Nintendo is fucking unstoppable. How do they keep winning every gen?
Nintendo is fucking unstoppable. How do they keep winning every gen?
>PS1 won over N64
>PS2 won over GCN
>PS3 eventually overtook the Wii meme
>PS4 won over the Wii U
Yeah I dunno how they do it /nintendogaf/
Nintendo hasn't won a generation since wii. Then they lost 2 generations prior to that. They have to make they own half generation that they only exist in to win with the switch.
>PS3 eventually overtook the Wii meme
That's wrong. Ps3 barely overtook xbox. Everyone basically fucking owned a wii.
>New zelda game gets massive views day of release
wow no way OP
>b-b-but muh legacy
>b-b-but muh games
The only objective measurement of quality is cold hard sales numbers nintenbrothers. Take it to the bank.
I am sorry, but Wii beat PS3. The rest are true
>PS1 won over N64
>PS2 won over GCN
with classics like melee that still get played competitively today, no
>PS3 eventually overtook the Wii meme
Yeah, when the gen was already over. What a big whoop.
>PS4 won over the Wii U
>bloodborne machine winning over anything
Wii was a fucking money-printing machine. Everybody and their grandma had one.
The others are correct, though.
sales you mong, you can't quantify opinions
>no third party games
>sales means winning
By feeding off the tears of underaged sony fangirls and paid mexican shills like Are they still paying you for the Ghostbusters reboot one? I heard they were trying to boost the blu-rays sales still. or did they gave up?
>The only objective measurement of quality is cold hard sales numbers
So every game on the Wii-U is at least 2x better than Bloodborne, the Ps4's golden egg?
Are there any other games worth playing on the Switch or is Zelda it?
I didn't so you're wrong.
>Video games are art!
Video games are toys meant to be sold. They exist to make money and therefore in the end sales are what matter most. Stop pretending like anything else ever mattered.
Then the PS3 was better than the Wii objectively
>/nintendogaf/ delusion the post
It did though.
that is not debatable. nintendo 64 was destroyed by ps1
This is the face of pure mad right here everyone.
Your mental gymnastics are worth a olympic Gold metal.
I love how all of the "muh sales" soniggers are ignoring this.
no games
Zelda is on Wii U and therefore a multiplat.
Delusion level: Mario
Wii U had no games
>games are consoles
tip kek
>n64 worse than ps1
>gamecube worse than ps2
>wii worse than ps3
>wiiU/switch worse than ps4
>PS4 didn't win
This is the average Nintendo fanboy.
>Bragging about the console that acted as the gateway to casuals and ruined the industry
Nice DVD player. Go look at some attach rates for the system, they're fucking pitiful except for sports games. Ps2 had a lot of great games but if you started on Ps2 you are a cancerous newfag.
This is some Dante Must Die level of delusion
>muh normies REEE
jesus fuck who cares
55M PS4's
sonyger neogaf shills are pathetic.
Why does DSP hate Nintendo so much?
This is the level of argumentation from your average sony pony.
And yet they still manage to have a victim complex when they're rightfully shitposted to death. After this gen it's going to turn around and bite you in the ass when Sony is left in the dust, Ps4 sales can't carry them forever.
and the 360 was better than the ps3
>sony pony
stopped reading there.
>denying facts
someone delete this shitty fucking thread
>sales can't carry you forever
oh yes they can.
Cant you both talk without resorting to name-calling like some kids in a playground?
>paid online
At exploding from breathing on it yes
At scratching discs to shreds yes
At having racist 12 year olds playing CoD yes
delete this post
I know facts hurt Nintenfuck but just face it, Sony wouldn't even be a problem had Nintendo not screwed them over all those years ago. With PlayStation 4 reaching nearly 55M sales and Sony stealing every gen since 1995 with the exception of the Wii, it's time for the big N to realize how obsolete they are.
Sony is trash and this can't be refuted. Post sales charts, it only proves that casuals will buy up anything. CoD sells by the millions too.
at least you could play online :)
>the console that acted as the gateway to casuals and ruined the industry
PS3 > Wii
Wii was a toy
By all mains cite an alternative quantifiable method by which we can judge a console's success.
Never go full retard kids
But why do you claim the Wii is better than the PS3?
Nintendo is trash and this can't be refuted.
Nice revisionism, but gaming was still a niche hobby until the Ps2 blew it up to about 5x the size. It's responsible for the 7th gen and everything that came with that, meanwhile NES is only responsible for the golden era that came after. But I wouldn't expect an underaged sony fan who started with Ps2 to actually grasp that.
Attach rates :)
>Attach rates :)
Okay Sony still winz by that measure ;^)
Wtf i hate sony now
so Vita is better than the Wii U?
>golden era
News flash: Computer games were thriving in Europe with actual, legitimate hardcore titles that had appeal beyond women and children before the NES came and casualized the market by grabbing 'Muricans by the balls and promoting boneheaded jumpy shooty kiddie toy games with next to none of the depth, complexity and storytelling that computer gaming had already established.
I'm afraid you best look in the mirror if you want to talk about just who is underage.
Story time kids
>be in line at FUCKING GAMESTOP to get the Switch yesterday
>fat, sweaty neckbeards and women
>car rolls by and asks what is going on
>people shout in unison "NINTENDO SWITCH!"
>cringe instantly
>mongoloid with a clipboard starts writing numbers and handing them out to people
>GS employee flips out, tells everyone to throw the numbers away, tells line he is not an employee
>random guy starts kicking the air autisticly
>guy with snaggle teeth starts talking with me about excited he is for Zelda, his breath smells like a dog's asshole
I'll never go in a line for a Nintendo launch again. Nintendo's fanbase is nuclear, white hot cancer.
>but gaming was still a niche hobby
No it wasn't, kids from all over the world were playing Pokemon and the PS1 sold 100M units
>Attach rates :)
>Best selling game on GC = 7M
>Best selling game on PS2 = 17M
>This entire post
I can't believe there are people who sincerely believe this. You're probably a Quakefag too.
ITT: neogaf sonygers thinking they're hot shit because they got some words black listed on Sup Forums
98 > 88
Except what he said it's true and unless ou cant come up with other responses other than insults I suggest you to shut up
People are looking at the most hyped up games ever, big fucking surprise.
This is even stupider than metacritic scores
Ignoring the "mature games for mature gamers such as myself" angle he was pulling, I bet he can't even name me 5 of those revolutionary, hardcore titles that existed pre-NES.
Which game was that on GC, and what was the Ps2 game? Go on, humor me.
>muh sony boogeyman
Consoles are killing this industry
long live Gabe N and the PC Master Race.
I dont know what scores have any relevance in the discussion but
>they got some words black listed on Sup Forums
Or maybe mods finally got fed up with spergs like and decided to take measures against consolewars
7.8 Userscore
Sales /=/ Winner of a Gen
The n64 only had Mario 64,kart,smash,both zeldas, banjo kazooie and 007 for notable releases.
Melee and....?
>implying that game isn't 98/100
Pic related literally came out the same year as The Legend of Zelda.
Think about that, weeb.
then why do people claim the Wii won when it was terrible?
This is retarded
And you can easily tell it's not shitposting. This guy believes what he's saying
>Which game was that on GC, and what was the Ps2 game?
Melee and GTASA, I dont know what you're trying to prove with this other than a sad attempt at goalpost moving but go ahead pull "t-that doesnt count!" card
Why is this thread still up?
Why is your mom such a whore?
Turns his nose up at those he views as inferior. No user (you) are the cancer
Real talk Sup Forums, there are no Sony shills on this board. Just insecure, rabid Nintendo fanboys who feel threatened by successful companies like Sony or Microsoft. The level of damage control the drones have gone for the Switch is absolutely retarded. Not even the biggest Sony faggot would deny how bad their system is unlike the Nintenfucks on Sup Forums.
So much diffidence that reeks from them when mentioning the problems with the Switch, shit posting or otherwise. It's like you fucked their wife or something. They can't handle Nintendo losing, they actually believe Nintendo is a caring company exempt from corruption and greed. It's really sad. Even more sad when you realize that can't handle criticism or shit posts.
King's Quest
Pic related :^)
>all this from a Segaposter
The ironing is truly delicious.
Meant for
Only an autistic sonypoor could have written that
>check attached picture of fucking Sonic
it all checks out.
Yep, figures. Meanwhile SotC barely broke 1 million, Okami didn't even manage that much, and many other niche classics suffered the same fate on Ps2. Some of the most popular games (and I mean real games, not sports or GTA) such as MGS2 and Kingdom Hearts, only sold around 6 million which admittedly does match to some of the more popular GC games. But pound for pound across their libraries, GC had the better attach rates.
Please... I don't know if you pretending to be retarded or not, but you missed the point entirely.
>more people watch nintendo movies than buy them