Pick your poison!
Left. Obviously.
they all look awful
Three is the only good face
who odin here
Fuck outta here
This is why Yoshi didnt bother with making a new race
3 is easily the best one. 4 is worst, looks way too cartoony.
Moogle is best EU server.
Maybe they should make a race that doesn't only appeal to edgelords and obese waifu-roleplaying manchildren?
3 > 1 > 4 >>> shit >>> 2
sacre bleu mon ami fromage
When is 3.55b and 3.56 coming out?
It's called Lalafell.
2 and 3 are supreme Downs and only complete retards would use them.
4 is the best.
1 is an acceptable alternative.
>OP making us decide how to make his character
o oui oui marie baguette bon souir
What's wrong with having manchu tribe race?
late march i guess
They did. It's raen au ra male
You're going to be looking at the back of your character's head 90% of the time, why does it matter?
3 is the cutest
Kill yourself, my man
are you the new tank?
4 for those tsurume eyes obviously, are you dumb?
Rightmost face for sure. The rest look like they're trying too hard to be cute and it fucks them up because it just ain't working
So, name me at least one reason why Ul'dah should accept refugees
Third face is the best.
Can't take the first face seriously with that knife-chin.
1: Dead eyes and look, chin sharp enough to bleed out a grown man, horns are unremarkable ad barely noticeable. I'm pretty sure it's the most used face and boy it's the biggest red flag in the game.
2: What the fuck even. Horns are just fucking terrible, way too much skin cancer on their face and those fishlips jesus. Worst looking one by far.
3: Eyes too far apart coupled with the goofy expression gives it a downy looking face. I'm guessing you can edit the latter so I won't judge it too harshly. Horns look alright but I assume the clipping is out of this world, also the skin cancer below her eyes just grossed me out immensely for some reason, almost as much as face 2. I'd say with some minor edits it could look good.
4: Personal "favorite". Horns are balanced, has the only skin-cancer pattern I don't dislike, tsun-tsun look which is a trope I'm kinda fond of and has the only normal looking eyes. It's the only one I genuinely like.
Overall verdict: play female Midlander if you want cute females.
>play female Midlander if you want cute females.
Play female Midlander if you are literally the most boring person on this planet.
>tfw bane helped me clear weekly a12s
thank you big guy
Can we all agree that dragon girls are awesome?
>Default faces
yugiri is the only acceptable lizard
Do you mean Au Ra? They're lizards and they're shit.
You can't change retarded eyes and horns anyway
Too weeb for my tastes
Lizards > Cats > Roes >Highlands > Feces > Failed Lab Experiments
One is good without that shitty hair
1. the normalfag face, looks awkward at some angles
2. playable sahagin
3. the only good looking face if you take away the scales
4. playable gnath
Is this an ironic post? Please tell me this is ironic.
You can't change them in any significant way. The character creator sucks ass.
>doing vault for relic
>DRG doing 250 dps
>MCH doing a whopping 180 DPS and won't place his turret, vast periods of inactivity followed by like 4 skills and then nothing again
>WAR isn't doing much better
>healing and doing DPS on almost 0 MP the whole fucking first segment, yet still outDPS everyone
How the fuck is this possible
>Good looking
Look at her eyes
fucking disgusting furfag level tastes
elezen > fucking everything else
Au ra males attract the worst players
Woah, you're really cool.
Should I find a raid static?
Nah, you can change the face shape so they look attractive on face 3, and maybe face 1.
Face 2 always looks like a fish and face 4 always looks like a bug/alien.
>Giraffes calling other people furfags
If you didn't let Narumi be the star of the songbirds show, you're fuckin wrong
Elezen are just stereotypical elves though, they're pretty boring.
Is your server popular?
What kind of question is that?
>t. triggered experiment
No one cares about you or your face snowflake, faggot. All elezens in game are shit and are only ever good in fanart
Hint: fanart never looks like in game elezen
>disgusting knife-ear shittalking anyone else
Even furfags are better than you tree jews
I feel sorry for your father
You can make most faces in this game work really well, you just need the right combination of features and makeup and lighting. Almost like real life!
The very thought of someone choosing the Lala over her offends me.
I didn't know they added an aquarium to Gold Saucer
If I'm so cool why do I feel like killing myself instead?
I hope the next run in 30m isn't with mouthbreathers.
3 looks like shit as default and needs a lot of its extra options to be used to be good.
>remove face scales
>tweak eyes and chin
Lala is the lesser of the evils.
>not liking elves
typical fag behavior
I have no qualms becoming their new daddy.
>Plays the gay giraffe
>Calls other fags
It's prep work for blitzball.
Elves are literally master race, there's no refuting this. fuck off fag
Ulala is easily the best choice, and everyone knows it. You need a confident leader, not a beta lizard or obnoxious cat.
Never trust a lala. Not a single one of them is any good, and the few who are good decent folk die like Papalymo.
3 looks like a downie
Fortunately there's alternatives, like Female Midlander with cat ears. Or Female Midlander with what looks like caked mud all over their skin.
It's a pop group, not Avengers.
Cocky midgets don't sell.
op doomed this thread by that picture and topic
>Literally useless creatures that are basically tall lalafells are a master race
>cave barbarians
>master race
pick one
looks good desu.
What do YOU PEOPLE have against droopy eyes? They're cute.
I want you
I need you
I love you
So tired of this game and it's shit character creator.
4 is the only good looking one. I assume people picking the rest just want to be unique snowflakes to the point where they don't care if their character looks like ass.
The more pressing issue however is why Lizards are such fucking shitters at the game. You fucks have overtaken cats as the new standard for shit play.
>its the eorzean race war episode
havent saw this in ages
le ironic roeman ecksdee
It does.
4 looks like an ayy lmao
>4 looks good
>spiderman picture
That explains everything
3 have pretty decent customization options, you can clean most of the skin cancer and all non-default options are good.
Too bad about the ugly fat horns, though. Face 4 isn't that great but the better looking horns alone improves her appearance a lot.
Hyur master race
4 has weird eyes, the worst skin cancer, and abnormally small nose and lips.
>Cats are shitters!
>No, Lizards!
>NINs are the worst!
>No, BRDs!
>Guys, guys, LOLDRG
Just face it, the majority of this game's playerbase is retarded, regardless of what race or class they play. You're just statistically more likely to run into majority of bad players on more played ones.
OFFICIAL RACE RANKING (Counting Midlander and Highlander seperately)
Elezen>Lalafell>Roegadyn>Highlander>>>Midlander>>>>>>>>>>>Au Ra>>>C@
>Snowflakes and memefells at the top
Into the trash it goes!