Everyone loves ME1

>everyone loves ME1
>everyone hates ME3

Where does the 2nd game fit in?

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>>everyone loves ME1
Casuals hate it.

>Where does the 2nd game fit in?
Casuals love it.

ME2 is basically the inflection point of Bioware's history. It was the moment things started going downhill, but the game itself was still good. You could see the start of worse things to come.

It's better than ME3 but not as good as ME1.

mass effect 2 was the last game before bioware went full sjw. in a way it's special

It had nothing to do with overall story, you could skip 2 and the story would hardly change.

>Casuals hate me1
Lol wtf are you smoking

ME1 is horribly executed genius and ME2 very well executed shite.

i wish i could play mass effect 1 for the first time again as well as kotor and not related but demons souls

I'm absolutely loving Mass Effect 1 right now, is it even worth playing 2 & 3?

Are the servers for Demon's souls still up? I remember that they're was a cancellation like 4 times but due to fan demand they stayed up.

It's great.

>>>everyone loves ME1
>Casuals hate it.

Let's be honest, ME is a pretty casual series in general. However, unlike the other two games, ME1 doesn't actually have good gameplay.

I liked that your decisions do have an impact on who lives and dies. So I think it's better than ME3, but not as good as ME1

ME3 wasn't SJW it was just bad.

How much is ME3 right now with the Origin sale? I haven't played it since it came out and would like to replay it. I can't see the DLC listed anywhere and I'm guessing the EA jews do it on purpose to lie about the price of their games.

Yeah, kinda.
I still love ME2 though

I never understood the hate casuals have for ME1. Everyone goes on about how clunky the combat is, but it's really not true. Combat in ME1 was actually interesting because you had a whole host of really cool abilities. ME2 and beyond completely gimp your abilities by limiting the number you have, and only letting them actually have an effect if you've stripped opponents of shields/barriers/armor. With the exception of vanguard, ME2 forces everyone to play in a boring/safe/tedious manner, hiding behind cover and taking shots, waiting for your health to regenerate, rinse and repeat. It's fucking boring.

What ME2 succeeded at was making really good looking fleshed-out settings, which looked and felt much better than ME1's very bland/sparse aesthetic that was a carryover from KOTOR. And it also did a good job of fleshing out more backstory of the world and characters, even if the main overall plot heavily suffered due to neglect.

>story is dumber than the first one but at least it is pretty focused
>shooter gameplay is much better buch also really repetitive
>most of the characters were pretty cool and well fleshed out
It was ok.

You mean it actually got good writing and not just characters being encyclopedia lookups

As long as you know 3 has a shit ending and set your expectations low the trilogy is still a fun play through.

my personal favorite

plotwise it's not as interesting, but 90% of the characters have engaging questlines, one of the DLC's is very good, and the suicide mission was one of the most genuinely epic experiences I had in gaming

Only idiots and entitled imbeciles hate ME3.

I only played a few hours of ME1. I heard that ME2 made it so you have limited ammo or something is that true?

>before DA2
>everyone loves ME2
>after DA2
>everyone hates ME2

You're absolutely right. ME2's story is shit, and it's moreso a bunch of character-based vignettes to provide background and context to make the ME "feel alive" so to speak. But not having an actual main plot was a massive flaw.

That said, having an irrelevant story is still better than ME3's. ME2's lack of story was a sin of omission, whereas ME3 actively shits all over everything that came before it. And I'm talking about ME3 in its entirety, not just the ending.

The only reason why everyone hated ME3 was due to the ending which they fixed anyway. I don't know what else the fuck it is they wanted the game was great up until the ending.

No it's not. It's trash

overarching lore

self contained story


menus, interface, menu bullshit



Yeah, I know about 3 having a shit ending but that's about all I know, thanks user.
I'll leave now since I'll probably be spoiled.

Yeah, there's ammo, but there aren't really many situations where running out of ammo is a concern. It's probably just to encourage using powers more rather than just waiting for your gun to cool down.

pls respond

horrible plot, good shooting fun, okay characters. it was pretty good for a bioware game.

>ME3 wasn't SJW

ME2 is shit. If it weren't for the ending in 3 I would call it the worst in the trilogy though ME3 is still pretty bad.

The plot in the second game was so so stupid and the game itself essentially accomplished nothing in terms of the series.

I don't really understand the hate 2 got. Yeah, it was a lot more actiony, yeah the final boss is dumb, yeah it's not nearly as monumental a story as ME1, but it's still a great game. It's basically side quests: the game, and all of the side quests are pretty fun. The characters are interesting, the environments are cool, and there's a fair amount of variety in the game. Yeah, it's not as customizable as ME1, but it's a lot more challenging and fast paced.

it was both. in me3 you had these gay characters that was forced into the story. they also removed the "middle" option from conversations leaving you no choice but to go paragon because instead of "tough, badass guy" renegade options like previous titles, they made me3 renegade choices pure evil

ME3's story was stupider. At least stuff happened though.

Am I the only one whose fav ME is ME2?

No. It's generally considered to be the best ME outside of Sup Forums.

ME1 was the best. Did it have flaws oh yes but it truly was the best in the series. I wish I could replay it but my 360 has been broken for years I don't really care to replace it.

Sup Forums was in love with Mass Effect 2 for six months to a year after it came out. The Tali love was unreal.

ME2 is the best one

Nope, I enjoyed ME2 the most as well.

Honestly, I had no desire to replay the other two, but I love going into ME2 with different saves and classes.

so im pretty much a reddit fag?


>ME3's story was stupider. At least stuff happened though.
Oh no doubt but at least it made some sense unlike ME2 plot where it was literally retarded.

>Next ME after andromeda
>We play as Joker who has gotten his consencious copied to a geth chasis


You need to install a buttload of mods and all the DLC to make it passable. It's not good.

me2 was the best. if they kept the main writer to work on me3 its story wouldn't be so left out

ME3 is still worse, even without the ending.

The entire plot of ME3 makes no goddamn sense. The ability for the reapers to just fly over to the galaxy without a relay completely invalidates ME1's entire fucking plot. You're telling me Sovereign was playing a long-con for almost 2000 years trying to figure out a way to let the reapers get in through the portal, when they actually could've just flown in over a period of 6 fucking months? Goddamn bullshit.

Not to mention how ME3 sets up a traditional fight against a race of lovecraftian space gods. All this serves to do is completely ruin their characterization. Before they were cosmic horrors and totally alien and unfathomable. In ME3 they're just big dubstep machines that shoot lasers that you combat by doing on-rails turret sections like it's fucking Call of Duty.

Don't even get me started on how terrible the variety is in ME3. Almost every major level, save for one or two, looks the same: brown/gray rubble/rock/dirt. Whether it's earth or mars or palavan or rannoch or tuchanka or wherever else, they all look the goddamn same. And you're mostly just fighting the same handful of husk enemies over and over again as well. It's tedious and boring.


>The Tali love was unreal.
I hate her so much. She was okay in ME1 but I wish she didn't return in ME2 or at least have by betraying by doing something like selling the old Normandy's secrets in return for supplies for the fleet.

>Where does the 2nd game fit in?
It made me decide that EA cannot do FUN games. I abandoned it after finishing the tutorial.

ME2 has it's moments, although a lot of it comes down to interactions with your crew, since the main story is too insular and all over the place in comparison to ME1/ME3, at least ME3 has the feeling that SOMETHING major is happening

9.5? Did we play the same game? Are you undersge? It is such a shallow piece of shit..

I like how ME2 really added a lot of smaller background and character vignettes, but it's just not good enough if there isn't that large-scale overarching story to tie it all together.

ME2 would've been great if everything was got truly was just side content and there was ALSO a beefy and intriguing main story to go along with it all. But there wasn't. And you can't just dismiss this as being no big deal; this is an RPG and a sequel. There were specific expectations.

Two is my favorite. The only valid criticism is "muh story", but there's so much other good stuff going on in the game, that it outweighs both 3 and 1.

I think Origins Access gives access to all dlc. It's probably cheaper than the game and you can play some other games too.

I loved the first and second. I didn't like some of the gameplay changes they made in the second and how they reduced the number of hubs you could visit but it was still enjoyable. The third was such a massive disappointment it killed most interest I had in the future of the series.

I just bought the base game and the DLC are $15 each :^)

At least the first game pretended to be an rpg

>gameplay is only combat

fuck off

>You're telling me Sovereign was playing a long-con for almost 2000 years trying to figure out a way to let the reapers get in through the portal, when they actually could've just flown in over a period of 6 fucking months? Goddamn bullshit.
Is it actually said when Sovereign and the other reapers woke up?

"muh story" is a pretty big criticism in a story-focused RPG.

Without story, what is ME2? Basically just a really bland squad-based cover shooter.

when i used origins access last summer, it did not give me access to all dlc

There was a story though. The collectors are causing issues, and you slowly unravel the mystery to find out the collectors are actually Protheans who were harvested by the Reapers.

Is it Saren trying to open a mass relay in the citadel to bring the reapers? Is it Vigil telling you the secrets of the universe? No. Is it bad, either? No. You're just upset about the terminator final boss like everyone else.

>It had nothing to do with overall story
>ME2's story is shit

Well, yeah the main plot sort of just pauses here and there, but I actually enjoyed what it did instead of that. Not everything has to be about reapers, the universe's fate, the meaning of life and everything.
I think the fact that fucking Bioware of all companies made a game in ME2 where the protagonists of the story (crew of the rebuilt Normandy) are essentialy the scifi variant of what is now called "the alt-right" is also worth mentioning. In all likelihood, Bioware will NEVER publish a story like that again.

ME2 made no sense since no one knows anything about the Collectors but everyone acts like they know exactly what the final mission will be comprised of. At the beginning of the game the working plan is for a frigate and 12 people to defeat an entire more advance species that for all everybody knows could inhabit dozens of worlds with populations in the billions.

lolwut? Mass Effect 2 is literally the only decent Mass Effect.

1 and 3 are both hot garbage.

It's revealed in the game that the reason the Rachni ever went to war with citadel species (back in AD 300, almost 2000 years before ME) is because sovereign indoctrinated the rachni queen.

>1 above 2
Everything else was fine, but the fucking gameplay was tedious shit. At least 2 was fun to play.

The terminator final boss is something I personally don't even mind. But you're really reaching out on a limb to say that ME2 had a proper story. What were there, like 4 actual story missions?

Ah right, who could forget the Mako driving. Or walking around the Citadel for the umpteenth time.

Well, considering part of the plot is assembling a dirty dozen team to assault the Collector base, you can consider almost every mission a story mission.

>It's revealed in the game that the reason the Rachni ever went to war with citadel species (back in AD 300, almost 2000 years before ME) is because sovereign indoctrinated the rachni queen.

Honestly I wish it turned out that the queen was lying back in ME1 and the Rachni are a hostile species.

yeah, you're right. It comes with one DLC.

Yes, but ME2 was the middle child and had the advantage of being able to pass the buck up to ME3. ME2's main story, as uninspired as it was, had the potential to be that much more impactful and fun if ME3 had used its plotlines well. ME2's story being blandly bad isn't the largest crime, but the failure of ME3 makes it stand all the larger.

There you go then. Sovereign has been scheming for dozens of centuries. It's reasonable to assume then that the reapers have been awake and travelling to the Milky Way for just as long.

On the other hand, he fucked it up by stepping out of the shadows and letting the galaxy know that Reapers exist rather than just waiting the extra few years for an easy victory by coming the long way.

Technicalities aren't going to work here. The majority of ME2 was character recruitment/loyalty missions that had absolutely nothing to do with the plot. You could maybe make your argument if the recruitment/loyalty missions were actually related at all to the main plot. But they weren't at all.

This. The story was well integrated, not this "story mission" and "not story mission" nonsense. What you played WAS your story, like how it's supposed to be.

>except when you stop to mine shit, and then you stop to mine shit

you really are a retard, huh?

>3 has better combat than 2 or 1

Yeah... Just tried playing ME 3 last night.

You're fucking wrong. It's slow, clunky, boring garbage.

Jesus, I haven't tried played Mass Effect in years and I can't grasp how this franchise even became popular in the first place.

Everything is laughably shitty, the writing is fucking godawful.

It's also hilarious to me that none of the characters can show emotion in their faces or anything like that, they're all like static fucking robots.

This shit make original episodes of Star Trek look like a stroke of fucking genius by comparison.

1) This doesn't make any sense. The reapers wouldn't start flying manually to the galaxy until after Sovereign failed. The main reason, of course, being that if they started traveling centuries ago to the galaxy, that would mean they completely abandoned dark space relay that connects to the citadel. This wouldn't make any sense at all for them to do until Sovereign failed, and it would also make Sovereign's plan and the entire plot of ME1 utterly pointless.

2) Like you said, even if WERE true that the reapers have been traveling for centuries, it still makes ME1 pointless because Sovereign only helped fuck things up instead of just waiting an extra 2 years.

I don't really understand what you consider plot. You seem to have these arbitrary rules setup, where if a story doesn't have X, Y, and Z, and with those things all in a certain order, you can't consider it a plot and is automatically bad.

You sound autistic friend, good luck on your journey with autism. Maybe someday you'll learn that different isn't always bad.

ME2 combat is surprisingly fun when you turn global cooldowns off, enable biotic use on shielded/armored enemies, and enemies with regenerating armor/shields, while playing on hardcore or insanity, since it feels somewhat like ME1 with lots of detonation/elemental-chaining options

But ONLY on hardcore or insanity, because the game is an absolute cakewalk on every other difficulty with those options, as the compacted fighting areas and reduced amount of enemies swarming you at once reveals one hell of a consolized combat design

Pic related is my favorite vanguard tactic that was probably once destined for an actual vanilla tutorial on detonations at one point

user, ME 2 is the only worthwhile ME.

Are there mods for that or what?

Removed all the comfy stuff.
Killed the RPG mechanics.
No exploran
No drivan
No elevatoran
Absolutely SHIT on established lore
Muh cerberus, we best bro now!
Muh daddy issues
Muh ass
lol uranus joke
crotch-high walls, crotch-high walls everywhere!
shitty fodder-tier robot enemies
''''''quality'''''' bioware animation as usual
''''''quality'''''' bioware voice-acting as usual

The only reason I got it was because they fucked up and made all of the promotional armor/dlc/p2w gear available to everyone for like three hours a month before the game came out and I was lucky enough to redeem everything.

Saw this on the frontpage, just wanted to tell you how stupid you are

>ME2/3 have good combat!

kek, no. All the cool powers like pull and AI hacking are utterly pointless because they only work on unshielded enemies. And once you've already whittled enemy health down to their main health bar, you might as well just take the extra shot or two to finish them off instead of even bothering with a cool ability. The combat is of a fairly tedious and generic 3rd person cover shooter with chest high walls everywhere.

Not to mention how goddamn INFURIATING the controls are. Sprinting, snapping to cover, and vaulting over obstacles are all done with the same goddamn button. And not only that, but there's always this shitty delay when you hold the "action" button before you actually start sprinting. Presumably because of the way they designed all these functions to use the same key. I can't tell you how many goddamn times I've died playing ME2/3 because I end up getting stuck on the wrong side of cover when I'm actually trying to vault over it, or I'm trying to sprint and I accidentally snap to cover that leaves me wide open, or I mean to get cover and I end up sprinting or vaulting. Fuck this gay earth.

Having everything mapped to one button is at least a step up from having functions mapped to no button.

Wait, you can do that?

One of my biggest gripes with ME2 is how your powers don't have any effect if the enemy has shields/barriers/armor, meaning the only worthwhile abilities are the ones that just do extra damage to their respective shield type, like Overload or Warp. And this is basically just playing Pokemon type matchups, and it's boring. Moves like lift are completely useless in ME2.

But ME1 wasn't a cover shooter. You could walk up to walls and press against them if you wanted, but it wasn't a big deal. ME2's combat entirely revolved around getting into cover. If you're going to double down on a mechanic, you should make sure it works.

I never played ME1 using cover.

I hate both actually

God you're such a fucking idiot, please just stop posting

How the fuck could I ever forget...
Fucking ammunition!

The one thing that made the combat in ME fun (mostly) was the fact that you didn't have to look for Special Ammo Type 27. Not to mention, they literally let the player break the weapons via upgrades which made for fun endgame pew-pew retardation. I guess that was just too video-gamey for bioware at that moment.

I'll remind you the reason they didn't do a hybrid system for ME2 (heatsink ejection for emergencies) was because it confused the twelve-year old playtesters.

>Corridor shooter with near zero exploration

Sup Forums should hate it, but most don't because it came out when they were 14-16

You have to use ME3explorer to change cooldowns in one of the .ini's in the archives and coalesced, or use a mod, same deal with biotics on shields


>tfw I'll never unsee the bass