicles as in 4
>actual destruction like in bfbc2
>the blue filter from 3


4 but bigger and better I guess. Huge maps. Preferably a hundred plus guns to pick from. 128 player servers. Stuff like that.


they'll only ruin it like they've ruined BF and Battlefront

face it, current dice is the epitome of utter shit

No more Niggers

Complete Destruction.

If you're playing in a city, I want it to be possible to completely flatten everything in the map.

WW2 with all them more obscure or less covered guns. Not just the usual faire but Czech LMG, Italian SMGs, all that shit.

Alternatively Battlefield 5: Cold War. 60s to 80s.

Future setting, I'm completely bored of assault rifle gameplay and modern or "historical" settings. I want something that isn't reskinned BF3/BC2.

Everyone is a mech/cyborg/android and when you customize a loadout, you're actually customizing your body.

Nope enjoy your Siege of Shanghai that is completely static.

>no premium
>a season pass system similar to R6S
>no locker/metro grind maps

Back to modern warfare.

Nothing. Dice listened to levelcap in order to ruin bf4, they're going to use him as the basis for 5 and make infantry overpowered versus vehicles.
They couldn't even put out the other 2 night maps they teased for 4.

128 player servers
I like that.

WW2 or Vietnam
I feel WW1 is too primitive to make it fun enough and modern shooters are just retarded with all the scopes/sights gadgets etc
WW2 would be just right.

You better be trolling

modern/future shooters get to have genuinely interesting concepts for levels, weapons, and general gameplay

ww2 games are always historically accurate and thus boring as fuck

BF4 was fun when it worked at release, it was a fucking broken game though so i could never play it... personally, i enjoy the modern battlefields although they're not as good as bf2 and bf1942. but they have great gunplay/sounds/graphics, the combined arms aspect is just kinda bs now.

>the blue filter from 3



I have literally never been bored with a WW2 game.

Battlefield: 2143 or 2152

can they just make a Battlefront 3?

doing the same shit over and over again throughout every MOH, COD, etc never bored you?

It's always ooh america good guy germany bad guy, let's go to normandy like we always do

Future games actually do shit that takes creativity instead of just recreating history and using old shitty guns with old shitty stock sounds

You probably weren't around when every fps was ww2 shooter


Creativity like all those grey maps and a suppressor on every gun so they sound identical.

2142 already did that well and had some clever futuristic gadgets that gave the classes quite a bit of extra flexibility, would love to see that expanded.

fucking this

transgender bathrooms

>Cold War
Fuck yes, this! It's so criminally underused time period even when there are so many cool vehicles, guns and locations they could use.

American Civil war or Wild West

I'm not even an American.

The series has been milked dry, they can't possibly add more to BF4 outside of new maps.
They'll never make anything as fun as BC2 again.


>never get a BC3

Weapon handling that doesn't require you to dive prone for accurate shooting beyond ten meters (unless you're a medic or sniper with laser rifles).

No one is forcing them to make a generic future
Almost like they are all idiots with 0 creativity, just like someone who wants more of the same for the 5th numbered game in a series.
There is like a million twists one could put on the next 100 years

>Faggots want a return to World War Two shootans

Please no.. I've had more than enough world war two related shit for one lifetime.

There was a point in time where WWII was literally the only theater of war any game was willing to do.

I'm bored to fucking tears with Stalingrad interpretation # 5,644,567 or D-Day version 8,695,703

There have been so many video games as well as FPS games focused on the second world war I legitimately don't give a shit if I ever see another one again.

Unless you motherfuckers start depicting lesser known battles (which we all know they won't).

Unless you're giving a WW II game with the battle of Attu or some shit, I don't want it.

>American Civil War
>black Confederate generals
>everyone has SMGs

all i want is fucking BF2 maps remaster with BF4 graphics and BF1 hit detection

You've already got those shitty CoD Black Cocks games.

You literally don't need more.

magical warfare with dragons and wizards and siege golems

and also not have it play like casual trash aka anything made after 2142 and even 2142 was pushing it

WW2 i need a sick looking WW2 game fuuuck

Bad Company 3 Tbh. Everything about 2 was just plain fun.


so bad company babies literally exist

>Battlefield 1944
>Battlefield 2143

2142 was a great game.

Oh just fuck off you miserable cunt. BC2 was great fun.

only if i can play as kpop starlets

Vehicle Only Mode
Everybody gets a tank.

bc2 was dumbed down garbage for your underage brain get the heck out of here

BFBC3 or a return to Vietnam. BFBC2 Vietnam was amazing but it died too quickly.

First post best post.

It's painful because DICE and Battlefield has so much fucking potential but is instead buried by jewish trickery on EA's part.

So? It's a fucking video game.

Typical weeb, ruining everything.

fucking 2143

Battlefield Vietnam was amazing. BC: Vietnam had less content.

lol, makes sense that you'd post this. must be great to be willingly ignorant.

star wars BF sequel coming so there will be no chance of a 2143 until at least 2020?


that it never exists

As long as Nu Dice has that socio-political agenda of theirs, I don't want any more Battlefield games.

And it must be shit trying to tell people they're wrong for enjoying things you don't like.

Original BF:V was awesome contentwise, just too bad that the technology wasn't quite there for convincing jungle warfare yet. Kinda kills the Vietnam feel when shrubs have a 5-meter draw distance.

BC Vietnam was short on content but it was DLC so it was expected. Doesn't stop it from having the best fucking LMG in the form of the XM22

The forest map on BF1 and Endor shows how fantastic a new vietnam game could be

Sooo... Shitty?

i know you're reading this, Dicefag.
>Battlefield 1944
>Battlefield 2143
>Battlefield Vietnam 2

Nah dude, dont even talk to me. Why present an opinion if the only basis for that opinion is "whatever dude its a video game". Get real. Not to mention if you're on Sup Forums that kind of implies you have more than a passing interest in gaming and would therefore seek to play something for reasons other than "its just a video game".

I want them to remake 2142 and not fuck it up


I actually really like BF1

I hope DICE makes the sequel to BF1 set in WW2. Though I feel they may be forced to make a modern shoots since kids generally hate historical settings.

>like BC2 because it's simple and fun

>and not fuck it up



It's over, guys. Pack everything up.


Nam or Korea

yea and i consider people who like michael bay movies because theyre "simple and fun" babies as well.

its probably going to be vietnam

fuck sakes

it aint me is gonna play

that's literally a bf4 gun pasted onto a titanfall 2 screenshot

looks like DICE had planned to make 2143 but people started to hate futuristic shit so they made Battlefield 1 instead.

It makes a lot more sense for there to be a lot of blacks in the armed forces in this day and age than world war 1.

Surprised there weren't any in battlefield 4.

Am I the only one that would want a world war 2 setting? Limitless number of settings, so much technological advances over world war 1, much more diversity in firearms..

After all the MODERN/FUTURE WARFARE gameplay something in the pacific theater or eastern front would be refreshing.

thats literally a easter egg from BF3 on that one map


photo shopped

>D-Day 128 player rush mode

How about no fucking hackers
cant even have a fun match of bf1 or bf4 without someone ruining it

>Howitzer Bunker on Argonne Forest


fuck off, fag. just google battlefield 2143 easter eggs. dumb nigger.