Oh, hi user. You know your sister use to suck my dick real good back in the day

Oh, hi user. You know your sister use to suck my dick real good back in the day

Yawning dogs 2 when

How do your friends taste, Dogeyes?

Never, United Front Games shut down.

>your sister use to suck my dick real good back in the day
Who do you think taught her?

>fedora wearing chink
>having sex
fuck you, ching chong


>Bamham combat
>Police going "YOU'RE GETTING TOO BUDDY-BUDDY WITH THEM YOU'RE ABOUT TO GO OVER THE EDGE" every 2 missions but you never go over the edge

what a shitty game

Yeah I know, did you forget that I'm your brother in-law?

They can still make a sewuel without them

Time to leave.


But user, Square Enix owns the IP. Even if a sequel is made, it's inevitably going to be shit.

How am I wrong? The story was completely retarded at every step.

fuck her anyway, she is 7 years older than me yet she would scream and cry and bite or starch me until I literally bled every time I did anything she disproved off. I had to receive shots because of her.

>fuckin dog eyes

I'll knock you out you know be careful

If the movie goes well, which as a video game movie is a fucking longshot, then renewed interest might revive it at a new studio


>Dog-Eyes, eh?
>You know what we do with dogs around here, don't you?

>starch me until I literally bled

Fuck, user. That's a lot of starch.

Better than being in a game that sucks dick fag


enough to feed all of Ireland during the worst famines

stupid autocorrect and stupid me for not reading properly

At least I didn't get killed by a fat old lady Dogdick

It was pretty intense when you realized how many people wei killed.

Put peanut butter on your dick and let them lick it off?

That's just hong Kong police stories for you

>but you never go over the edge

>he never got to the wedding

You're not phoneposting are you user? If so you better be on the toilet.

>If the movie goes well,
There's a movie?

>never goes over the edge
You fucking what
He literally kidnaps two guys off-the-books and has them cooked into soup

>mfw finding jackie

>Have best Emma in game
>Only appears in a few missions

What a big waste of talent.

ip man gonna play wei sheng


>Damn Wei, an extremely powerful crime lord wants me dead and my continued existence for the next 24 hours is literally the only thing standing between him and total control of the Triad. I think I'm gonna take a walk downtown by myself in some dark alleys.
>Okay see you later Jackie

It was two? I thought the other guy just had to eat it

>jackie so upset
you know how it ends

i was surprisingly upset

>best emma
>weird white asian monster

the girls shouldnt have existed

I think it was implied that Dogeyes is gonna get soup'd too. Been a while since I played it though. Still that's 2 guys violently murdered out of personal revenge.

You admit you suck dick?

The alternative would be having Jackie follow you around for a month till he "feels safe" surely.
Escort mission

But what if the dog is a boy

The wedding got me more than anything because even though there were a lot of hints that Winston was going to die I didn't expect it to go down like that. Pretty cool game.

Ilyana > Not Ping > Sandra > Amy > Tiffany

Mine too

I mean, they were both criminals. It's not like HKPD wouldn't beat the shit out of these guys too.