What's the easiest Souls ?

What's the easiest Souls ?

Bloodborne if it counts.

I would say 2


definitely 3

Dark Souls 1.

1 probably, with the weapon glitching and instant black knight halberd and all

Defo BloodBorne. literally babbys first game.

Demon's Souls, easily. Was my first, still the easiest.

Easiest to hardest:
>DS2 vanilla

Haven't played Demon Souls

Demon's Souls for PS3 and the hardest is Dark Souls 2

So you're telling us that DS III offers a balanced experience ?


yea, this

Easily 3, you get 15 iframes per roll and you fastroll even at 70% weight.

And rolls stopped costing actual stamina so you can just mash 20 of them in a row.

Bloodborne and DaS.

2 and 3 have little design problems here and there that make things harder for the wrong reasons.


2 is like the second hardest.

I haven't played Demon's Souls, but I would agree. Bloodborne has a much steeper learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it's actually really easy, only a handful of bosses are difficult. Even then, it's easy to overlevel and stomp them.

I played Demon's after every other game and definitely found it the easiest.

>Fighting oh smo after doing some ds3
how did I ever think these guys were hard holy shit just ninja flip around all their attacks cheese with big fast hitbox weapon. Don't even need to watch weapon upgrade if you want to twink. Meanwhile I still can't beat pontiff solo. How can people meme ds3 is easier just because you get more stamina?

Definitely 3, really, nothing even comes close.

I still loved 3 since at release it was multiplat, 60fps, 1440p support unlike the others.

Demon's > 1 > 3 > 2 from easiest to most difficult

DS2 easily. Those that say otherwise don't know what they're talking about.

>pre-patch biggie and smalls
good times

2 is easy AS FUCK once you figure out how it works. DS3 is easiest to pick up and play.

shitsouls 2, which is part of it''s many many flaws. game is full of cheap gotchas and meme enemy spam encounters but actually if you know how to play it the game is by far the easiest.

literally infinite life gems after beating the first area and they aren't even expensive, lmao