Why does Zelda keep getting uglier since Twilight Princess?
Why does Zelda keep getting uglier since Twilight Princess?
zelda peaked in twilight princess
nintendo will never make a more aesthetic, well-designed zelda
At least this new Zelda has an ass.
They want to make her less threatening and more generic cute, which actually increases popularity, as it's an easy way to ramp up waifu appeal.
That's not much of an ass at all.
More than other Zeldas.
>Link:dunno what the fuck shes talking about but god dam shes cute
also increases porn
know how much more porn skyward zelda got than TP zelda?
Not really. You really don't see Zelda's ass much because she usually wears a skirt of some kind and doesn't bend over to try and make it look big.
>implying he isn't looking at those mountains in the background and thinking about climbing them.
>*cooks the frog*
Ribbit, nothing personnel kid
OoS/A Zelda WW Zelda > OoT kid Zelda Zelda Musou Zelda > TP Zelda > LttP Zelda > Zelda 1 Zelda > OoT adult Zelda > SS Zelda > BotW Zelda > whatever
As far as cute girls go, they peaked with Malon in OOT, user.
The best Zelda was TP.
>all these people with shit taste
Hyrule Warriors Zelda is objectively the best looking Zelda. You cannot dispute this; it is a concrete fact.
SS zelda is Cute
I feel like her head is just the SLIGHTEST bit too long. Otherwise you're right, user.
>mfw hyrule warriors established my belief in that someone at nintendo has an armpit fetish
Best zelda.
Correct. Also TP Zelda is extremely overrated. Out of the 3D games she is probably the worst looking.
>Not really.
>You really don't see Zelda's ass much because she usually wears a skirt of some kind and doesn't bend over to try and make it look big.
so yes really then, you fucking retard
Marin wannabe.
Spirit Tracks Zelda was the cutest though
I think she hasn't the best personality
Skyward Sword Zelda is pinnacle CUTE.
I think they made her less cute in this one to finally make Link the apex cute. They're not even fucking around in this one. Link might as well be a trap.
Her nose was too big and her mouth looked like shit, but neither of those were specific to her, they were just the general art design for that game and it's unfortunate. If you gave the Hyrule Warriors Zelda Skyward's personality you would literally have the perfect Zelda. Literally.
how do you top perfection?
doesn't get better than tp, just accept it.
TP design looked better in Smash desu. In the actual game TP Zelda wasn't that great.
Spirit Tracks Zelda is best Zelda
>nigger posting
this is getting old
I swear it's like the VA wasn't native british and was standing too far away from the mic or something.
terrible job from a "AAA" (kek) game.
Not him but even in TP she still looked better than SS and BOTW Zelda.
I loved TP, but it had some legit issues. I wonder how viable it would be to cut out midna/wolf link entirely.
or if it would even be worth it. I feel that's the closest to a 3D quintessential zelda that still holds up nicely.
also, making some of the other items more useful (being able to use spinner to travel, clawshots can latch onto anything, etc.) replacing the ost with the zreo version, bumping up the difficulty, and removing the bug hunts, and maybe adding a mechanic or two to make the combat more interesting.
As soon as that camera is off she gonna fuck that little frog
HW Zelda in TP costume is the best.
Nah. TP Zelda is probably the most bland design she had outside of maybe Ocarina and the older games. She looks better in Smash but still not great. SS (especially in artwork) and BotW Zelda both look better.
They absolutely do not look better. They look more cutesy and plain, but TP/Smash Zelda has the best aesthetic.
Nah the note one looks the most like I imagined Zelda to look like back on the 2d days
Fuck you auto correct
Note should be botw
Her outfit is okay but her face is as bland as they come. Her personality is dogshit too but that's another matter.
I think that was the intention.
Exactly which is why this one of the best design
Her face is only 'bland' because it's actually quite attractive, instead of looking like a jew or having giant caterpillar eyebrows. Not every female needs to have some physical defect y'know?
>Great! I'll grab my stuff
All zeldas are cute though
Not sure what you mean
Zeldas seem to have looks inversely proportional to their personality. TP was the worst Zelda (character, not game) so it makes sense she'd be the best looking one. This only applies to Nintendo developed games though so Hyrule Warriors doesn't count.
Best Zelda.
What is she saying?
It kind of applies to HW Zelda actually. She looks really good but there isn't much to her as a character. Also TP Zelda gets a lot of shit, but people forget that unlike most other Zeldas she wasn't the main girl in her game.
Also SS and BOTW Zelda don't look great and their personalities are pretty bland as well. I think it's more an issue with Zelda herself than anything.