Well, Sup Forums, I did it. Against my better judgment I just ordered my first gaming PC (the parts for it, anyway).
Convince me I didn't make a massive mistake.
Well, Sup Forums, I did it. Against my better judgment I just ordered my first gaming PC (the parts for it, anyway).
Convince me I didn't make a massive mistake.
Once you go PC you will never go back
Have a good time playing league of legends and overwatch :)
Make sure you bend all the pins on the motherboard, it will make it faster
I am on the verge of building a gaming pc.
I already have a Benq 24" 1080p 60Hz monitor. Should I just build around the monitor for a 60 fps machine and not spend much?
This fag is just jealous
Probably isnt even playing games today.
I haven't played games for the last 2 years
But I still read Sup Forums
Help me....
Only mouth breathing window licking retards need to be convinced that PC is the absolute Patricians choice.
You didn't get a pre-built did you?
Got a new PC three weeks ago and haven't had time to play games before now. Recommend me something
what did you get?
and modern nintendo games
and enjoy genre exclusivity
I work so I know that feel. But PC is best. There is nothing on any game console I want.
You cant go wrong with PC. Its still a porn machine that lets you shitpost
You will never play anything that even remotely makes use of its specs.
All the demanding games are AAA trash.
The good games are games you could run on 5 year old laptop.
nice ass
Slippery slope, user
I went from building a gaming machine to building my own home network, complete with a backup server, private VPN, media server, and mini-SAN network.
I own no less than five computers now that are on 24/7.
Help me.
Once you go 240fps/240Hz it's very hard to go back to 60fps let alone fucking 30
Here you go OP. You can trust MSI to help you apply thermal paste
I will still be using my PS4 for exclusives
Nice try, faggot. Fuck off.
I'm not playing online games.
Nope, I bought the parts at a store and I'm having them build it for me. Costs just under 1800 Canada bucks.
i5 6600k, GTX 1070. Don't remember the rest, but I got 16GB of DDR4 RAM, and a pretty nice kobo.
As long as you didn't spend 400 USD or more on a CPU or GPU, you're alright.
Fuck exclusives. This is the future where consoles are just a scam.
I still want to believe this is a parody video of sorts.
im not ok with this
I spent $300 on a $1800 CPU
Fight me
Nope, I decided against it, I might buy one later if I need it, though.
My CPU was $275 and my GPU was $510. Both in Canadian dollars, so pretty good deal.
Do games even benefit from hyper threading or use more than a few cores most of the time?
>no ssd
From what I'm told, hyperthreading makes it easier to stream games while playing them in high frame rates.
Reccomend it. Games load so much faster. It's great playing gta v on an ssd. Also Fallout 4 loads fast. I just recently upgraded my PC and put windows and a few games on ssd, and it's ducking spectacular. I originally put fallout 4 on the hdd, and the landing was alright, but putting it on the ssd helped so much. Also restarting windows takes 4-5 seconds to get straight back into windows.
Too expensive here, user. Pls don't shoot.
Your computer boots in 5 seconds? What?
I turned it off on my i7 because it made itnhit 80 degrees playing vidya. Now it barely hits mid 60s.
I think I need a better cooler later in the year.
Yeah not kidding either. It takes literally 5-6 seconds.
You fucked up by not building it yourself
How expensive? Get a small one for OS at least, the difference is night and day.
Practically meme tier, but the read speeds can be helpful.
fuck off Sup Forums
Well over a hundred bucks, which puts me overbudget.
I don't know how to build it, plus it only costs 50 bucks to get them to and it's the only way to get a cheap warranty on all the parts.
It's easier to build than legos.
It is almost impossible to fuck up.
Not memeing, people need to know this.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard somebody say they """""built""""" their own PC and normies think they're smart.
Build =/= assemble
Well assemble is what they would have said if they were honest.
Nobody is recommending you literally build a PC from raw materials.
Build a PC for 1080@144Hz.
Don't bother building a console.
It is NOT that easy. Jesus fucking christ. I don't know if you're trying to meme on him to get him to fuck his shit up but there is a shitload of reading and research to do if you've never done it before, and troubleshooting is a fucking nightmare if you don't really understand the internal components and are just going off of manuals and guides. It's not as hard as normies think but it's not fool proof.
>It's easier to build than legos.
Objectively wrong.
>It is almost impossible to fuck up
Unless you don't know what you're doing.
I could make this post, restart my PC, re-open the browser and reply to you again just as the post-cooldown ends.
WTF are you talking about?
The only "research" you need to do is figure out if your motherboard is an Intel or an AMD.
That's literally fuckin it.
The rest is just up to your budget.
I guess you can fuck up if you get some baby power supply or a tiny case that can't fit a modern GPU but that's not likely.
Pretty much my pc I made last August. I've yet to playing anything below 100fps on max settings at 1080p. Have fun, user.
I bought this monster this month.
where did u get it?
how much did you pay?
Should I buy a 1070 or a RX480?
Also, what's the best 1070 maker?
Depends, what resolution will you be playing on and what kind of framrates are you expecting?
a 1070 is worth no more than $300 wait for vega to come out to lower prices. 480 can be had for sub $200
>I will still be using my PS4 for exclusives
1080 but I'm planning on getting a second at 1440p later. I've had a AMD GPU before that ran fine but gave me driver issues. Wanted to know if I should go for the NVIDIA Geforce Experience botnet.
>Convince me I didn't make a massive mistake.
If you wanted to emulate, or play games with better graphics, or play strategy games you didn't.
If you're only gonna play recent AAA releases and don't care that much about graphics then you probably fucked up.
120 €
480 for 200 used.
The 1070 is definitely more suitable for 1440p at 60fps. And they recently had a slight price drop when the 1080ti was announced. I personally haven't had any trouble with geforce experience and my 1070.
From what I've read on here, most seem to agree the MSI Gaming X or Asus Strix are the best 1070s.
you fucked up.
Can I play 1080p games on this in four separate rooms?
No. :^)
Stop thinking about it from the perspective of someone who actually knows how to build a PC. If you're talking to someone who thinks building a PC out of their league, do you think they're gonna know ANYTHING about the insides of a PC? A lot of people that buy prebuilts don't even know what a graphics card is and think running a game on PC is down to how much RAM you have. Picking a decent power supply, picking a processor and mobo that are compatible, getting the right parts to fit your needs, those are all things that are incredibly easy to fuck up if you go into it with 0 knowledge and that's just in the planning stage. Assuming they get through all of that, there's still the task of putting the shit together, and there's a million things that can go wrong at that point if you don't know what you're doing. Bent pins, cables connected to the wrong parts,etc.
Why are you assuming that all these people that don't build their own PCs already know all this shit?
>MSI Gaming X or Asus Strix
>Still 400+
Shieeeet when's that fucking aftermarket price drop going on with the 1070's
Probably when Vega hits.
when I built my pc a month ago I could only afford a 1060 on my budget, did I fuck up?
When's the rumor of its release?
Not if you only care about 60@1080p.
If you got it just to play the "latest and greatest" your gonna be disappointed since all those games suck
at least you'll be able to play real videogames though
With no brand loyalty (own a 1070), I personally think the 8GB RX 480 is the better purchase at that tier of price, but either way you should be happy with your purchase for some time at 1080p.
Quick google search says release is speculated between April and June.
I guess man.
I at least knew that GPU's were more important than RAM to gaming when I built mine but I honestly didn't know much else and all the wiring went fine. I just looked at the manual that came with the mobo and it was cake.
Also, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive PSU is like 50 bucks so if you skimp there, you deserve your failure.
Who RX480 here?
Bloodborne, Horizon, Nioh, Uncharted, Ratchet and Red Dead since it's not on PC.
1080p 60 was really all I was shooting for if I can get that for a little bit that's more than fine for me
Google exists, learning how a computer works is not some titanic task, it can be done in an afternoon if you're a slow learner. Assembling it is a matter of plugging everything in the correct slot which is again not hard, doubly so because even if you're too retarded to google, each part comes with a manual which tells you in painful detail how to put it together.
>there's a million things that can go wrong at that point if you don't know what you're doing. Bent pins, cables connected to the wrong parts,etc.
Every part is made so it only fits where it should. RAM slots have notches so you don't put the wrong type in, GPUs will not fit anywhere but PCIE slots, the CPU socket has a notch in it to keep you from putting the wrong model of CPU in, the fucking PSU power connectors all are shaped specifically so they won't go in where they shouldn't; all in all it takes a very enterprising individual to fuck it up and anyone who manages to do so doesn't deserve to own a computer, or even post here.
I'm stuck with my 1080p/60Hz tv until the summer
you did a fucking massive mistake indeed
you bought a i5 when you could have just bought a ryzen
You almost had me.
Fuck off retard.
r5 isn't out yet
>Also, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive PSU is like 50 bucks so if you skimp there, you deserve your failure.
I'm not disagreeing, but I am saying that you shouldn't expect someone who knows nothing about PCs to know what to look for.
I work with people who call IT when their PC won't start just because the power cord came loose. When it comes to tech issues normies tend to either give up or try to brute force the issue until they've fucked it up beyond repair.
>RAM slots have notches so you don't put the wrong type in
Then you have the issue of putting it in the right slots. My manual for example said 2 and 4 if you've got two sticks, but I ended up needing to put them in 1 and 2.
>GPUs will not fit anywhere but PCIE slots
Have you ever seen that picture of the guy who sawed off part of his card so it would fit into a different slot?
>CPU socket has a notch in it to keep you from putting the wrong model of CPU in
You can still put it in the wrong way and force it closed
And in any case I already said it's not THAT hard and that all you have to do is do your research, read the manuals, and be careful with your parts, but the point is that that is still a lot more than "just put it together, it's like lego" and people will still find a way to fuck it up.
>more than 50% cheaper games, even day 1 at best
>thousands of exclusives
>best multiplat versions
>best graphics and performance
>mods & general tweaking options, endless freedom
>emulators = prev-gen consoleshit more or less playable on it too
>no extra online fees
>cheap upgrades if you play your cards right, no need to overhaul the whole system every 3-5 years necessarily
Trust me, ya did great.
I personally joined mustards already in 2003, when hype for Doom 3 and HL2 were at their peak, and it's been amazing ride ever since.
I'm an old-tech idort though, but PC dominates my gaming habits.
you'd gotten a 1050Ti 4GB for the same price / 20 euros more, and gotten notably stronger card.
>I work with people who call IT when their PC won't start just because the power cord came loose. When it comes to tech issues normies tend to either give up or try to brute force the issue until they've fucked it up beyond repair.
Despite how retarded people here can be I still expect them to be well above "grandma" in the tech savvy-ness scale.
>PC gaming died after 2004
>came down to 1-2 decent exclusives a year and a bunch of console ports
Why did it go so wrong?
>>PC gaming died after 2004
more like after 2005, which marked the dawn of 7th gen consoles and the (western) AAA developers' new trend of generating equally-shitty, casual multiplat crap.
Even console gaming used to be far better in early 00s; we got Silent Hills 2-4, Resident Evil REmake & 4, Metal Gear Solid 2-3, Socom series, first Yakuzas & Ace Combat titles, the first 3D GTAs ...
It happened to me.
>tfw some of the games you want to play are console exclusive and you have to use that shit again
It's the absolute worst fucking feeling.
Are EVGA 1070's even worth the risk
Got it
How about the Gigabytes as their 1070's are pretty cheap compared to ASUS and MSI's right now
MSI Gaming X actually just shot up $10 overnight despite the 70 series slowly going down in price
Thats the one I got
built a mid end pc just to play weebshit on steam
glad that steam will turn into a weebmachine
MSI is always good
I am thinking about assassins creed III to get back into pc gaming
dont bother with AAA tash cashgrabs
Do you have an alternative? Or are you going to try to send me down an abyss of japanese bullshit?