Eleven THOUSAND dollars for the useless husk of a new nintendo console with a meme carved into it

Eleven THOUSAND dollars for the useless husk of a new nintendo console with a meme carved into it.

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Are those holes`?

Hahahahahahahahaha I cannot believe what people are willing to buy that's truly something.

I really wish I had the same level of imaginative avarice that I could literally cut out 3 triangles into a Nintendo console and con at least 64 people into paying 11 THOUSAND dollars, willingly, for it.


One of those hilarious internet videos. I'm sure these guys will get paid and the bids are in no way fake.

>fake bids

That's illegal as fuck. Report it.

O-M-G dude theyre FAKE bids. People aren't SERIOUSLY spending $11,300 on a console with holes cut into it. They're just memeing with fake credit cards. The fact that you think this is real shows how retarted Sup Forums has become lately.

>It worked with a fucking triangle cut on it.
>Just fried because of the liquid shorted it.

Literal nintendium

The fact that there are people in this world willing to pay for this shit makes me physically ill.

Well shit. Could the Gamecube even handle that level of abuse?

What the fuck. Nintendium is real.

>how retarted Sup Forums has become lately.


No it isnt retard. All you have to do is not pay. They cant do shit.

As long as the RAM, CPU, and SSD aren't severely damaged the console won't immediately fail any more than a person would immediately die if shot in the liver, lungs, or stomach. That doesn't mean that if they stopped cutting there the console would still work later.

Also, non-salt water isn't very conductive and I'm pretty sure they weren't using seawater so the machine didn't short out. It powered off after a reasonably large chunk of the battery fell out of the system and it couldn't power itself any more.

The only reason it could still play the game in that state is because the console didn't have to actively "think" about it, it was already loaded into RAM. That, and the actual meaningful components in the Switch are both tiny and spread out across the board so the thing doesn't cook itself alive like previous consoles because it's intended to be held in the hands.

Basically what you're doing equates to going to a crime scene where a man was shot 9 times and saying "I can't believe he survived 8 shots!"

>theyre fake bids
I've seen people buy more stupider shit for higher money, so I have doubts.

>more stupider shit
>for higher money

Go back to primary school.

English might not be his first language, middle schooler

Niether is yours it seems.

think he means bidding on your own auction with dummy accounts to fake interest

Only a retard corrects someone while still being unable to write a simple sentence without fucking up.

I didn't realize there was anyone who didn't do this


It's 'whilst,' you fucking sophomore.

You just don't appreciate art.


This isn't art, it's vandalism