It's ok when Japan does it

>It's ok when Japan does it

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it is a little much in some games

>more variety is a bad thing

>armor change doesn't show up on your character

>I'm ugly so all forms of beauty must be destroyed

You forgot the Dragovian armor.

Good enough for me if it shows up on 'em women.

Japanese has fetishistic reverence toward artists, and character designs, so much so that it is rarely allowed for characters to wear anything but their "iconic" outfits.

Explaining it makes it acceptable.

female shouldn't even be a choice for certain classes anyway

Then why must we exclude male beauty?

Women can do ANYTHING a man can

Fantasy world is fantasy for a reason.
Besides where else am I going to get femdom'd by a knight?

No, actually that's perfect. Blizz pussied out after BC, coincidently coinciding with their games' quality taking a nosedive.

Fetish clubs. Duh.

Sure must suck getting preferred treatment because of tits.

Yeah, it's not fair that women get to have visible armor change.

>there's a whip type weapon
>it's used only be females

When will developers learn? Slut armor is great as long as males get the same treatment.

Everybody wins. Feminists can't complain, and every sex deprived virgin can beat off to the slight reveal of skin.

I want this so badly but this will never be commonplace.

Yep exactly. Now that your question has been answered, please leave this website forever.

It's always okay. I really don't give a fuck.

Yeah honestly I've never cared about slutty female characters, but can there be the option to have realistically protective armor for females, and also I wish there were more sexy male characters. Everyone wins that way.

>Feminists can't complain
Do you actually believe this?

I can always dream.



Does she has a carrot in her vagina?

it's ok when everyone does it

It's OK for anyone to do it.

It's just eye candy for guys, made by guys.


>no visible armor change
Yea this shit is cancer, fucking lazy japs.

>You will never make a game where your team of female adventurers have a variety of bikini armors to choose from

neck yourself

male power fantasy

>not liking tiddy armor

Tactics Elemental?

But only Japan does it?

We shouldn't. More scantily clad and attractive men is good too (but only if the design is aesthetically appealing, same goes for women).

OP's image isn't even armor. Everybody is just wearing clothes.

>mfw I never use alternate palettes in fighting games basically because of this, like I wouldn't quite feel like I was really using the character unless I'm using the canon design
I'm 90% sure that I'm autistic
Love you too bro

It's not the same, females can watch bikini armor females on the screen and no one would care. But if a male watch men in tong armor then everyone will think he's gay, it's not fucking fair.

The default outfit is usually the best designed most the time, anyway.

Is this artist a boy or a girl?

>everyone will think he's gay, it's not fucking fair.
You are

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean, anyway?

I hear feminists throw that word around a lot, but I can't say that I've ever related to relevant characters.

Its pretty much lost all meaning and is nothing more than a smokescreen at this point.