Firis release in two days.
Did those of you that bought Sophie on Steam complete it yet?
How was the Sophie PC port?
Not going to play Firis right away, and considering PC version.
The PC port is fine after it got fixed and no OP i still haven't finished Sophie i got distracted by other games.
I don't know if I want to buy this or Nier Automata.
sell old games to Amazon and get both
I haven't finished Sophie yet, but I've been playing on PS4, I plan to get Firis on PC. Hopefully the port is better than Sophie's.
At first it was terrible, constant stutter and close to 100% CPU optimization on all cores because it had a lot of threads busy waiting in the background for no reason. Then they fixed it and it's playable, but still slows down a bit in the menu and during crafting, though it's nothing game breaking it's still annoying.
Keyboard controls are pretty shit, unlike neptunia there's zero mouse support, so if you have a game pad I would recommend it.
Graphics settings are very basic, they let choose from resolution options up to 4k, and MSAA.
OK, sounds fine post-fix. Was probably going to use a gamepad anyway. Will wait on Firis just to make sure it isn't broken/gets corrected quickly.
No I haven't finished Sophie yet. I will pirate Firis to see if it's a broken port first. I'm still salty about how KT does their pc ports so I'm not exactly excited to give them my $60 for it.
What do you do in these games?
It looks comfy, but is is fun?
Loved Recettear, do I buy Sophie? My first atelier game.
I'm definitely getting Firis on launch. I might get Nier. It's a tough choice since I don't want to spend so much so quickly.
I've been Barreling through Sophie this weekend. I'm not gonna beat it in time. But I'll start up Firis anyway. Maybe play them side by side. I know what happens at the end of Sophie anyway.
Is there a demo for Nier so I can check if it runs on my machine?
Instead of being the usual hero saving the world, you're an alchemist. Everything you do is related to that job. They're light on story and have more slice of life, but the characters are pretty charming most of the time, although the Dusk games are slightly more plot focused. The item crafting system is deeper than every game I've ever played. I think they're pretty enjoyable if you've got the attention span. Aside from the latest games, they're short but meant to be replayed for multiple endings.
Fuck it, I bought both. I get paid Friday anyway.
Why does she have an ice cream cone in her hair?
Just get a refund if it doesn't.
I played the game for about 4 hours and realized it really wasn't for me. I can see the appeal of the series but I couldn't get into it.
It's the new fashion.
Good point. You'd have to watch out for the pre-order though. It counts 2 weeks after purchase, not release, right?
That's lovely, I want one
Ayesha is a better starting point imo. Sophie kinda wears thin because of how little direction there is and that almost put me off when I started with it. Ayesha has a tangible end goal to work towards, while Sophie is "keep making new items until eventually you can fight the final boss", so I think you'd be less likely to get bored.
>Did those of you that bought Sophie on Steam complete it yet?
Nah, distracted by Hollow Knight. Probably won't get Firis until first decent sale and Nier at 10$, if ever.
No, for pre-order games it's since release.
Does it have time limits? I heard Sophie is very relaxed, and I hate restarting a game because I can't hit a stretch goal.
There are no limits in Sophie and you can't miss anything.
Outside of participating in a sort of slice of life anime/vn the basic gameplay loop is; explore x area to gather itens and loot from enemies, use itens in the alchemy minigame in order to create offensive and support itens that will let you explore higher level areas to gather better itens and loot to create better itens, rinse and repeat.
The book explicitly stated your short term goals though.
Sophie has this comfy small town theme going for it. You go around helping people, and they help you when you need it and everyone is happy, but not much happens.
I see thanks for the info. I might check this out then
Ayesha has a time limit, but it's very generous. You have three in-game years to save your sister, but it's very hard not to make the deadline as long as you don't stray too far off task. I went in mostly blind and beat it with about 7 months leftover, but with planning it's even possible to do in 1 year.
true, but I felt like the lack of a tangible long term goal other than "get Plachta's memories back" started to get old when most of the short term objectives weren't that interesting. The high point of the game was when you're making Plachta's doll body and working with the whole cast, since it's something that felt meaningful to work towards and developed everyone. Had the whole game been like that, I'd probably recommend it as a starting point easily
Also I forgot to mention the game is pretty short anyway and meant to be replayed. The bad ending really isn't something to be afraid of, and if you get it it's actually a really cool twist.
Artbook when Gust?
i was actually enjoying sophie, but then berseria came along and i completely forgot about it
Would you go out with Tess?
I guess.
She'll probably just poison me or blow me up accidentally but yes I absolutely would
Why do they all have red eyes I wonder?
Noco is a man of taste
I haven't even started Sophie, too busy with Tales of the Abyss. Will probably get Firis later this year.