>was released a week ago and no one is talking about it
>why is this?

>is guerilla studios kill?

Other urls found in this thread:


Try looking at the catalog for 5 seconds

ugly bitch

Not surprised. Sup Forums never talked about Uncharted or inFamous either, those franchises are doing just fine.


it was released a week ago? I thought it would come out later this month or something with the lack of posts here

Sup Forums isn't representative of the vast majority of people who play games.

Game's garbo tho tbqh

speaking of playstation


There's been constant threads about the game for a while now

What is there to say?

story is dogshit so that's undiscussable

graphics are nice for a console game

shooting robots is fun.

that's fucking it.

Who actually plays these games, honestly? I only own Sony consoles and a PC and I think games like inFamous and Ratchet and Clank are insanely overrated. Horizon looks bad too.

Nioh and Bloodborne are great though.

looks pretty decent

Btw bravo releasing at the same fucking time Sonny

So you buy games Sup Forums tells you to?

No, if I bought games Sup Forums told me to buy I'd own every shit exclusive just to say I have them.

I buy games that appeal to me and look fun/interesting.

of shills complaining about why nobody's talking about it

That's not Noire.

Are you new? There were literally threads up hourly shilling the game as the "Zelda Killer" up until its release. Then when reviews for BotW started coming in the whole thing crashed and burned, what little survived still try to defend the shit.

>I only own Sony consoles and a PC and I think games like inFamous and Ratchet and Clank are insanely overrated.
You. You are the only sane person in this cesspit.

>is guerilla studios kill?

Considering they made borezone they were already kill

Why does Aloy have suck a pudgy face?

I can understand modeling it like that if she were actually based off a real person, but Ashley Burch is the one doing all of her voicework (and mocap I think) who doesn't have a dumpy face like that.

Why did they do it Sup Forums?

But you are talking about it right now?

Implementing mocapping is hard. At least that's the only reason I can come up with on why I think everyone has inflated faces in AAA now.

she is based of a real person

With an extra 10kg, maybe.

Wow, that's news to me.

Is it a normal practice to model the main character of a game after someone then use someone entirely different as the voice? This seems odd to me.

Like Nathan Drake looks vaguely like Nolan North.

>released a week ago
I thought it released at the end of this month, God damn. It's Dead Rising 4 all over again.

i mean in comparison to all the BOTW threads my bad

>I buy games that appeal to me and look fun/interesting
Well, you just answered your own question. Some games don't look fun/interesting to you

Me :^)

she's a dutch actress so voice acting would have resulted in a nice thick dutch accent, that probably wasn't what they wanted so they chose americans.

Plenty of people are talking about it outside of Sup Forums

No one on Sup Forums is talking about it because you can get way more (You)'s shitposting about BOTW, Nier, or Mass Effect Adromeda

Horizon is old news. It's time to move on to the next Tortanic

Even my normie friends aren't talking about it. Zelda killed Horizon before it even had a chance.

>Even my normie friends

>dialog wheel
>game is shit
>dialog is a list
>game isn't shit

Why does this always ring true? Zelda and TW3 are the greatest open world games ever made, no wheel.


>zelda is one of the greatest open world games ever made


as soon as a gameplay mechanic comes to a nintendo franchise the nintenbros experience it for the first time and proclaim it the greatest example of that mechanic

repeat ad nauseam

Because people are actually playing it.

Kill yourself soulsfag

>tribal society
>mish mash of niggers, crackers and chingchongs

yeah makes sense.


Nobody said that but marketers, I sincerely hope it's not a franchise. there's enough fucking cinematic garbage on Playstation.

Didn't Uncharted 4 sell like 8 million copies?

its a bad game


your memeing stops here

>tfw Guerilla games aren't doing anymore Killzone games
Fuck you SJWs, you ruin everything

>Be me
>Talk shit about Horizon endlessly on Sup Forums before release
>Play the game
>Actually likes/liked it

Every time,such whoa is the life of a shitposter.

Well it tries to be cinematic anyways, doesn't do a very good job.

Because Sony games are all glitz and glamour no substance. Of the moment shit that no one but a bunch of nerds will remember in a year.

This is like the female lead from Heavenly Sword being the mascot for PS3. Who remembers that game at all?

Feminazis can't think but five minutes in front of them.

It's a shitty game with nothing but graphics.

Zac Efron?

I agree with this whole post except for that Ratchet remark.
Ratchet used to be good during the PS2 era, then it was okay to meh on PS3 due to the kiddy pixar film makeover that they gave it.
I skipped on the PS4 Ratchet game, because it became even gayer than the PS3 games.

Ratchet is the only Western Sony franchise that isn't complete shit & could still be salvaged if they kill the current retards who keep destroying the franchise by trying to make it appeal to kids when clearly no kids give a shit about Ratchet.

I've never came across anyone in real life who actually likes Uncharted or Killzone. God of war is Sony's only exclusive Western series which does have real life name recognition, but those games also suck dick & Cuck of War 4 looks even gayer than the previous installments.

Tbqh user,a new Heavenly Sword would be dope especially with great developer behind it.

>I've never came across anyone in real life who actually likes Uncharted or Killzone.
I have, but they were both spics.
In fact, the only Sony fans I've ever met have all been annoying spics.
Actually, I did meet one legit bro who was a Sony fan, but he was black.

Uncharted fan here. I fully understand they're more appealing as movies than games but the production value is insane. Plus we don't really have adventure movies like that currently. It's all superhero stuff now.

Killzone 2 was a fluke. I've come to accept that after Shadow Fall.

Recently I've been playing a lot of games on PS4, particularly Nioh, but I honestly don't think I'll even play HZD. I just don't see the appeal; the game is a Farcry clone from what I can tell.

Why the fuck is everybody felating this game so much? What the fuck is going on?

it's just womb raider with an uglier chick

>third party IPs are now Sony properties

once the paid shills stop getting their checks, discussion died

Why are gaming spics so fucking annoying anyways?
I have literally never met a single Hispanic who played games who didn't fall into one of the following categories
>Annoying consolewarrior faggot
>Annoying weeb faggot who won't shut up about the weeb games he plays
>Annoying dudebro faggot who spouts curse words in Spanish on CoD
>Annoying poorfag who spouts his ugly language in every single F2P MMO
>Annoying asshole who gets autistically upset when he loses in a fucking video game and throws a shitfit
Like holy fucking hell, it's like only their high-functioning autists are attracted to video games.

>believing falseflagger

Is this your first week on 4chin

Sad part is they do it for free. Some people just really love shitposting.

naw, you can tell they are paid because once the ads stop, they stop

I've played it for 16 hours over the past two days, don't really have time to autistically scream into the Sup Forumsoid like you Nintendudes seem to.

nobody cares about feminist bullshit, this "game" is garbage.

astroturfers and feminists infesting Sup Forums

they'll be gone in a week or so

Aloy's game is good! GOOD!

How does one even become a paid shill? Sign me up. I'll be here anyway.

>pale lifeless lips
>no rosy cheeks
>no freckles

Shit-tier redhead/white savior protag desu. Best forgotten.


>b-b-but I enjoyed it
Nigga the Switch is proof enough that just because you enjoy something doesn't mean that it is good.

They said the same thing about Knack. They wanted this to be a female Nathan Drake, but here is the thing. People who have never played uncharted know the name Nathan Drake, they don't know this chicks name. I'm a "sony pony" and I don't even know her name.

Sony's face on Sup Forums is Kat.

It is a brand new franchise. Uncharted didn't have its big breakthrough until the second game.

Yeah but Sup Forums is filled with waifu nerds.

>They wanted this to be a female Nathan Drake,
Isn't Nathan Drake just a male Lara Croft?
And isn't Lara Croft just a female Indiana Jones?