Meanwhile in germany

Meanwhile in germany.

sonybros btfo

Yuropoors are Sonyponies, always have been.

europe is really sonycentred

germans only play industrialwerk sim [current year]

are those restricted to pal 50hrz and 220volts?
I may import one for cheap

Maybe because Nintendo didn't bring half their games over here and had 1 year late releases for the others as well as consoles.

>ps4 ins the back
>ps4 avatar
really active your almonds

Sonybro here, they wouldn't have that many in stock without existing pre-orders.

these baits are so bad it's embarrassing

Bullshit it's sold out nearly everywhere
t. I fucking live there

The PS4 is over 3 years old

NA and Japan alone is enough to carry it. Xbox has done fine with practically nothing but NA and maybe the UK.

Sorry Europe, but you're not as relevant as you think you are.


He's right OP
PS4 has 3.5 Mill in Germany
XBONE and Wii U only have 750,000 each.

reminder the vita outsells the Wiiu in germany

No fifa, no buy. Sorry nintenbros.

Germany has never bought Microsoft or Nintendo systems. Not sure why? Is Sony a popular company in Deutschland?

>desync problems
>real controller sold separately for 70€
>immigrant crysis

sony has deals with EA regarding FIFA
football adds there only advertise the ps4 version.And fifa is the only game euros buy

it all began with the sega vs nintendo war....

They're too busy being raped by """peaceful refugees"""

muslims don't play videogames, OP

While that's a little extreme, considering even Japanese gamers buy FPS games in 2017, it is a large reason for PS4 sales.


you would think shitskins are getting enough free money from Merkel to go out and buy switches and TVs.

too busy raping aryan german women i suppose.

Nintendo isn't clearly a good choice for gaming
Microsoft shot his feet
PC is the king

I would say sony is the most casual and cheap choice for general gaming

Sony Center Berlin. Sony owns Germany.

>immigrant crysis

You don't have immigrants, you have an invading horde of people who refuse to assimilate to the land's current culture, A.K.A. colonizers

It's sold out everywhere online though.

Maybe we wouldn't be if Kiketendo stopped overpricing their shit. Switch is €330 in a lot of countries.

How the fuck do you Sup Forumstards pull off such mental acrobatics?

why are Sup Forumstards unable to discuss vidya on a vidya board?

>region free

Think it might be cheaper at some point to import one of these from Europe rather than buying one in the US?

Videogames are Haram

>a system without fifa
>selling in pooroop

Same here in Australia. You can find them so easy, it's not funny.

>can't even buy a switch
they are weak as hell

>those 3 guys buying xbone in jpn

kebabs don't like Nintendo, I see

Posting this picture is taking Sup Forums out of Sup Forums, nigger.


why they no buy pes

Ffifa sell the most in europe
and jap fps usually dont reach their own japs game snumbers like mh, pokemon or FF on jpana.

Everyone in Australia is poor though, so those kangaroos don't count.


becaseu they dont have the teams they weant with an updated rooster.

They're facing a foe that will stab itself for them, they don't need strength

No one has mentiomed the ridiculous prices Nintendo are charging for games in Europe. Switch games retail at £60. Games on the other consoles are no more than £50. Who the fuck is gonna buy that?

fair enough


They are probably avoiding the no go zones (everywhere outside) and ordering directly online, if they even want one that is. No one is getting raped or grenaded over a fucking nintendo switch, ill tell you that much.


>w-we're n-not getting r-raped!!
>p-p-p-Sup Forumstard!!
>mental gymnastics!!

Yes many people buy Sony TVs and think of them as quality also lots of advertisements for Playstation. I don't know anyone who had an Xbox growing up, everyone had PS2, then PS3 then PS4 and a few also own Nintendo products. Maybe because of our old friendship.

underrated post

Amerifat nintenbros on holiday

yeah maybe don't fucking give us all your games at least 6 months after every other region, Nintendo

you are such an idiot. But I guess that happens when all the teachers are dead after your weekly school shooting
so you admit being a Sup Forumstard who rather shitposts then discuss games?

you're the fist one to bring up Sup Forums
couldn't help yourself could you?

Yes. You see, back in the 1940s scientists and Hitler made a very crucial and powerful political and business partnership with emperor hirohito that would lead to Japanese businessmen infesting cities such as Munich and Hamburg where they plotted the creation of the ultimate weapon along with the prisoner jew scientists. They drew up schematics for a legendary doomsday device knows as the PanzerkraftenSchlutzer Mk. IV which came to be known as the Playstation 4 of today.

Ich bought my Dock Worker Simulation 2017 just this abend. Sehr gut.

Halt dein Maul du Arschloch und geh pennen, keiner will deinen Müll hier lesen.

>380€ in Finland

Both those sold poorly everywhere.

Did you just call me an idiot? You're doomed buddy, I'm going to report you for hate speech online and then you'll get 10 years. Your home will be turned into public housing for Mohammed in the mean time.

There's a Muslim joke there somewhere but I'm too lazy to bother. Fuck Germany.

>discuss games?
This is a consoles thread, not a vidya thread

We had the original weeaboos

why can't you except other peoples opinions and not box them into a ideology to make yourself feel more secure?

>bringing up politics unrelated to vidya
>not a Sup Forumstard
bring dich um du spasst

They're completely sold out in Portugal, at least where I've looked.

He's going to have to fight off Tyrone for the master bedroom, first.

they dont have any money to. the average german pays foreign men to fuck their daughters and wives and stuff all day every day. theres some sort of fetish epidemic going on there.

Stop being such a twat. You know full well Europe is in a terrible state. You've got to be blind to not see what's going on here at the moment

Yeah, but they cost $470 in Australia before accessories and games. Who the fuck wants to pay nearly $600 to play a single game?

Warum bist du nicht am feiern? Dummes Mannkind

Underrated post.

I'm afraid you have that wrong, goy.

>meanwhile in Germany, switches aren't selling!
>Germans are too busy getting raped to play vidya
>"Sup Forumstard shitposter!!!!"
>"t-talk about games! sh-shit poster!!"

sorry Merkel. HAHAHAHAHA

>haha this is such video game discussion I cant see why people think Im an idiot.

Is this true? I've been hearing this from Fox news but I just figured it was #fakenews until now.

Here the large majority of "Gamers" are left wing liberal cucks that think being nice online will get them laid in real life


PC stronk in europe

Europe is Sony central since the 90's.

>shitty hardware
>no AAA multi plats
>no (relevant) third party support yet
>no game yet

No wonder they're not buying Switch in Europe.

it's true.

PC elitist heathens!!

The resurrection date of our lord and savior?

I wonder if Nintendo's illegal cartel operation they had going in Europe had an effect on why Nintendo never really sold THAT well in Europe? I mean, along with FIFA and PC being more popular.

I mean due to them increasing prices in some regions by like 100% and more.

i know it's hard for a autist to not categorize things, but not all people who have opinions that you don't like are automatically from Sup Forums. try growing up a little sport.

really it is so annoying when Sup Forumstards derail a thread to shitpost about a country

If only there was a board where people could discuss such things...

Germans also voted to be replaced. They're scared to buy japanese things because it reminds them of WWII and the bad bad things they did (nothing wrong)




Don't Germans just play games like Forklift Simulator 2016?


Where are the Neon Green ones?

Germans are sonygroes, not enough syrian cock to suck on the Switch. Horizon Zero Whites is more their cup of tea.