>get up to Rito Village
>that soft Dragon Roost leitmotif comes in
Damn the music is lackluster so often but when it gets you it gets you
Comfy BOTW thread
>get up to Rito Village
>that soft Dragon Roost leitmotif comes in
Damn the music is lackluster so often but when it gets you it gets you
Comfy BOTW thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Where is Paya's birthmark?
First time I've seen this word on Sup Forums. Let's get a beer friend. Also:
>Climb to top of random peak
>suddenly fairies and a broken hearted fountain
Her inner thigh
This game goes from comfy to 100% uncomfy at the drop of a hat man.
>Climbing tower taking in the scenery
>oh fuck it just started raining
>two guardians activate on the ground so can't go back down
>trapped like a baby bird in a nest unable to go up or down and any time I move immediate laser and BOOPBOOPBOOPBOOP
I just ran into my first Lynel.
Really unsettling how they just chill there watching you.
Yeah you can get super closer and then they just calmly pull out their bow. Lot of detail in the animations and specifics of enemies and NPCs
where is the last memory? the one in the forest
Is there a DLC that makes it a not shit game? Guess not, because you are here instead of playing it.
Would you unironically recommend buying a Switch solely for this title?
Na just get the Wii U version desu why have a $300 paperweight for a year
No. It's honestly like an 8 out of 10. Refunded mine and am waiting for more games to come out.
>tfw playing with joycons separated in hands is more comfy than using the shitty plastic grip
Is amber used for anything other than selling?
Is there a Stable near/in Hateno I'm just not seeing?
>comfy thread turns into spoonfeed thread
Play the game fags
I need sauce of this now
Where can I get a quick torch.
Burn a wooden weapon
Any of the research labs have a torch in them. There's also the spot where you met the Old Man
Wooden weapons can break from burning though
Eventide Island is nothing compared to the Rito's flying challenge. I would attempt it more if it didn't cost 20 rupees per try.
south of wetlands stable
Wait until you get to Hyrule Castle.
>not owning botw
thanks qt
Really? I beat that shit first try, I have almost a second meter of stamina though.
I heard the word get mentioned a lot in Undertale threads. And the game is a pretty big example of using leitmotifs frequently.
Speaking of, I like doing it that way but there's no way that I know of to have the console charging while using the kickstand, right? It's mildly annoying that I have to switch to full handheld or TV mode if I want to charge.
I just got to the rito village myself. How do the bosses rank in diffuculty? Water Ganon was ridiculously easy, but Thunder Ganon rocked my dick off
Despite some more clearer mechanics coming into light, my only major crtiique still is the lack of major overworld music.
Yes its nice to take in the scenery but music, good music can transform something already beautiful visually into a breathtaking experience.
Xenoblade chronicles for example had a spectacular overworld ost which made me driven to explore far more than ive ever had.
To a lesser extent OOT too. I loved going to the forest to hear Saria and take in the comfiness.
Great game otherwise and boss fights are a huge step up from previous.
I'm doing Wind Ganon right now as far as I can tell you can't melee him at all and parrying only works seldomly and bombs barely do anything so you just just spam arrows at him pretty easy
>water ganon easy
>run into him first time
>"1st boss, Zelda game, EZ"
>mfw suddenly one shotted
Felt bad man
how exactly do I do Memories? I just got the Impa quest to find a memory but I went to a memory spot (the gate next to Hateno) but nothing happened
The memories aren't in the exact spot the picture shows. look around the general area for a glowing point
Any of you fuckers beat the Silver Lynel yet?
So the cutscene before Ganon implies the canon order is Rito, Zora, Goron, Shieka which sounds about right to me.
Literally had same issue earlier. Head east to the right end of the blue part. At the end of one of the gates is a shining area. Walk into it to trigger the memory.
Yeah but if you need a torch there's boko clubs and bats fuckin everywhere
I run into glowy rabbits but they always run away and disappear before I shoot them.
Daily Reminder you can save scum the Amiibo armor pieces until you get the one you want.
Ngl, I love how Ganon became a grnuine threat and embraced Ganon in full than Dorf.
Thats some next level power right there. Bowser cpuld learn a thing or two from him.
Where do I get more Zora gear?
I got the shirt but goddamn I want more
How many hearts do I need to grab the Mustard Sword? I have 8 atm but I am kill
Can somebody make a petition to Nintendo to bring Miiverse or something like that to the Switch? Posting on Twitter sucks balls.
Is it possible to max out both hearts and stamina upon completing every shrine, or will you be forced to split/min-max?
>spend an entire day clearing out all the enemies around a Sheikah Tower
>a dozen Lizalfos and 3 electric Wizards
>building an ice bridge across the entire lake to reach it
fortunately I managed to climb halfway up before it triggered but god damn that was close
I think it's like, 20?
you need 13 red hearts
Prease Respondu.
I don't want to leave my horse to disappear.
Better head back to the twin peaks, buddy
Gosh, she's so cute.
>Those choices
Is that Fallout 4?
I wonder if you could fudge it with gold hearts
You can't, it's only red hearts.
But I went around that anyway...
Is it possible to climb out of the tutorial area instead of gliding down? Like by gobbling a bunch of stamina mushrooms or something?
Why are the fairies such Jews?
this is really the best the switch has? lol..
The fact that you can't toggle lock on is screwing with me, I'm fucking terrible at this game's combat,
No its just the game that is terrible, what you are feeling is Buyers Remorse.
can't you find your own thread to shit up?
There's no point in doing that, unless you're a speedrunner, I guess, since you want to get all the powers from the Shrines.
>riding my horse around near some cliffs
>enemies pop out
>jump off my horse and engage
>as im battling, watch my horse run off the cliff
>finish battle, glide off cliff to see if horse is alive
>find it's dead corpse on the field below the edge of the cliff
>RIP Slurpee the horse
>don't know why you ended your life like that
For the headgear, one of the giant slabs should give you a clue on where to look. The boots come from a quest from a Zora girl near the bridge on the right side
>go straight from the tutorial area to hyrule castle and pick up tons of late-game gear
I'm kind of glad everything breaks eventually because otherwise I would've ruined early-game for myself
>jump off my horse and engage
Why would you ever do that when you could had simply run in circles around them and pick them one by one?
because i felt like it
Is this, in quite the turn of events, the least empty open world game ever made? I've gotten sidetracked so many times and everyone I end up heading has some evidence of a human sculpting it and making it interesting. Maybe I'm just suffering from a new game high and I'll get bored and start b-lining it from quest to quest soon.
>Would you like you join our clan?
>our clan has been training to fight a hero long thought dead
Well, next time at least slow down the horse beforehand.
>find some horses for the first time
>ride it
>can't figure out how to navigate on horseback down to a lower area where the shrine I stamped is so I just jump and glide away
I wonder how it's doing?
is it normal to be one shotted by evrything in the game?
I'm up to the second divine beast and I've had to snipe everything because I get wiped out in one attack
by grunts and bosses alike
Yeah the game is pretty empty its just grass plains and 20 fps, not sure how you got any other idea
I found a cute grill that asked me if I wanted to have some fun with her and told me to close my eyes...
Give me a basic gestalt on horses. I have one, but it's stuck in the middle of nowhere now. Do I always have to go and retrieve it or can I go to a stable and it will teleport back there? If that's not the case, then anyone have tips on how to keep a horse but still glide places?
I don't get the music is bad meme. It has probably the second best soundtrack in the series after WW, and has the best song in the series (main theme)
>the best music in the game is just music from other games
take it to a stable to register it and you can request it anywhere
You can take your horse out of any stable no matter where you leave it, it's still a pain though because the whistle range is really low.
Does anyone in this thread know how to tame and befriend dogs? I just want to have a doggo that isnt wolf link.
Its trying to be le dark souls xDD without any idea on how to properly balance it. Another example of Nintendo losing their touch
I get a Xenoblade vibe from it
It doesn't seem like it's just a bunch of flat ground with hills but realistic valleys and rock structures, like how you can walk along that cliff and there's a hole in the ground and it's that one camp below you. I don't know, it seems more hand crafted instead of just running a quick brush across the land.
Has anyody found the Zora wife Mei in Lake Hylia? I've been looking all over for her.
It's better for aiming as well.
I don't know Nintendo puts that stupid message on the screen about the controller grip being recommended, aiming the bow just by moving the right Joy-Con with slight movements of the wrists like Metroid Prime Trilogy is way better than moving your entire controller around like a spastic.
I actually died to him a lot. Had to come with more arrows for those ice blocks.
Anyone else feeling some buyers remorse?
I should of just bought a ps4pro..
I heard you can give steak to one but I haven't tried yet.
They roll over if you whistle!
Alright cool. Then like this guy said, is there one near Hateno? I'm surprised the stable isn't just integrated into every town.
Mix some iron shroom pots and get better armor. Spend your shrine spirits on hearts
so it is normal to have a pointless health meter then
so fucking sick of weapons being vaporized after two hits
it's like, wow, i've found a really cool weapon, but oh shit, it's broken 90 seconds later
>mfw just started Stranded on Eventide
Holy fuck some of the sidequests in this are great.
It's probably the most varies ost in the series
No, it's not. Go buy some armor, go upgrade said armor, go finish shrines and go invest in some hearts.
I find horses to be completely not worth the effort, gliding is just as fast most of the time, and can go as the bird flies.
It's a shame because now I just have Epona sitting in the stable.
Horse killed self cause they didn't bother finishing the game.
Got hacked Wii u with this game. Is it worth buying a switch?
I've never gotten distracted this badly in an open world game before. I'm probably around 15 hours in and I have yet to do my first divine beast.