Fake Choices

what is the point of "fake choices" in gaming?

I want to marry Max

>4 different dialogue options
>All different ways of saying "yes"


to give player an illusion that the game is bigger than it is. Same with manual save points in a game with checkpoints (looking at you RE7(hours of gameplay)).

The point is to involve the player. It's an interactive story, but you don't get to make many serious decisions.

Nobody knows how to make video games anymore. People have vague notions of what various video games concepts are, but the more generations of games go by, the more people forget and just produce shallow recreations of things they saw in other games in a vicious cycle.

To pretend that there are choices?

what makes you think you have choice in real life?

like a copy
of a copy
of a copy
of a copy

To give the player a sense of involvement/decision-making without actually investing any significant effort.

(Sarcastic) how about you suck my fucking dick

I will fight anyone that picked Bacon Omelette

True choices / branching stories for games that are actual games, not VNs are expensive.
Also lots of people will just finish the game once and not give a fuck about the whole branching thing so from the point of view of devs it's easier to fake choices than to do branching properly and 'waste' budget on content most people won't ever see.

it's comfy

Because the developers are lazy and making a game with real choices is too much effort.

Belgian Waffle is the fake choice because Belgium is not a real country

madhouse difficulty adds limited saves, so you at least have that if you want to worry about spreading out your progress as far as you can.

Todd Howard one day I will gouge your eyes out with my fingers and wear them as rings

I see. Too bad this game doesnt have much replayability

The fuck?

The literal entire point of Video Games as a medium is making the player feel like they are in control of events. Player Agency. Constantly presenting the player with choices is a quick and easy way to trick the brain into thinking each individual choice matters because that's the mindset players will have going into the experience.

It's essentially the same trick used in modern working life to stop people from going insane. You wake up and make a faux-choice about what you're going to eat, but the details are meaningless since you were going to eat something regardless. You go through the day deciding what to wear, what to talk about, etc, but you invariably take roughly the same steps, follow the same route, and perform the same basic actions every day. Even on weekends/vacations, people tend to fall into a habit because its what we as humans are comfortable with.

Interestingly, people who actually come to fully realize this (and most do at a point) tend to have a momentary breakdown commonly referred to as 'midlife crisis' when they try to completely eradicate their pre-scripted patterns by moving somewhere entirely new, quitting their job, buying an excess of new things to try and redefine themselves, etc.

Though if you want to look even further, there's a disturbing amount of evidence that our actions are actually just electrons and neurons firing in our brain in a pre-set pattern that has existed since the big bang, and that free will itself is an illusion that we, or our brain, imposes in an effort to make sense of our actions by tricking us into believing we are making meaningful decisions rather than making 'fake choices'.

>RE7(hours of gameplay)).

So a regular resident evil game then.

Anyway user, if you didnt save and actually turned off the game your progress would be lost.


The other day I played a hentai game where I had to lick the body parts of a girl correctly to proceed. I got tired of this, and decided to lick a computer monitor graphic in the background. The game noticed this, and the girl joined in.

That is how games should handle worthless choices.

user its vider gaymes... None of your chices fucking matter ever, evwn the ones that pretend they do.

Anyway, i was not dissapointed, very much about the ride, not the destination and the music was fucking great. I had never heard of those artists before this game, now after discovering Jose Gonzeales im learning classsic guitar

>You go through the day deciding what to wear

you don't fool me skeleton

That's cool and all but I'll let you know I haven't eaten breakfast today because I'm feeling extra lazy.

Im pretty sure RE4, the pinnacle of series, is much longer than 7 hours.

>hasn't even played the game he just called the pinnacle of the series
fuck off

I'm convinced if we took someone used to TP camera and gave them RE4/7 to play blindly they'd beat them in a very similar amount of time.

>post about how free will is an illusion
>you are now manually realizing you are actually being controlled by a skeleton inside of you

No, you retard. We are the skeleton with a skin around us.

Thats a nice title if we are making a bait top 10 resident evil games video for youtube user, and RE4 deffo deserves to be in a top 5 list but that top spot is going to either REmake or RE2 freind.

This. /thread

>admitting to being a skeleton

ON Sup Forums

tut. Its either "this" or "/thread" user, you can't use both.

yeah same

>Wanting a linear story game to go on longer than 10 hours
Fucking memes

>you will literally never be able to join miror b because your heart isnt in it

>that guy thw background
I see he's actively working on that forward head posture. I bet he wants to become a sniper, so he wants that wxtra bit if perception.

You seem to be having problems with the letter e there user. Also way to notice a dude in the backround shaka brah.