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Do we even know what our callsign/squad is gonna be named?

>AC thread
>no music
OP is a retard


I'm cautiously optimistic.
Have they said anything about DFA returning? If it's back I'm dropping this hard.

Nah this is supposed to be a real Ace Combat

Confirmed not in
Seriously, thats like the 1st thing they said about the damn game

X was so good

I'm still mad about X2

Anyone got that ace combat game image, the run down of the individual games?

Someone should update this

why the fuck does an XBoner version of this exist anyway

nobody fucking owns that system

I'm /hype/ desu

>post yfw Project Aces will NEVER EVER EVER make AC 4,5,0 HD

Why did Bamco say "fuck you" to their entire playerbase and release AC6 on 360 instead of PS3? Some questions might never get an answer

WHO HERE /cautiously optimistic/ ?

Microsoft literally drowned them in dosh, they had enough reasons to do it.

Ridge Racer 6 they had an excuse but Ace Combat 6 came out in 2007. Hmm... maybe they saw that the early life of PS3 was pure fucking trash?

I don't want to lose hope user. I can't. I'm sure they are fully aware that many people want that and that it would sell very well. I still think they will do it some day. Who knows, maybe after 7 is released.

AC7 was the only game for which I had considered buying a PS4 and that went out the windows when AC7 was confirmed for PC. But I would totaly buy a PS4 for the HD trilogy

It's made on the Unreal 4 engine, which makes it extremely easy to support the Xbox One. There is little reason for them not to make it on the Xbox One.

Theoretically with Ace Combat 7 done, they could rebuild those games using the tools and modifications they made to the Unreal 4 engine.

Depending on how Ace Combat 7 does, we may just see an HD collection.

It would still be very labor heavy though.

Can't wait to see what Belka has up their sleeve this time

>maybe they saw that the early life of PS3 was pure fucking trash?
An Ace Combat game would have helped make it less trash


No, Microsoft quite literally drowned Namco in money for some early Japanese support for the Xbox 360.

It was to the point where I almost doubt the game would even exist in the first place without Microsoft's investment.


>Flying Excalibur that fires V3's


__________F-22 > SU-47__________

>if you put it on Xbox 360 exclusively, we'll sign off on your Im@s DLC
>and we won't even charge you an authoring fee!


That game was a DLC nightmare. 9/10ths of the multiplayer shit was locked behind expensive DLCs.

>anime skin
Holocaust yourself.


Guilty confession time...

I kinda liked the dogfight mode in Assault Horizon. I know I'm wrong to do so, but I can't help it..!

Then again, I came to the series with AC6 and only later went back and played a friend's copy of AC5, so...

Cariburn > all

Because Microsoft gave them a lot of money for it.

Feels good to have a hacked 360, who cares about multiplayer when you can truck loads of Ace Combat, DOA5 and Forza DLC for free.


0 > 5 = 4 > 3 > 6 > 2 >>>>>>>>> AssWhore > Infinity
Haven't played Air Combat

Is there gonna be a PC release?

Include Assault Horizon Legacy (Plus)


Assault Horizon Legacy was just Ace Combat 3, but on 3DS.

The Dogfight mode could have been better. Rather than it be completely on rails, if you went into almost a mini SHUMP mode where you had full control of positioning and the aiming of the guns, if it wasn't FORCED upon us, and if you couldn't just reverse the direction of the fight with a QTE, it would have actually be an interesting gimmick.

It also would have made competitive PvP viable. Traditionally Ace Combat's PvP is basically unplayable because it's just nothing but turning battles and never being able to hit your opponent. The dogfight mode would have added an interesting "dueling" mechanic.

Sadly it was none of that and was just a worthless addition they forced upon us and ruined the entire pacing of the game with.


Switch to 0=5>4 and it's spot on.

Pretty sure it's a remake of Ace Combat 2, but it still needs to be ranked because it's obviously not a port of a PS1 game.

>Infinity rock bottom
Of course it isnt, you contrarian retard

Air Combat is a fun game

4 = 0 > 5 = 3 > 2 = 3D > 6 >>> Infinity >>>*POWERGAP*>>> Asswhore

Yeah, and xbone too

Wonder what the requirements for PC will be and my R9 380X will handle it

>neptunia poster has shit taste
Wow it's like poetry

F22 > SU-47

4 = 0 > 3 > 5 > X > AH



That's what I thought I saw in the trailers at first. You had to kinda keep behind them and aim your gun or missile sight manually.

That was a fucking amazing first trailer, though.
>that music
>that dogfighting over US soil
>that sweet Blackhawk urban firefight door gunning circa Somaila
>that A-10 brrrrrrrrt-ing through the Russian Navy

>game that is perfect from a gameplay Physics+flight model point of view
>a setting that is a love song to the holy trinity of Ace Combat + AC6
>almost the largest planelist of the series
Of course the f2p bullshit drags it down, but only a braindead monkey will say that AssWhore is better than infinity.
stay mad

post more flight high.

>mfw being told to look at the Project Aces logo at a 45 degree angle

Post favourite Ace Combat moments/quotes

>that point in Ace Combat 5 where everyone starts shitting themselves thinking your squad are actual fucking demons

post only pure and beautiful girls you wouldn't be embarrassed to introduce to your parents


Threadly reminder that the SU-37 is objectively the best planefu.

>Preparations are complete, ready for battle.
>All aircraft, follow Mobius One!

yeah probably the only PS4 game that I'll buy this year

>Everything AC0

But since I only got to play X a couple months ago for the 1st time, Gryphus found a place in my heart
>Defending St. Elva from hue
>have to go REAL FUCKING SLOW because of the fucking neutralizing agent for the nerve gas
>turn slow as well
>Leasath's pilots making fun of my flight skills because of it
>finally get rid of all the gas spots and purge the container
>mfw you can hear the collective bowels of all Leasath pilots emptying themselves when you hit afterburners

Why haven't they done some AC collection. Though the games being exclusive to PS2 and the 1 on 360 probably create the issue. I just want to play the PS2 games again but my ps2 is dead.

They should put the AC games on the PS4 within their PS2 classics section

Why not PC?

easily blue


>hundreds of missiles

*remix of previous boss theme*

*guitar riff continues*

*AWACs alert*

*AWACs alert*

>AC7 is announced
Well fuck looks like I'm gonna have to cave and buy a PS4
>PC version is announced
>lol fuck you PS4

I cant remember which plane and missle it was but I loved using the special missle that would target a bunch of planes at once at the beginning of that mission

Also the infantry comm chatter was great

It's sort of funny, but it's really not fun to fly a long-ass way back to base to get another 4 missiles every 3 minutes..

I've heard the PS2 games emulate pretty decently

so is it gonna be fag shit like assault horizon or whatever

is it really back, Sup Forums?

why don't you guys just play sims?

It's a real Ace Combat user, with a cheesy story set in Strangereal and evetything

It's back

wait their a PC version?

>camera mode that follows launched weapons
Wait, you can do that? How??

What's the premise of this gameplay? Isn't this more arcady than war thunder? Why not just play IL2, DCS or hell even Arma 3 ?

>implying flight sims can stroke your ego the way ace combat games can

fuck off

Because sims don't have
>fun and insane story line
>incredible soundtrack
>great characters
>anything good

>Captcha is a picture of my city

>Why not just play IL2, DCS or hell even Arma 3 ?
Why is playing any of these incompatible with playing more arcadey stuff like Ace Combat?

Stonehenge is still my favorite super weapon, the first mission within its range was great, forcing you to fly below a certain altitude, hearing your buddies getting killed cause they were too high.

its anime planes doing dog fights.
It designed to be fairly arcade-y(fuckloads of missiles, planes can maneuver in ridiculous ways, countermeasures aren't really a thing) , while having some sim-like window dressing(Planes can stall, on higher difficulties, a single missile can take out your plane, uses real plane models, with some concept planes thrown in).

press and hold


It's OP as fuck in AC4 too which makes you feel all the more heroic


It's more arcady but it's combined with a fucking great soundtrack, interesting missions, pretty good story and a world full of lore.

Flight sims don't have you destroying superweapons or doing tunnel runs either.

when will AC impliment chaff/flare

Missiles can't turn like this

I don't think AH is that bad desu

They're confirmed for AC7

>there will never be a tactical shooter based on the ground forces fielded in strangereal

>Altman! Use your hand grenades!

actually, they can these days

MICA and probably 9 X-ray can pull 180 degree turns.

I'm fucking sick of always seeing the F-22 in these trailers, promo screenshots and covers

You don't even have to aim in this game? What's the point of flying the jet if you don't even aim but just turn into general direction?

then you are an omega level fag

And planes can't climb at a 90 degree angle at 2400 kph while gaining speed, but this is not a simulator.