WTF I hate Nintendo now?!

WTF I hate Nintendo now?!

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The fuck is this? Looks totally fake. Not even Kotaku would be that dense.

fake and gay

fuck off

Dear OP,

kys my man


What's with trump supporters always making up fake news.


The facts don't support their narrative so they make up their own and try to make everyone else believe in them.

You can't let the public forget that you're always the victim in any situation ever.

They like to start shit and then sit in the corner and watch while everyone tears each other apart.

Like the facts showing that Hillary was going to win?


Sup Forumscuck falseflagging. nothing to see here.

Are you kidding, Hillary supporters even made a "news" site where they pretend Hillary won and have "news" articles where it shows how amazing the US is doing under her.


>The facts don't support their narrative so they make up their own and try to make everyone else believe in them.

This is exactly what CNN and other fake news organizations are doing, and your pitiful attempt at turning this back on Trump supporters is straight out of Saul Alinsky's book.

Why are you emulating the strategies proposed by a known satanist?

Why are you promoting the divide in America by saying this nonsense?

Are you trying to go to Hell when you die?

>header image isn't crossdressing Link


He doesn't know what to say so he responds with a cartoon.
Typical Sup Forums

>right is on the left
>left is on the right
u wot

Knowing how Sup Forums works and thinks, I wouldn't doubt if Sup Forums made that.

>comic where one guy is calm and the other is furious

those guys got


Obama is going to jail.


>doesn't know about stage directions

>Le maga hat on awoo

I follow a lot of gamergate supporter and a lot of them thought it was real

I don't know what make me sadder, that it sounds like a thing someone really would say or that someone made this fake and so many people bited

No, it's crazy libs making it as a coping mechanism.

Sup Forums doesn't have the patience to pretend to be retarded for that long, plus they're too busy fapping to Trump's crazy antics to care about that hag.

Surprised he didn't post the boot leg bone or Ben let's get this shoah on the road garrison

politics are a meme


>implying reddit invented something


That's a joke and you know it user

Wow, this gets me thinking. I was wrong about Tranny's all along. They're not mentally ill at all!

It's a satire website
>Reddit spacing