So his name is actually Jesus Christ?

so his name is actually Jesus Christ?

Other urls found in this thread:

no, Savage



It's James Cletus

He's the Jesus of gaming either way.

He got killed by Jews?

How did you get "Christ" from a Z?

maybe his franchise, but not him

He never had a name. J.C. is the identifier.

That's like asking who his parents were.

Supposedly Ion Storm was going to make Deus Ex more about religion and J.C. was supposed to be the last living descendant of Jesus Christ or something.

Hence the title name, Deus Ex.

Somewhere along the line it became more about conspiracies and globalism and corporations.

also the templars were supposedly more involved in the story, along with the religious stuff instead of globalism, though I preffer the latter

You were supposed to even go to the moon at one point. There is even a Area 51 departure theme:

Just beat the game last night. My third time beating it since the game came out.

There's a ton of bullshit information and hints about this game on the Internet. Here's the real deal. Applies to the vanilla game only using the latest GOTY version.

Lockpicking and electronics skills are useless if you're willing to use the F1 exploit. Don't put any points into them.

Computers is pivotal. It's worth getting it up to Advanced, but Mastering it is pointless.

Swimming is actually quite useful. Put points into it when you can spare them. Environmental training is pointless.

Putting points into low-tech weapons is pointless because of the DTS. It does plenty of damage already, and using it for doors, sentries, and cameras is kinda unnecessary considering you'll have a buttload of explosives and rockets throughout the game, not to mention if you're willing to use the F1 trick for lockpicks and multitools. Leave it at untrained. Absolutely NOT worth putting precious skill points into it when untrained is more than enough.

Master pistols. Mastering it will let you do 1 hit headshot kills with the stealth pistol on everything but MIBs and commandos.

Pistols are the best weapons for the first 80% of the game. Put a laser sight on a stealth pistol for perfect accuracy. Do NOT add a scope to it. Put a scope on the regular pistol. Use the stealth pistol for close to mid range combat and medium distance sniping. Use the scoped regular pistol for long distance sniping. Range mods are useless when you have scope or laser. Put clip mods onto the stealth pistol. Recoil is pointless for either one too.

Rifles are really really misunderstood. Sniper rifles really aren't that necessary when you have a mastered scoped pistol that does enough damage to easily double headshot a MIB or commando. Yeah, mastered snipers can be used for doors and locks and whatnot, but you have plenty of rockets and explosives and the F1 trick. Assault rifles are AWESOME. That is... if...


Or you could just master the uninstall button so that you don't have to play a game that has aged like milk.

That is... if you don't use the assault rifle for its bullets. You can put a laser sight on it for pinpoint accuracy, and at Advanced level, there will be no more recoil. You can even put a silencer on it. But no matter fucking what, the assault rifle will be garbage compared to a laser-sighted stealth pistol or a scoped regular pistol. Assault rifles are mediocre at best for bullet shooting. HOWEVER, it fucking OWNS when it comes to the grenades. The grenades are amazing. They can do more damage than GEP rockets at mastery skill. Can be shot in succession much faster, and can be used without any speed penalties. You'll find at least 35 grenades to use for the last half of the game which is MORE than enough. Once you master pistols, you might as well master rifles to increase your assault rifles HE grenade damage. Shotguns are decent, but not as good as laser-sighted stealth pistol or scoped pistol.

Heavy weapons.. might as well get it to advanced because it'll be fun to use for the last 20% of the game. For most of the game it'll be your locked things opener. The GEP gun is SUPER fucking useful throughout the entire game, but you can get by for most of the game without training it. But by the last 20% of the game when you have spare skill points, you might as well raise it.

Explosives.. don't put a single point into it.

As for augmentations...

Max the one that reduces bio usage.

Max speed enhancement. Stealth running is useless. Speed enhanced crouching is good enough, but more than that jumping real high and far is indispensable.

Get cranial-something-something that makes enemies' rockets explode in their face.

Get health regeneration. I regret getting elemental shield because I never used it nor needed it.

Get targeting. It boosts your damage to 40% when mastered. I forgot to use it most of the time though...

Can't remember the rest, but they weren't as important.

ADS is useless get the spy drone

the spydrone is terrible, you never even need to use it


>Swimming is actually quite useful.
You don't need to put in more than one rank for anything in the game.

>it's a daily "why aren't you playing his/her game?" thread

I need help, I cant use fullscreen while playing the game, what do I do? Do I need to reinstall? Or do some other stuff?

do you have Deus Exe?

What do you mean? Do I need to change the rendering device or something?

No, that's his codename.
has fixed all issues running the game on modern computers I've had.

Use Deux Exe. It has a configuration menu.

And how do you run it? You just install it and move it to a folder in the deus ex directory?

the linked page has instructions.

Download the archive of the latest version and extract the content in the "System" folder of the game.
Then launch the game using that new exe.

Also grab the D3D10 rendered from and extract the content of the archive's Deux Ex folder in the "System" folder of your Deux Ex install.


Vandal Savage?

That's Mohammed, you fuck.

You got a single fact to back that up?

>Lockpicking and electronics skills are useless if you're willing to use the F1 exploit. Don't put any points into them.

>don't actually play the game as intended, just cheat instead

actually it's cassius clay

>0 of 0

C'mon guys, their names are obviously inspired by the Quran

Eidos will later establish his name is actually Jayce Chester

The first ever transgender transracial aug
