Buyer's remorse thread


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only a fucking retard would buy a console on release

>tfw you've never regretted a purchase

when it comes to consoles I've only bought them like 2 years after they've been out

Im quite happy playing Breath of the Wild and Shovel Knight on mine, why did you regret it OP?

It's kinda of sad that nintendo went from manufactoring durable stuff like the gameboys, the gamecube to just do a console that breaks itself appart from normal use.

>Tn viewing angles
>plastic screen
>its top game has severe fps drops to 20
Top tier game console

Don't buy every new gadget/game on day 1 and you won't get buyer's remorse.

If you legitimately bought a Switch and already regret it you obviously bought it on a whim or because it's new and didn't really want it in the first place.

Are you happy that you can play a Wii U port than runs way worse on Switch and an indie game?

consoles that go to shit and constant jewery outsold them for years

they're just trying to ms and sony

I have buyers remorse bc I am not even much of a Zelda fan/not even good at the game. And am worried about there even being other games to get instead of playing Zelda. Fuck.

Why did you buy it?

Welcome to all of them. 360 red ringed, ps4 melts itself, and half of the controller on the switch doesn't work sometimes. It's been a shitshow since 07.

I kind of want it because disgaea on the go is maximum comfy, but it will probably run like shit and I already have it on PS4. BotW is obviously overrated and I have shovel knight on 5 platforms already.

having no problem with zelda yet . almost 10 hours playing it . and the inde playing some times . so far so good dude .

nintendium was always a meme.
>hurrr blowing carts

Lots of consoles were worth buying on release. NES, SNES, N64, PS2

Console manufacturers have just been dropping the ball for over a decade.

>i am too young to remember any other console launches

No, it was real from snes to the original ds.

I hadn't gotten around to playing Shovel Knight yet, thought I'd get it for this platform to get something to go along with Zelda. Does Breath of the Wild run better on the WiiU tho? That's the first time I hear that

I'm so angry right now botw is literally unplayable with that shitty framerate thats the second time i've been scammed by nintendo and their gimmicks it's all because of the japanses mindset of treating westeners like shit I'm sure those cunts at nintendo don't even think we deserve to play their games they think we are inferior or some shit FUCK THAT ITS THE WEST THAT MADE THEM SUCCESFUL WITH THE NES but they will never aknowledge that fucking cunts

I'm never giving Nintendoo 1$ ever again

Not worth it at release but it got a ton of great games in the first year. PS2 had a lot of games at launch but nothing spectacular.

my snes connectors broke slightly and wouldnt stay connected properly.

my n64 overheated and the controllers went to shit from over use.

i dropped my brick gameboy one time and the screen broke.

Haha, look at this fucking idiot.

Don't buy things you don't actually want, user.

Oh dear.

I'm pretty poorfag right now but even if I wasn't I would probably wait too, besides I still got plenty of fun I can get out of my Wii, yes I said Wii. Other than the fact that on a nonCRT (at the time in late 00s I didn't even have a LCD tv yet this was hardly noticable) you can totally see the SD blur even with rgb cables, it's still a decent ass system.

I was interested in the console itself. I mean the game is fun but I dont want it to be the only game I am stuck with for a long time. Is there another game worth getting?

I still regret buying my xbox one

You are some retard. No research prior to buying a new console.

The fuck are you talking about? Unless you're 40+ you don't remember priort to the NES release. Hell, I'm 26 and the SNES was released the same year I was born.

I had expected the save data to be on the cartridges.

What the fuck have Nintendo been smoking?

My snes still works like new.

My n64 still works like new.

Brick gb is older than snes but i dropped my gbc a lot and it still works like new. My original gb also works but i never dropped it.

Just how many corners did they cut with this thing

waiting for the next iteration at best

I put a pre-order when they went up and planned to cancel if no more games were announced close to launch, and then I completely forgot about it. So to my surprise a switch showed up in my mailbox.
I'm going to try to return it and hope for a revision of the console that'll fix the fuck ups, and a larger library.

A full featured Wii U development kit.

if your original n64 controller sticks arent trash tier you didnt play enough.

I like my Switch a lot actually.
Shame you guys don't like yours I guess.

>still have ds lite i got 10 years ago
>still works amazingly
>got a 3ds when they first came out
>shit build quality, buttons stopped working after normal use in ~30 days
>recently got a 2ds for arm9loader
>creaky piece of shit
At least freeshop let me get the last laugh.

A console is useless without games you want to play. Never buy a console unless there are already at least enough games released to warrant your purchase.


Also if anyone actually knows if you can do anything with converters or something to improve this? I know if you have emulators Wii games can be up converted but is there anything like that an actual system can utilize?

I assume you mean "I like BOTW" because that's all the Switch is currently.

that's my rule

5 is the absolute minimum

They are really worn and floppy but they still work.

I have the original 2004 Phatty DS, that thing's built like a brick. Was a launch unit too.

Actually it already has BotW, Fast RMX, Shovel Knight TT and Disgaea 5
Bunch of neogeo titles too if you're into those

For real, saved me a lot of money by not buying a PS4 yet. All but 2 or 3 games I wanted on it have gotten PC versions.

traded in my wii u and the games for it that i havent played in a looong while

only games i really played on my wii u were the zelda remakes, mario kart and splatoon anyway

had enough trade in credit to buy the entire switch, zelda and mario kart preordered for when it comes out

played about 5 or 6 hours of zelda so far, no remorse desu

kinda amazed by how nice it is in tablet mode

I never had a huge issue with my 3ds until recently the grey part of the analog stick came out. It seems they never thought it to be used for more fast paced games like Monster Hunter or Smash, I have it since release and took good care of it so I don't think it was misuse it's really poor quality.



Oh that happened to mine after a couple thousand hours of MH4U and MHGen. And probably Smash 3DS too. You can superglue it back on more or less no problem, just use a really tiny dab.

Shovel Knight and Disgaea are better played on other platforms.


How is Fast RMX, is it good?

Keep in mind that when PS4 and XBO first came out, there was also an immense lack of games. We're kind of in a generation where the games don't really start coming out til further down the life cycle and when it hits, it hits pretty rapidly. There's a lot of third party support. Just give them some time to tinker with the console and make the games.

>Want to get a Switch
>Literally all it has is Zelda and I can get that on my Wii U

why live

Poor man's Wipeout

It satisfies that F-Zero/Wipeout itch to a good degree and is only 20 bucks. RMX has more content than Fast Neo too so it's a pretty solid deal.

Just wait to see if it gets more games m8, first year or so has some decent stuff lined up it seems

Higher resolution and better performance. I'm actually assuming here, but I'd be surprised if there weren't cutbacks when porting a game from an okay-tier x86 to what is essential a Tegra.

That's not necessarily a cut corner that can't be fixed with a firmware update though.

What sounds like a cut corner however is that there would then apparantly be no amount of rewritable memory on the cartridges.

Possibly to make them simpler/more affordable. Which I guess isn't a bad thing. And it does avoid this thing with parents being upset about the save data their kids find on used games.

>better performance

It's fucking shovel knight and disgaea

More F-Zero than WipeOut though.

It's faster yes but controls sucks aas

>he bought a first gen Nintendo portable

And yet, a tablet CPU still probably can't play them at 1080p

wtf are you talking about?

PS4 launch titles

First Party Games (Sony Released)

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Sound Shapes
Third Party Games

Angry Birds Star Wars
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Just Dance 2014
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14.
Contrast (Indie)
Pinball Arcade (Indie)

DS had fuckall the first year.

If they're serious about backing up dat ass on this system, good stuff is probably gonna come around eventually.

But don't buy the syste until it does. Seems they still have some shit to iron out.

It makes sense, they're probably just cheap ROM chips.

Weren't you just driving a shitty vehicle?

This, my original DS worked fine up until a couple years ago.

And 3DS had fuckall until Mario Kart
It's just the way consoles usually go, I don't get why anyone is surprised. Wait a year or two for a price drop or a hardware revision. Avoids any launch hardware issues like how the first 3DSes scratched their own top screens when closed.

>Possibly to make them simpler/more affordable.
I doubt it. SD cards are cheap as fuck. It's probably piracy related somehow.


>And 3DS had fuckall until Mario Kart
Mario Kart is still fuckall. I'd like to see new IPs as opposed to rehashes and sequels

Also the magnificent case of the original GBA not featuring a backlit screen.

Mine is still in full function. Except for the two pixels that have been dead since day one.

3DS has quite a lot of new IP from Nintendo even.

But you were thinking of Switch?

MK7 was pretty good m8

Yeah that was a dumb move on their part, I get that they probably didn't want it devouring batteries like the Game Gear but still.

Buying a $300 POS console, so you can play titles that are already available on other consoles.

Nintendo retards got to retard.

The funniest part for me is that I considered picking up a Wii U to try out the five or so games I might have missed out on, but the new price is still $300, the same as the Switch.

How would the absence of writable memory avoid dumping of ROM data?


the 3DS had Mortal Kombat 7?

All the good ones were also on PS3 and 360.

Nintendo are fucking finished. Wiiu was their saturn it seems.

This is their dreamcast. My normie friends have been complaining on kikebook all morn. I expect mass returns by weeks end.

I was more thinking about preventing people from writing arbitrary data to the card that might be executed as legitimate code. You can do that to some extent with the Vita. Or they might be trying to prevent things like the Twilight Princess hack.

Well that's not really what happened with Dreamcast, but I get your analogy.

Complaining about saves not being on carts?

I almost regretted my 3DS purchase when the N3DS was announced, but then it got like one game and I realized there was no point

Yeh, maybe. Might also partly be a thing about letting people manage the save data for all their games more easily. Så that each profile on the system can have it's own saves and such shit.

>Hyrule Warriors at a playable framerate
>Smash Bros doesn't take 30 years to load
>All the other vast improvements

wow just one game

I'd say wait for a price drop but the Wii U is still like 300 fucking dollars so what the fuck.

Exactly. Save flashing is an entry point vulnerability

Nintendo is going ballsdeep trying to make sure the Switch is unhackable. Damn what paying customers actually want.

I have such a huge buyers remorse and I actually bought mine from a scalper for $450 jesus this thing is complete garbage and mine didnt have any problems. Zelda is boring as fuck because its open world.


not a big deal. when was the last time you transferred your ps3 and 360 saves?

Reminder that the Sup Forumsirgins that did actually buy it are enjoying it and haven't had any issues.

user, why did you buy it? You sound like you should have known you would feel that way about it.

Shh. They literally gotta use ANY ammo they can find.

I've been enjoying BOTW, and while I play it i get excited for the next generation of nintendo games
but then I remember theres fucking nothing until the holidays

I didnt even know that zelda was going to be open world. I would of never bought it and the console if I had known.