GBA flash carts

So I recently got my hands on my old gameboy advance, and seeing how pricey games have become (as well as all those bootleg cartridges circulating online) I've decided I want to buy a flash cart. What is my best choice? is the EZ Flash IV the latest model? can I also emulat GB and GBC color games on it?

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>is the EZ Flash IV the latest model?
Yes. You'll want a recent release with SDHC support I think.
>can I also emulat GB and GBC color games on it?
There is an emulator whose name I don't remember (Goomba?) but it's pretty bad. I tried Metroid II and it was perfect, but Pokemon Crystal was unplayable.

and where is the best site for buying one? ebay? (I live in the UK btw)

also general GBA Thread, I guess

>also general GBA Thread
ok then I´m going to ask for games to play. What are the best gba titles? I´ve already got these:
Advance Wars 2
Drill DOzer
Mother 1&2
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Mother 3

Also, yes Flash IV is the way to go. Just make sure to get rid off the horrible standard stawars skin. This one is great:
Wario Land 4

Other obvious ones are Superstar Saga and the Fire Emblem games

Go play the Metroid games.

GBA Everdrives recently came out. Best by far but not cheap
EZ-Flash IV is ok-ish but it's the only other cheap cart still in production.

If you haven't played it the GBA Astro Boy game was excellent. Minish Cap was good. The Shining Force port was fun. Lunar Advanced was good considering what it was.

Thank you. Downloading these now.

So how exactly does the EZ Flash IV work? does it use some sort of SD card? how many games will I be able to put on it?

>does it use some sort of SD card?
Yep. Older models use mini-SD, I think the recent rerelease uses micro SD.

GBA games are 32MB at the very most.

How do I put a micro SD card into my computer? I've only got an SD slot

micro-sd -> sd adapter, you dummy

EverDrive-GBA X5 is best gba flashcard out there, but its also expensive. ez-flash is good alternative if you want something cheaper.

get micro-sd(or mini-sd)>sd adapter, or get an usb dongle that reads micro/mini-sd's directly.

If you get ex-flash, you'll need to patch roms first or else they dont work.

SRW OG 1, 2. SRW J (eng patched)

Mario Superstar Saga
Patched FF6

They fucking SUCK

they come with shit batteries that hold the save in flash that don't recharge. In a few months you won't be able to save and will have to solder a new battery to it.

I'm pissed I have an ezflash 3in1 and it's dead.

maybe the everdrive is better but it's expensive.

>they come with shit batteries that hold the save in flash that don't recharge. In a few months you won't be able to save and will have
to solder a new battery to it.
or just soft reset


>finish playing
>reboot system
>sav file writes on sd card
I don't see what's so hard

That's not how it works. It will fail to save at all.

Works on my 3-in-1. I guess it's just different.

well dunno then, I guess you got faulty one
I have mine for 5 years, never had any issue
still, I do agree that if to buy now - better waste some money on Everdrive

I have mine paired up with a r4i 3ds gold. I don't know if there is some way to save directly right to the SD card as my DS games save fine. It will save once in a blue moon and will then hold it until I load a new game or try to save again but usually it will say saved failed.

My ez 3in1 is 5yo and still holds save files. But only while its in my NDSL. If i pop it out of slot its all gone.

just save more money

If you absolutely have to get a ezflash and not the everdrive gba, use the opensource client ezgba
instead of the shit-tier ez-client.

you really should go with the everdrive, though.

I'm sorry for posting in a GBA Flash Card thread, since this is an r4i related question, but are there ANY good r4i themes? All the ones I've found are shitty and badly made.

That one in the picture is the one to get
>can I also emulat GB and GBC color games on it?
Goomba. To get it to save Goomba games you have to manually quit the ROM from within though. It's not an issue once you know the workaround.
>There is an emulator whose name I don't remember (Goomba?) but it's pretty bad. I tried Metroid II and it was perfect, but Pokemon Crystal was unplayable.
Really? Because I play Prism on it and it's perfect. Did you try it with a different ROM rip?

only the 3-in-1's have this problem if you write the games to the cart and leave them there. if you boot games from acekard or something similar in your ds, they write the save file onto the sd card of your ds flashcart upon the next boot.

the problem still remains that when the battery dies completely, even those saves don't work. it's a bummer for sure, but soldering a new battery or even using the good old tape method ain't too bad.

looking at the price of an everdrive, it even has RTC FUCKING CLOCK SUPPORT FOR ONCE HOLY SHIT already worth the 99 dollars.

m8 just buy a second hand PSP, you'll likely get it for cheaper than a GBA flash cart and you can run all the games GBA can run on it.

you should have gotten a DS and a flash cart for that, you can play DS, GBA, GB, NES roms ( think snes also, not sure)

The guy who makes Everdrives is making a GBA one. Check if he's already finished, and if not just wait.

>and you can run all the games GBA can run on it.
GBA emulation on PSP is mostly good, but not perfect. Last I remember, Megaman Zero had major graphical glitches.

It's out since last summer.

EZ flash 4 is fucking shit. Some games will freeze in mid-gameplay including golden sun

Just use an emulator, even the most shitty laptop can manage gba games.

I have a Supercard mini and i totally regret getting it, it's fucking shit

All GBA flash carts use batteries for the save, and most stick out of the system. Avoid like the plague, you'll spend more time troubleshooting and hoping your data doesn't wipe than playing the games. They're fucking awful.

Why are DS flashcarts so good and cheap, but GBA flashcarts aren't?

Real GBA cards use ROM and RAM directly mapped to I/O and commonly used for executables while DS games use a fairly slow protocol that an FPGA can nicely emulate.

gba everdrive is solid, good build quality and actually works. It does stick out little(1cm), but not as much as gb/c games on gba.

>Real GBA cards use ROM and RAM directly mapped to memory*
Basically it means a lot of code can be run from the GBA cartridge without needing to be loaded into the console's RAM first. This is what older consoles like the Genesis did too. DS and N64 didn't do this because memory was too slow to make it useful.

DS-carts are glorified SD-cards, where the flashcarts more or less only have to act as storage.

older cartridges are more hardware-extensions than data-storage.