Switch outsells X1 and PS4 in day-one sales


>GameStop Senior Director of Merchandising, Eric Bright, shared his take on the Nintendo Switch launch with Game Rant, revealing how much demand there has been for the console. Bright said "This is one of the strongest and most successful gaming console launches for GameStop in the last several years."

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and i bet you think hillary won right?

lmfao amerifat think their region is relevant

whats the point of this thread?

>one of the strongest
Learn how to read.

Console war shitposting
What else did you think it could be for?

>brand new system outells two that were on the market for years now
Did you really had to make a thread over such an obvious event OP?

It'll also set record returns numbers after people realize there's nothing to play until november.


hopefully they will release a non-shitty version in 3 years

>gamestop launch


Call me when it sells 1 million units at launch like the PS4 did. Oh wait, it didn't even come close. Nvm.


>This is one of the strongest and most successful gaming console launches for GameStop in the last several years.
>nothing about actual numbers
>retailer hyping up a new product
wow its literally nothing. fake news

Why can't Sonybros let us be?

i hate Sup Forums

but i keep coming back


>People returning their systems to buy them again months later when the games appear

kek no

=O wow!

the sonybro tears are just too delicious

>This is one of the strongest and most successful gaming console launches for GameStop in the last several years.
>One of

She won the popular vote
Maybe, but the switch won't hit the 25 million mark

So I'd imagine Zelda's sales are also impressive

ah, good old gamerant. Who could forget such a quality video game journalism website?

Probably buy them for $100 less too.

>Pokemon sells more than Bloodborne and FFXV combined easily
>Everyone loves all the fanservice
>Still mentioned to this day

Even for shitposting, what?

Yeah no

>Defective on launch, you are fucked if you got bad luck
>Joycons extremely fragile and with range problems
>Can't put stickers on joycons, you can on the ps4 and xbone controllers
>No browser
>No voice chat without smartphone
>No VR
>Pro Controller extremely expensive
>Can't play while charging
>Stand is extremely faulty, it falls all the time, even worse when plane takes a turn
>No worth exclusives
>TV mode hinders FPS performance
>UI sucks really bad
>No way to buy it due to artificial scarcity
>Paid online multiplayer
>Season Pass is unacceptable
>Looks like a fisherprice toy, you'll be ridiculed if you play it outside
>Outdated graphics
>Underpowered graphics
>3 hours battery max, too low compared to most handhelds
>600$ on 3rd world countries, unlike the competition which is 250$
>Save states are locked on console, if you lose it or it malfunctions you will lose all your progress.
>32 GB internal memory is very little for more than 5 games
>Uses cartridgers instead of discs
>Still uses friend codes
>No AAA support, only indies and nintendo support
>Can't do 1080p, only 900p, when 4k is the standard
>Screen gets scratched really easily
>Cables melt after long hour sessions
>Game cartridges taste horrible
>Dock can get teardown
>Straps can get jammed and actually cut you
>Joy cons are extremelly uncomfortable and small
>Cases are innecessarily big for no reason when the cartridges are too small
>Can't charge it with your Mac Laptop, it charges the Laptop instead
>Extremely hard to buy games from another countries

>She won the popular

she still lost cuckold

>Liking VR
Scrawny white guy confirmed.

>She won the popular vote
Only in the populated states.
Oh the irony

>TV mode hinders FPS performance

so you're telling me they sold these suckers a handheld and tried to pass it off as a home console

This only shows how shitty the system is, one vote should= one vote no matter what

pokemon's insane
It's games individually have spots in the top 10 3ds sales

So not pokemone black/white in the top 10, but pokemon black AND pokemon white each having a spot (I don't know about that particular duo, might be B/W2 and Sun/Moon)

>That padding
Jesus. You're not helping your case.

>no vr
stopped reading there


>Generic 'console is selling well' spiel
>If the current demand for the Nintendo Switch continues, there shouldn’t be any trouble for Nintendo reaching its expected two million console sales in the first month.


no, as in total votes counted across the US, you dumb shit.

good thing my illeagal mexicans and blacks always vote democrat in california and new york with our huge population. Fuck the rest of the country. dumb racists only caring about america

>Libcucks want California/New York to dictate how the rest of the united states should believe in

Makes you wonder why they'd be hyping it up, it's almost as if they want people to buy all this stock they wasted their money on.

Then you might as well remove the elections entirely because the highest population centers always vote Democrat.

You're a fucking autist.

>game cartridges taste horrible
Why is this a negative?

There are people that do that. Sadly.

But how much did it sell? Because if it didn't do 1M PS4's sales in 24 hours, then I'm not impressed.

Well if most people decided to live there? Every other democracy (and democratic republic before you get smart with me) does it this way.

Thus why the electoral college comes into play here. IT gives smaller states like idaho, wyoming, etc a voice instead of having california and new york decide everything.

>one vote should= one vote
That's uncommon even in Europe.

lets be realistic here

how is the switch supposed to survive with no games other than zelda?

a ps4 costs less for example.

>Everyone loves all the fanservice

Why do people call it this shit? It's straight up softcore porn/smut. "Fanservice" is the second most retarded term ever created after "cosplay."

It obviously didn't, if it had Nintendo would have been rushing to get those numbers out. Especially after the WiiU, this piece of shit is DOA even with all the awful shilling it's getting by e-celebs.

>day 1

Didn't the Wiiu also outsell the PS4 and Xbone day one?

Doesn't those other democracy or democratic republic have voter ids to prove you are a citizen of the country so you can vote without worrying about fraud votes?

>A million Mexicans living in one house in California all voted for free money, no-fly zones, and TPP.
Whoopdie-doo, Basil.

But how many returns will there be? There seems to actually be issues with a significant portion.

snif sniff.... ah.... DELETE THIS

Mario Kart 8 is launching next month.

People keep ignoring these simple facts: Normalfags buy consoles
Normalfags only care about multiplay trash

The Switch has NO third party support, it could have been the worlds first automated blowjob console, if retards can't play call of duty and sports titles they just don't care.

"voting discrimination" is common all around the world, only a handful countries (the Netherlands and some more) has a 1 vote=1 vote system

Yes they do. I really don't understand why the US won't adopt them.

the switch wont last without third party support.

I seriously think this will be another wiiU. the hardware has too many issues. why does FPS go DOWN when docked, even?

Stop shitposting, faggot

The best selling game on WiiU, as in everyone who wanted it already owns it.

you don't get it

>nintendo is fun! i'm in my early 30s and working full time and need a gaming system that is fun and not mean to me! also the nostalgia! woohooo

these people are buying the switch fully well knowing it has no games because they long stopped playing games and have not a huge interest in it anymore.

switch is for casuals and children

They actually do though. They also for the most part don't know what a federal government is or know that each state has its own government.

>she won the popular vote

She won a bunch of illegals in California. That's it. The bitch got wrecked.

Learn what fanservice means, retard. All the nostalgia pandering in pokemon is nothing but fanservice.

If the most important country ever isn't important which one is?

Fanservice refers to smut you stupid cunt, not pandering to nostalgiafags.

you don't like to chew on your toys?

Because the resolution is higher you dimwit

>getting mad when nintendobabbies get btfo

Gee I wonder who is behind this post.

Gamestop and Nintendo will be bankrupt within the next ten years, probably less.

I think that will happen under trump's administration since he is deporting all the illegals back to their country. Once he is done with that he can a set up a voter id system.

Wrong as fuck. Mario Kart Wii sold 36 million units. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will sell a fuckton from all the people that never got a Wii U alone. Not to mention probably at least a few million more people more will buy it again just for the battle mode and the new characters alone.

>Fanservice refers to smut

Good lord how can anybody be this stupid.

Your tiny-handed cheeto-faced Russian stooge feeds you with with lies and you believe them without question. SAD!

Stick to real criticisms instead of padding your argument out with shitty nitpicks, you just look like you're grasping at straws (which you are).

The WiiU was aimed at the same audience, it's portability will only help it sell like I'd guess... 5-6Mil more than the WiiU in the long run, especially considering it's lacking feature set compared to other handheld consoles and devices.

>dock allows for higher output

>performance goes down

this makes no sense

SeeI'm not a shitposting consolewar faggot who takes sides, or pretends to because they think it is funny

What a useless thread

if it was up to liberals california would be the only thing in america, hence why they want to make their own country

>>Can't put stickers on joycons, you can on the ps4 and xbone controllers
>putting stickers on your fucking controllers

I'm sorry, but i'm not 5 years old.

He will give DREAMERS a path to citizenship though, I'm fucking pissed.

>Pokemon Sun and Moon is the third best selling 3DS game and has only been out for three months.

>switch is going to become the Wii/DS all over again
>Mario is the official mascot of the

A new era of nintendomination is upon us.

>Every other democracy does it this way.
This is wrong, a vote in Finnmark (the least populated state in Norway )counts more than a vote in Oslo (most populated state)


It's the Wii-U all over again

Gee it's almost like Nintendo is trying to create hype or something

Resolution 56% higher, clock speed only 2,6% higher

It doesn't have the power for 900p

>It gives land a voice instead of having the population decide everything.

>She won the popular vote
Not what they were competing for, wtf Hillary staffer this is why you guys lost the blue wall.

The term fan service is most commonly used when referring to smut, at least in Japan. If you go to Sup Forums or /jp/ and ask them what 'fan service' is they'll tell you the same.

Maybe you're not familiar with it's colloquial meaning.


>tell you the same

Maybe, but they consider smut to be good, so basically not smut.

>nobody bought a Wii U, so when people saw that the next mainline zelda game that actually looked promising was going to have a port on the Switch people went for it

this is literally it user

however if you were one of the Unfortunate fucks who actually owns a wii U like myself, you have no reason to buy the game on the switch as you have a console that runs it at a debatebly equal prowess

if you do you are essentially paying an extra 500 Dollarydoos for it to be portable

I'm not a Nintenbro but a lot of those "facts" are total BS

>Defective on launch, you are fucked if you got bad luck
Like every other console ever. Remmeber the RRoD and the Wobble Wobble?
>Joycons extremely fragile and with range problems
I don't like them either. Better fix this.
>Can't put stickers on joycons, you can on the ps4 and xbone controllers
Stickers are Ok. Vinils are an issue.
>No browser
They dropped the ball hard there. Hope they fix it.
>No voice chat without smartphone
According to Nintendo, it's because the Switch is a social console... yeah, right.
>No VR
Never ever.
>Pro Controller extremely expensive
>Can't play while charging
Notch did exactly that on his Twitter photos, what are you talking about?
>Stand is extremely faulty, it falls all the time, even worse when plane takes a turn
Everything will fall inside a pane if it takes a turn, did you even fly?
>No worth exclusives
Plenty, actually.


The Wii U was aimed at nobody.

Fan service refers to anything that is added solely to please the fans. In animu circles that's panty shots. In games it's nods and references to past games.

A wolverine comic featuring a cameo from deadpool is fan service.

why the fuck wouldnt they make a dock that allows more output

isnt that the whole point of the big toaster dock

Make me. I'll even post my address so you can make me.