I dig this a lot

I dig this a lot

CDR are based

That's really cool.

>the wink emoji
What did they mean this?

geralt smash canon?

Geralt would destroy dat little minx

no one cares marketer. stop bumping your own thread.

I dig this a lot

The best version of this will always be the Infamous and Prototype guys.


Did you know that your mother is a stinking whore? Because she is.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you guys will bitch and moan about something SJW-related over this.

Crossover when?

>developers sucking each others dicks

nothing to see here

wanna smash

How jaded are you user? I bet you are completely dead inside.

If only either of them could produce a good game

xD fuck everything am i right Sup Forumsros? y-you agree with me right?

screen pls?

>Hey Zelda beat us, and Yakuza, Nioh, and Nier are much better games than we could be. we need to team up!

The west is so pathetic lmao. Japan domination is fucking back.

>CDPR posts an image where they are equals
>Guerilla posts a pic where their side is better

I bet you're a cuck

Whys geralt brown in theirs

They're each holding their respective ranged weapons.

have you seen horizon zero dawn? Half the characters are black or brown with voices that don't match

Just a warmer color pallet.

That's neat.

CD prettied Aloy up and Guerilla uglied Geralt down.

Reminder that even a company like CDPR has a few bad apples (especially since they've been expanding like crazy in the past year or so), and when someone who has no skills to make games gets hired they're usually assigned to be "community manager" and sit on their twitter account all day.

Not an endorsement of HZD from CDPR so much as it's just some middle aged woman reposting her niece's tumblr fan art on their page.

Will we ever get a fun crossover game that isn't a Smash or Warriors Orochi?

Because Geralt is a shitlord and no WAY Guerrilla is going to infect their twitter with some problematic straight white male.

>it's a witcherfags slowly realize their game was an overhyped piece of shit episode

>it's a frogposter is retarded epis-

Oh wait, that's every fucking episode LMAO!

Which is a completely meaningless word chanted by inbreds and children. Your mother being a stinking whore on the other hand seems reasonable.

guerilla games cannot into art that looks terrible
