How would you do another Sonic Battle? the first one was a little flawed but it wasn't a bad game

How would you do another Sonic Battle? the first one was a little flawed but it wasn't a bad game

I would do a Power Stone clone, improve in combat and add more special and combo moves. Also I would add extra outfits like Secret Rings, Black Knight, Riders, and Classic character versions

And add these characters
>Metal Sonic
>Mecha Sonic

Creammy bump

Make Sonic thicker

>gender swap alt costumes for everyone

I meant like Sonic himself with sexy thick legs but that's a good idea too

do you just have this all saved in a .txt somewhere for use every few days

like this?


No, that's not even Sonic himself

You just wanted an excuse to post that picture, didn't you?

Everytime i see that picture, it's a grim reminder of all the smut of women in boxing attire i collect

Anyone that doesn't main Shadow or Omega is a faggot.

make it a 3rd person tribes

sonic has to go fast
it is not sonic if he doesn't go fast

Rouge was actually good in the battle game

The Sonic series should feature more human on anthro relationships

So, like this

Not thick enough

i was thinking of something like Thecon but without the make up/gay clothing or sssonic2 if you know who i'm talking about

I loved the first one, and I'd love to see a sequel. More characters and moves would be cool, but I'd also like the fighting system to be revamped a bit.

I'd prefer it to be more HP-based instead of Lives-Based. As in, do we really need each character to have 5 lives in each battle? Why can't we just make the health bars last longer and stop breaking up the flow of combat with re spawning delays and all that.

No. Never again.

1. Only female characters
2. Destructible clothing

The first one wasn't flawed. Stop making this shitty fucking thread.

The genders need to be reversed to make it better

Or you could just adjust the respawn timer or do what Darkstalker does with the round starting almost immediately after a knock down.

No need to reinvent the wheel nigga.

Owwww fuck yes... you sent me to touch myself user, thanks.

So this with sanic chars. Sounds good.
>only female
Dont let your personal faggatory ruin the roster.

Who is this semen demon! i must know!

Why would cephalopods find furries cute?

>Not picking the obvious choice

>blaze not in top tier
other than that good list

>flat cat
>top tier

What is that weaboo furry in top tier?

>itty bitty kitty titties
>not top tier

How different would the series be if Tails was female like in the translation mix up?

are you really bad at english or something?

which one?

>translation mix up

its when a translation makes an error

before any of this bullshit starts

ah yes. Here in latinamerica Tails "Colitas" was a girl

its a well known myth my boy.

What show? Tails is a boy in Sonic X