Is this the biggest disaster of this generation?
Is this the biggest disaster of this generation?
The multiplayer yeah, but the collection is godlike for couch co-op and Halo 2 Anniversary is gorgeous
No, SFV is. But MCC definitely is up there.
Multiplayer was terrible. Tons of matchmaking bugs on release that still have never been fixed. Matchmaking didn't work until 4+ months after the game had already released and by then the pop count was in the low 1000s. Had one season of championship series before tossing it into the dumpster to make way for the blunder that was Halo 5.
It's like they purposely sabotaged it so people would stop asking for remakes.
The only thing of value that it offers is the fact you can play all the campaigns without having to own all the games.
Does it have splitscreen for all 4 games?
I'd actually say so. Master Chief Collection was 343's last chance to save Halo and they completely fucked it up. I'm someone that has a lot of fun with Halo 5, and as good as that game is, it's never gonna bring Halo anywhere near close to where it was in the 3/Reach days. Nothing will. The ship has sailed, unfortunately.
It's worth the price for me then I guess
MP was terrible but the remaking of the games were solid
Honestly the campaigns are worth 60 bucks alone. So I wouldn't call it a disaster. I can replay them many times and never get tired.
yes actually
singlehandedly killed any chance at recovery for both 343 and the Xbone
I really wanted H2A as a standalone game. Hated that the multiplayer bascially won't let you play a Halo game you like for a specific game mode in most cases.
Yeah after the bad rep they got from Halo 4, you'd think they would try and redeem themselves with this game. That's what I thought after seeing the E3 trailer. It's pretty depressing to think what could have been
>so broken it singlehandedly destroyed any interest people had left in the franchise
im impressed
>Day 1 after release
>Wait 20+ min to find a game in MM
>Every one picks H4
You can get it for like $30 now
Halo 5 is fun.
As far as getting people to not like remakes, are you retarded? Look at how many they've made this generation.
Why the fuck haven't they released MCC for PC yet, nobody who owns a PC is going to go out and buy an XB1 anymore
Bought it day one as well, At least they gave me ODST as compensation in December 2014.
Because PC fags refuse to use the Windows store anyway, so it's not like you'd actually buy it if they did it.
Is Windows store still cancer? And if they released it on Steam but included bonuses for Windows store, then they might rekindle interest in a dying franchise.
Windows store isn't cancer, stop letting Valve cuck you.
Go download you free Halo 5 Forge Mode with a built in server browser.
Download the Forza Horizon 3 Demo too.
The issue with windows store is that you have to use windows 10
Yes. This could've been a console seller had it worked at launch.
What would've brought the shattered Halo community back together for the first time since Halo 3 went down in a hilariously pathetic ball of flame.
On the bright side though, the head writer for Halo 5 was fired, so maybe, just maybe, there's a little bit of hope.
Story of my life.
Just goes to show that a good majority of OG's (1-Reach players) either grew out of games or switched consoles.
A true tragedy.
never had a problem with it myself except around the launch period. worked flawlessly for me ever since then
G2A has it for $13
I almost bought a xbone just for this. Thank god I didn't.
That never happens to me. It's almost always Halo 3 that gets chosen.
The worst part is that had they delayed this and Halo 5 a bit to make sure they actually worked, Xbones would be flying off the shelves and this and Rare Replay would be some of the best values in modern games. But instead they killed it hard, so much so that I have to wonder if anything MS actively touches dies like with Dead Rising.
>A fixed version will never be released for PC
Life is suffering
I did buy an XBone for this.
I regret it since all my xbox one does is collect dust, and not even the free ODST was enough to keep me interested
I am surprised how many glitches have yet to be fixed, some I get they are fundamentally broken but some feel like they gave up. I also hate how they announced a classic playlist for halo 5 and then it was just ce forge maps with halo 5 mechanics and they had the gall to say they could not make a classic classic playlist when there has been a custom playlist that was exactly that for a year
it would be funny if when the ps4 version comes out they add in a classic mode and have it be ps4 exclusive
>people are nostalgic for the "Reach days"
>still complaining about armor lock
THIS GEN. Please never mention that game in my thread again.