What is your favorite Fantasy 4X?

What is your favorite Fantasy 4X?

I, uh, played Age of Wonders once.

Does Heroes of Might and Magic 3 count?

There's not exactly many of them. My perdonal choice would be between Endless Legend and Age of Wonders III, lenaling more towards EL.

That one.

Not Warlock

Fall of the Heaven.

Age of Wonders III isn't a 4X though.



Civ 6 is a good game, and I love the fantasy world that it creates, where war carts roam the plains, slaughtering everything they see.

Age of Wonders series.

I got plenty of enjoyment from Fallen Enchantress: LH. It is unbalanced as all hell though.

It's a Heroes of Might and Magic clone.

I hear good things about the Dominion series, but I must be shallow as fuck because every time I try them I just can't get sucked in the same way Endless Legend did

>Idk what the 4th x is

It's at least 3 out of 4

As long you control areas and mine resources i would say it is, yeah.

With that logic, any RTS is a 4X.

You don't explore in RTS, the whole map is shown in the lobby before even starting the game. Also why HoM&M aren't 4X.

I wouldn't say so. Most rts you don't explore a map and it's static - and the exploration is minimal from start to finish since there's only a single resource (or two) in very specific spots (non explore able since it's static)

But I'd like to hear why aow3 isn't a 4x to you

>But I'd like to hear why aow3 isn't a 4x to you
because it's closer to Heroes of Magic and Magic than a regular 4X.
There is no diplomacy in Aow3, and the only way to win is to conquer.

Yes there is ?

I'd say most often you don't but you can certainly ally with people and share borders exactly like you can in civ.

You might be confused because the ai is coded to fight, not ally, but you can definitely ally up. My friends and I do it all the time in a free for all start.

What defines a 4X?

Some games that I'm guessing fall under it that I enjoyed.

Civ IV and V
Total War franchise, especially Total Warhammer
Europa Universalis IV

I have been wanting to get Endless Legend, but everyone says it is just a Civ V reskin

I think El is weird to play but pretty different from civ. All the races are truly different unlike civ, and the research system and combat system are completely different. The only thing similar is the expansion and economy.

Is it bad I always thought winning any way except by conquer in civ is fine? I always turn off science wins and shit
No fun.


Oh well