>O is cancel
>X is confirm
burger logic
O is cancel
What is the reason why the rest of the world has this though? I know it's the other way around in Japan
x marks the spot
Sony are japanese
Seriously. Windows has "X" as the dang close button
Despite growing up in america, with a PS1 and a PS2, I still see circle as select.
Might also be because that's where "A" would be on a nintendo controller, but I still think circle should be select
It started out as Japan had it.
Then at some point the west started doing it differently, and it stuck.
>red button is cancel
>blue button is confirm
makes perfect sense Tbh
It's orange.
>not green one
Your thumb is longer than it is wide, so if your thumb is resting on X it makes it easier to hit X and any other button at the same time than resting your thumb on O and trying to hit O and any other button.
Sony determined that Americans needed the bottom button to be the confirm button.
Is it ECKS or cross?
>alternate between playing japanese and western games
>Now i costantly fuck up confirm and cancel for the first 10 minutes of every playing session
Only way to play.
it's fork
>implying japanese isn't also burger
But what I want to know is why is Sup Forums here?
>Seriously. Windows has "X" as the dang close button
Fucking this. In what universe is a cross a sign of approval? To every person on the planet that's used a computer, X means "get the fuck outta my face."
X is the bottom-most button that requires the least movement of the thumb; it is foundational and ought to be used for the most mundane and workhorse tasks, i.e. jumping, menu-selecting, dialogue.
Who cares? The shapes matter more than the colors.
Which button(s) should be for attacking?
In Japan (Where Sony is from) blue and green are seen as the same color
I always assumed Sony America didn't want to be like Nintendo for the edginess
>burger logic
>Chink console.
Square and Triangle. Shoulder buttons good for shooting.
This is why trump won. Stupid americans thinking X means cancel.
Wasn't triangle the cancel button?
I painted swastika tails on mine, so it's the nazi button
>americans thinking X means cancel
Name 1 game that has done that since early ps2
>most natural button to push
It makes sense to confirm things with the button that is easiest to reach, and just slide a bit to the right if you want to go back.
The face buttons might as well be blank, whether is a X, circle or dildo is irrelevant.
its not like that in japan retard
It's also that way in Japan as it's the same placement as Nintendo's A and B buttons.
which button is that?
Bloodborne ?
>Chink console.
If you played a jap game you would know they use O for comfirm and X for cancel
>their race is so mongoloid that they're colorblind
They're on the fast track to becoming their own species lmfao.
no you fucking idiot
>This thread and all the retards in it
Why not CO and CA buttons?
The joke is that Americans thought that putting an X on Trump while voting meant "delete Trump"
Nah, man, it was totally by accident, I'm sure.
the X is at the bottom. thats how i think of it.
That was PS3. PS4 fixed that.
X is "hit" , O is "miss"
makes sense to me
>O is OK
>X is
>Rest of the world
>X is a cross/check
>O is unchecked space
>Taking a test
>X the circle for your answer
>Why is X for your selection?? X means cancel or close!
>Puts an X on all wrong answers only keeping the correct one with a clean O
>Wonders why failed test
This is how you look bitching about something so trivial.
>22 whacky things Americans do that creep out Europeans!
I didn't realize Sup Forums was a BuzzFeed article.
>E is use
wtf i hate video games now
Bottom central button is confirm.
Red button on the side is cancel.
If you really have your heart set on the switching them you could always buy the Japanese version of your games.
most of my games are japan imports and its annoying when i return to the menu
>be spic
>grow with people calling the X button 'cruz'
>Hans, vat button ist der shoot button?
>Ich do not know, mein leiben, try zer Nazi button
Going a long way for that joke, user.
X, here, crosshair, shoot, yes.
I prefer Triangle to cancel and X to confirm. Plenty of PS games did this.
Ahh fuck I get the reference. Good one my dude.
But you don't use an X to vote, you fill in a bubble
It's actually blue is confirm red is cancel.
red = hot
blue = cold
X marks the spot
if you see a blue stop sign are you not gonna stop?
>blue stop sign
Never even seen one of these before. Do they actually exist? I probably wouldn't stop honestly. I would assume it is for something else.
What country is this in?
Damn. I didn't know we had those in America.
That explains a lot.
Florida ain't a country
time was that triangle use to be cancel circle was confirm
shit was gay
>pointing out that sony is japanese makes him le Sup Forums boogeyman
It was X to confirm and Δ to cancel
They should just make R2 cancel to fuck with us.
>oh is cancel
>fork is confirm