Can we please talk about how good this game looks?

I've been replaying it this week and holy shit it still holds up incredibly well. And the fact that my 4 year old PC maxes it out at 1080p with constant 60fps makes it even more spectacular.

Why don't you faggots like this game? The cutscenes are not even half as long as I remember and the gameplay is just pure bliss.

Also dat TECHNOLOGY. Why aren't games as polished as this anymore?

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I'm tempted to replay it on my PS3 but I've got too many other games to try out, shame Rockstar ditched its god-tier gunplay in GTA V.

Hopefully we see MP3-level shooting mechanics in RDR2.

If its open world i doubt it. MP3 works because its linear.
I loved the game and old school difficulty was fun as fuck to beat.

I heard you were a good button presser OP

It would be neat if you could skip the cutscenes

2 >3 > 1 is objectively the correct order.

1>3>2, this is the true patrician order.

You mean 2>1>3

I prefer 2 because it was my first Max Payne and the first game with actual physics that I played and it blew my mind.

it's good, but not that good compared to 1 and 2

one of the few games i bothered playing twice

It's not the length necessarily it's the way they're used. It constantly breaks the flow of the gameplay, I wouldn't mind as much if they gave you a lengthy level and then once you finished it gave you a long cutscene to watch. I guess they wanted the game to blend cutscenes and gameplay well but it ended up being the opposite, the constant breaks took me out of both the gameplay and the story.

>trapped in this city full of nothing but robotic people and electronic music
I really dig this line for some reason.

Best bit of FPS gunplay in years if you ask me.

I loved the game when it came out. So much that I regretted pirating it and not giving money to rockstar for it. Something I literally never give a shit about since I pirate or keysite 80% of my games.

Rockstar got the money back from me with GTA V though, as I ended up buying that twice. Once on 360 at launch and then on PC at launch. So I no longer feel bad.

>hurr fuck rich people
>hurr I'm so deep and dark and edgy

gameplay > story

1>2>3 is the only order

As a huge fan of the original games, I actually did really like MP3. Especially the moments where it would bleed in from cutscene to gameplay and Max is put into bullet time as he's falling towards enemies.

The only problem I have with it is that Rockstar turned Max Payne into a cover shooter. The originals were more like evasive shooters where you constantly had to keep running around. In MP3, all you had to do was pant your ass behind cover, shoot the bad guys, and occasionally dive to different cover.

Too bad the shit story is unskippable and interrupts the game like every 5 minutes

fucking coxinhas on the police station, they did their research. Bravo rockstar

i hype every tiem

>god tier gunplay

It's literally not even a Max Payne game, it's a cover shooter with bullet time.

>in after muh tears

Pro-tip: You're playing it wrong.

I never EVER used cover, except when they forced it.

>half height obstacles everywhere
>lots of wide open spaces and deep corridors

It's almost like they deigned the whole game as a cover shooter.

Intentional or not you can still play it in a similar way you'd play Max Payne 1, you'll just feel like a fat sack of shit doing it.

Yeah replayed it recently. Gunplay is top notch and still hasn't been beaten. GTA V's gunplay was sorely lacking with stupid bullet trails and hitmarkers.

Sorry lads the only the only correct one is
1=2=3. 1 has the best story, 2 is a refined 1 gameplay wise, and 3 is just too good in all the important catergories to be discounted as worse than the others

>it's a cover shooter
stop playing on easy

>Max Payne gameplay living on trough Red Dead
>shoot dodges and everything
imagine the incredible saloon shootouts

>tfw MP3 is to intelegent for casual fans


Then i came up with a weird solution, but everytime i heard the title screen it triggers my ptsd.

No, just no.

>Its a cover shooter
>Being this bad at the game that you have to play it like a pussy

There's very few parts that require you to play it as a cover shooter, Most of which are "boss" fights. Git Gud Fag

I never knew I wanted this until now.

>Be standing on top of hill
>Group of faggots riding towards you
>Bullet dive backwards downhill
>Glorious euphoria engine keeps you sliding on your back
>Shoot at faggots chasing you while sliding down hill

It's fucking retarded, and I want it so bad. too bad it'll never happen

The game would be a 10/10 if it didn´t have the Max Payne name. It´s only rabid MP fanboys that say it´s shit.

t. Max Payne fanboy

I beat it on max difficulty.

Fucking this. You can try playing MP3 like the older MP games, but everything handles like ass.

So we can all agree that MP2 had the best gameplay in the series?

>max difficulty

I live in Sao Paulo and I always laugh at how the city is represented (favela, drugs, and soccer everywhere). So many references you gringos can't understand.

Are there any mods for MP3? Would be awesome to use Snake as main character...

How many times you have been shot in your life?

>I live in Sao Paulo
>calls it soccer

You messed up your role play. Try again.

The game has nothing to do with Sao Paulo. Maybe the partys in the nights.
Futebol de varzea. Vai Corinthians

Shells and Panama are fucking GOAT

This filho da puta gets it. They really did a fantastic job in including lots of detail regarding brazilian culture. And also, Curupira in the soap opera.

calling it soccer is to not confuse the burgerfats
he did the right thing
you are a looser

>know someone who works at remedy
>they are working on max payne 4 right now in addition to crossfire 2
>max payne 4 will be playable in coop (max, mona) and go back to it's film noir in new york roots
>rockstar basically gave them the IP to work on this game like how bethesda and obsidian made fallout new vegas
>tfw nobody on Sup Forums will believe me

oh well

>Sao Paulo is just a [grey] giant favela
>all these favelados wearing soccer clothes
>Brazilians saying "filho da puta, porra" every time
>soccer everywhere

Football and shitty MMOs is all Brazil has....oh and killing

Brazilians will understand all the references and how funny this game is. But I think foreign people really will took the image that Brazil is all favela, killing, favela and soccer and will not travel to Brazil or something.
Really interesting.


You can perfectly play the game as the old MP games on PC. I've beaten this game in the last difficulty barely using cover. I personally think it's too easy because you got headshots and Max is still invulnerable in Bullet time plus you can bullet time dive even if your gauge is empty

Bought it back when launched. I really love this game.
The online is great too, except by the DLCs and all this cover.

Me too, too bad rockstar forgot about Max Payne except for one guy who added the michael outfits. Why they didn't just slam the MP3 shooting wholesale into GTAV is beyond me, I swear they deliberately wanted to make the shooting worse.

Max Payne 3 isn't a good Max Payne game.

But it IS a good rockstar game.

It retained none of the remedy charm that made all their other games so amazing but at its core MP3 is still a very solid and well made shooter.

it's just not remedy quality.

They shot themselves in the foot when they didn't provide a cutscene-free mode.

I agree.
But I love the cutscenes because I can assimilate things like

>it's a cover shooter

How to spot a shitter

i wish i could believe you user, i wish i could

I bought MP1 when it came out and I never completed it. All the areas looked the same and the comicbook cutscenes didn't do anything for me. I only bought MP3 because it was onsale for 10 bucks new and it turned out to be one of the most fun 3rd person shooters ever. Rockstar crafted an atmosphere that I didn't get from the first game. It is bliss when you're at the airport during the fire fight and that song starts playing...

>it's a cover shooter

Don't blame the game because you're playing it wrong, ffffffffffaggot